February 01, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 68) • Page Image 6
…/dryer, $1650/mo. Drive by first then call. 994-3907. FULLER EAST APARTMENTS 820 Fuller. Extra Ig. 2 bdrm. apts. (1000 square feet). L-shaped bdrm. makes ideal triple. Closets to die for! New fum., carpet, & appl…
…. 1 & 2 bdrm. semi-fum., w/ appl. & prkg. avail. $475-$7751mo., util. incl. 747-6895. NORTHEAST CORNER OF N. Ingalls & E. Ann. Excellent location, close to Medical School & Activities. 4 bdrm. house for…
…, fum.,prkg., dwshr., Idry., quite house. $990 662-7121. COMPUTER RENAISSANCE We buy, sell & trade quality used &new computers & accessories. We pay cash for your computer equipment! Now selling 386s as…
… low as $349, 486s as low as $599. Macs as low as $199. Monitors starting at $69. We warranty what we sell! Colonnade Shopping Center 994-1030. MACINTOSH COMPUTER. Complete system including printer only…