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November 04, 2020 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com
14 — Wednesday, November 4, 2020


aoyuan Liu’s suggestion to

compare answers was reject-

ed outright after a difficult

math exam. “Don’t involute yourself,” her

classmates told her. Gaoyuan Liu, an LSA

transfer student who then studied at one

of the most prestigious universities in

China, never felt the ubiquitous presence

of the word “involution” in her and her

peers’ lives as much as she did that day in

the classroom.

The term “involution” was popularized

by Clifford Geertz, an eminent cultural

anthropologist who used it as a descrip-

tion of the agricultural process in which

refinements of wet-rice cultivation led to

more and more intricate labor use, with-

out creating significant progress in other

social sectors such as technology and poli-

tics. The use of the word has unexpected-

ly stepped out of the academic world and

gained prominence among young people

in China in recent years.

In China, this term has been borrowed

to describe the phenomenon where the

competition for social and economic re-

sources is intensified. With more and

more people opting into this game, the

standard of “being average” increases dra-


“The result (of involution) is usually

that everyone puts more efforts to meet

the raised standard, but due to the fixed

amount of available resources, no one in

the competition yields better returns,”

said one of the most up-voted comments

on Zhihu, the “Chinese Quora.”

Involution didn’t make its entry to the

public consciousness until recent years,

though, as Gaoyuan recalled, her past 20

years of life had always been played out

under “the involution rules.”

“Enrollment rates of magnet elementa-

ry, middle and high schools are extremely

low,” Liu said. “Before getting into college,

I have already been trained to coexist with

and succeed in competition.”


15-year-old sister, who is in eighth grade,

Gaoyuan said that there is an obvious in-

tensification in the trend of involution.

She said, “They are already learning and

taking exams that are originally oriented

towards college students … When I was in

middle school, I took two extracurricu-

lar courses or so every weekend, which is

already hectic. Now my sister’s weekend

schedules are fully packed by extracur-

ricular activities — unimaginable.”

For many young people in China, invo-

lution is sometimes an entrenched institu-

tion rather than a personal choice. For ex-

ample, at Gaoyuan’s previous university, it

is a written rule that the number of As as-

signed in every course, including A-s and

A+s, should be manipulated to fall within

a 30-percent quota.

Ting, a student at a first-tier university

in China, questioned the meaning of this

by-design competitive mechanism.

“Higher education should not only be

about getting good grades and building up

resumes. A 4.0 GPA isn’t necessarily in-

dicative of great command of knowledge.

But I can’t resist. I am afraid of falling be-

hind. I feel trapped,” She said.

Biao Xiang, a professor of social an-

thropology at the University of Oxford,

referred to this as “a competition with no

option of failure or withdrawal” in an in-


Behind this endless cycle of anxiety lies

the explosive growth of college degree


In China, the gross tertiary enrollment

rate rose from 3.1% in 1990 and 7.8% in

2000 to 29.7% in 2013, nearly a tenfold ex-

pansion compared to two decades ago.

“In the 1980s, the title of college stu-

dent itself equated the definition of ‘elite.’

Today, higher education becomes another

round of elitism sorting,” pointed out by

Jingjing Xu in an Sanlian Lifeweek article.

“In addition to the scarcity of resourc-

es, the monotonic standard of success is

an important reason,” said Changyuan

Qiu, a junior studying computer science at

the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao

Tong University Joint Institute.

This tendency is not endemic to Chi-

na. Between 2000 and 2014, the number

of students in higher education globally

more than doubled, rising from 100 mil-

lion to 207 million, according to a report

published by the United Nations Educa-

tional, Scientific and Cultural Organi-

zation together with UNESCO Interna-

tional Institute for Educational Planning

and UNESCO GEM Report. In the United

States, the growth is particularly remark-

able. According to the Census Bureau, re-

ported college enrollment has increased

elevenfold since 1940, from 1.5 million to

17.9 million.

Is U.S. higher education confronted

with the same trend of involution? Views

on this question run the gamut. Having

studied at both the University of Michi-

gan and SJTU, Changyuan thinks that the

minimum threshold grading scale com-

monly adopted by American universities

prevents the destructive competition from

happening. Under this system, students

are evaluated based on their own mastery

of the materials, not the comparison with


“At U-M, as long as you get a 93+ overall

score, you are guaranteed an A,” he said.

Fatma Müge Göçek, a professor of so-

ciology and women’s gender studies, at-

tended college from 1975 to 1978 in Istan-

bul, Turkey, came to the U.S. in 1981 and

received her doctorate from Princeton

University in 1988. She asserted that signs

of involution had been witnessed in both

Turkey and the United States in recent de-


“I think it is definitely involution: the

demand for degrees goes up constantly

while the supply of degrees can never

catch up with it, leading the education pie

to be more competitively divided among a

larger number of candidates,” Göçek said.

She warns that despite facing fierce

competition, Generation Y — also known

as Millennials — is likely to be the first

generation in recent American history

that makes substantially less than their


“Findings demonstrate that the U.S.

economic boom in the past is over — mil-

lennials will make 20% less than their par-

ents’ generation, and millennials with a

college degree will make about 40% more

than their less educated counterparts,”

she said. “This result is certainly partial-

ly due to involution, but it is also due to

global competition: other countries have

copied the U.S. economic boom, thereby

taking away larger chunks of business

from the U.S.”

Caught in the middle of overwhelming

competition traps and expected returns

in the gutter, how should college students

navigate education, mental health and

their future? The question demands not

only addressing the idea of involution, but

rethinking how we face it.

How involution
perturbs China’s


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