April 01, 2015
(vol. 124, iss. 93)
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…-mails. Subsequently, The Team could be charged with up to 1,602 demerits. Third-year Law student Paige Becker, the University’s elections Access to personal computers is not required, but many recognize…
…’s Computer Showcase website, the University maintains computing sites on both Central and North Campuses equipped with both Macs and PCs for student use. However, the site also advises students “to…
… consider a laptop computer.” E. Royster Harper, vice president for student life, spoke to this contrast in a March interview with The Michigan Daily. “As you can see, in the Unions and every…
… place we can, (we) have computers and computer centers available for students,” she said. “But we know that that’s different from you having your own and being able to have the flexibility of 4…
…:00 in the morning.” Individual school requirements Students in the School of Art & Design are required to obtain a specified computer package, which the school website says they can purchase for…
… Rackham Auditorium to deliver a lecture during his reception of the Golden Apple award on Tuesday evening. The Golden Apple award — which is sponsored by the University of Michigan Hillel and more…
… than 30 other campus organizations and departments — is the only student-nominated award for student teaching. “The Golden Apple Award honors those teachers who consistently treat every lecture…
… as if it were his or her last chance to impart knowledge on their students,” said Business junior Jake Berman, the Golden Apple Committee co-chair. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the…
… award at the University. The Golden Apple Award Committee said they received a record of more than 750 nominations this year, of which 75 were submitted for Strobbe. Recipients of the award are…
… BECKWITH/Daily Dr. Stephen Strobbe, clinical associate professor in the department of health behavior and biological sciences in the School of Nursing and the recipient of the 2015 Golden Apple Award…