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November 17, 2022 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily

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The inherenT,, unrelenting work ethic
spurring Blake Corum's stardom

Even James Corum struggles to put his son’s

success into words.

He’s asked the question all the time: What’s it

like watching Blake? Usually, he shuffles through

a slate of buzzwords, calling it a “blessing,” a

“joy” and a “dream.” Sometimes, though, he

allows himself to think a little deeper.

“At the end of the day, it makes me reflect on

everything that he’s done to get to this point,”

James Corum told The Daily. “He’s put in a lot

of work. People can just hear the story. But I’ve

seen it. To see that from four years old to now, it’s

just, he deserves it.”

That last thought consumes James during

these overwhelming moments of pride. Stand-

ing in the Big House, surrounded by thousands

of fans donning Corum jerseys and cheering for

Blake’s never-ending exploits, watching his son

pilot one of the most domineering programs in

college football, James thinks back to where it

all started.

Blake’s success is borne out of an undeni-

able, unrelenting work ethic. As an elementary

schooler, he performed over 200 push-ups and

200 sit-ups daily in his bedroom. In middle

school, James picked up Blake at the end of the

school day and drove to the high school, that

way Blake could lift with the older kids. In high

school, he’d wake up early to box with his train-

ers before commuting to school.

“I’ve always loved the work,” Blake said on

Oct. 25. “… I’ve always had the hard work and it’s

never left me. I’m always trying to find a way to

outdo someone.”

That mindset was present from a young age.

As a seven year old, a prime opportunity arose

for Blake to push himself. The Breakfast Club, an


Managing Sports Editor

advanced level training camp run by Elite Star

Performance, hosted weekly Saturday morning

workouts. The sessions began with a series of

one-on-ones at 5 a.m., followed by position-spe-

cific training that lasted until 8:30 a.m.

The Corums hail from Marshall, Va. Without

traffic, it’s over an hour drive from Marshall to

The Breakfast Club in Bowie, Md. For Blake to

attend, he would have to wake up at 3:30 a.m.

“I would tell Blake, ‘If you want to go, you

have to wake me up, I’m not gonna wake you

up’,” James said. “If you want it bad enough,

you’ll wake up at 3:30 on Saturdays and you’ll

wake me up. As your Dad, if you wake up, I’ll take

you wherever you want to go.”

James didn’t exactly tell Blake the truth

– come Saturday at 3:30 a.m., he was already

awake. But he needed affirmation; he needed

Blake to actually go and wake him. He needed

Blake to want it. That way he’d know that Blake

was serious about going, serious about working.

“And every Saturday morning, he would come

in,” James remembered. “He would say, ‘Dad,

you up?’ ”

With that, James and Blake would hop in the

car and drive to The Breakfast Club, one of the

preliminary, formative steps in Blake’s football


Blake never overslept. Not once.

That unparalleled drive is the reason why

Blake is the nation’s preeminent running back.

It has propelled him into legitimate Heisman

Trophy conversation, his performances helping

to vault the Wolverines into championship con-

tention for the second year in a row.

Blake’s accomplishments have even pushed

his coaches into uncharted territory. Jim Har-

baugh loathes comparisons – each time he finds

himself walking into one, he regrets it, instant-

ly. Recently, though, something different hap-

pened: after accidentally invoking a comparison,

Harbaugh embraced his slip-up.

“Blake is the best running back I’ve coached

in college,” Harbaugh said, smiling. “… He defi-

nitely has the license and ability to be every bit

as good as Frank Gore.”

Yes, that Frank Gore – arguably Harbaugh’s

all-time favorite player. Harbaugh coached Gore

for four seasons with the 49ers; Gore was a

Pro-Bowler during three of them.

So how did Blake, still in his first season as a

full-time starter, reach that echelon so quickly?

Well, to understand Blake, you need to under-

stand James. You need to understand the lineage

of the Corums, a self-made, industrious family.

James’s grandfather and father each owned a

mason business. In the summer, James accom-

panied them as they built foundations and

chimneys. At a young age, he was especially

influenced by his grandfather, who worked

nine-hour days and then came home to work

some more, tending to his cattle and pigs.

“He was probably one of the hardest working

men ever,” James said. “… I kind of just followed

in their footsteps. I was like, ‘Man, I want to

work.’ It stayed with me. That’s what I was used

to, and that’s what I’m still used to.”

Much like the role models before him, James

works long hours to support his family. He owns

a landscaping business, which he’s operated

since 1996. His wife, Christina, started working

in a restaurant at 14 years old. Together, they

raised four kids.

Following his parents’ lead, Blake wanted to

help out at a young age. Starting at the ripe age

of four, he accompanied James to the shop and

on jobs.

Even when James left Blake at home, Blake’s

work persisted.

“One Saturday, I had to leave early that morn-

ing to move some equipment to graze some

driveways,” James said. “He knew I was at work,

so he sends me this video and he’s out in the yard

with the ladder, doing some footwork drills,

working out. He sends the video, and he says,

‘You work, I work.’ ”

You work, I work. It’s the saying that both

James and Blake live by.

That saying, as much as anything else, cap-

tures who Blake is. It also explains how he

became so dominant.

Chris Forsten – Blake’s first trainer at the

Parisi Speed School in Warrenton, Va. – began

working with Blake at the age of seven. Right

away, Blake stood out above the rest.

“It’s not a normal age where the seven, eight

year old actually wants to be there to train,” For-

sten told The Daily. “The fact that Blake goes

in there and wants to listen, he wants to learn,

he wants to figure it out, he wants to get better,

that’s far from normal.”

Far from normal, but perfectly Blake. Forsten

finds himself having to push most athletes he

works with; that’s his job. But with Blake, the

roles reversed. Forsten was compelled to deliver

a session that pushed Blake to the brink, expand-

ing his capacities.

“Blake Corum decided a long time ago that he

was gonna do something great,” Forsten said.

That decision continues to play out, day after

day. Not once has Blake wavered on it, even

during difficult times.

Two years ago, during the heart of the pan-

demic, Blake would leave his house at 4:30 a.m.

to train with his trainer at 5 a.m. At 2:30 a.m., he

would text James: “I can’t sleep, I’m excited to go

work out.”

“He just loves it,” James said. “He loves to

play on Saturdays, but he loves everything that

comes with it. He loves to work out. He loves to

lift weights. He loves to get better. He loves the

whole process.”

A love responsible for his success.

4 — Thursday, November 17, 2022
The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com



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