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March 19, 2020 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily

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Monday, March 19, 2020 - 6
The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

University of Michigan President Mark

Schlissel emailed an announcement at

4:16pm Wednesday, March 11 saying, most

notably, that class would be canceled for

the following two days and would resume

on Monday via online platforms. The novel

coronavirus had stopped time.

We are all experiencing the world in a

dimension that we have never before. All

museums, movie theaters, performance

venues, sporting events, gyms, recreation

centers, spas, casinos, restaurants, bars,

cafes, libraries and coffee shops are closed

indefinitely, until further notice.

This vocabulary has a sense of finality.

Countless store fronts don signage saying

they will be closed indefinitely. I know in

my mind it does not mean forever, but an

unspecified period of time, yet I’m finding

it difficult to see beyond the horizon of this


While it is in the interest of the public

health to close such a sweeping category of

places, the demands of public health and the

demands of cultural well-being are working

at odds with each other. We go to these places

for a sense of community, belonging, identity,

pattern, routine and human interaction.

These demands of cultural well-being make

us feel human. They have been stripped,

until further notice. No social, cultural or

any others gatherings will materialize in the

coming weeks, perhaps months.

We now must approach this new world

in a way that will be productive, rather than

fearful. While our daily lives have been so

holistically interrupted, it is in service of


directives from not only the university

administration and our state Governor

Gretchen Whitmer, but the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention, are to create

space not just between ourselves, but for those

who are more vulnerable, more susceptible to

the virus.

While most of us living in Ann Arbor are

young and healthy, many of us are only one

or two connections away from the vulnerable

population. An aging grandparent. A diabetic.

Someone with lung or heart disease. Being

aware of our personal health and actions

validates that public health is everyone’s

responsibility; how we all choose to behave

impacts all others’ health.

Between caution and panic


Daily Staff Photographer


However we choose to exist in space over

the next few weeks will decide how we will

be allowed to exist for the next many months.

The world is truly very scary right now

and it will continue to be for a while. This is

unprecedented; no one has all the answers we

wish for. Professors must learn new mediums

and techniques previously never necessary,

while students must do the same and are not

expected to be experts at this either. It comes

at a strange time as many are not only trying

to finish the school year, but also their college

careers. Two days after President Schlissel’s

initial announcement, he sent another

deeming all commencement ceremonies


Since we are all facing such extreme

circumstances, it is even more vital we look

out for each other. Not only to slow the spread

of the virus, but to consider the oncoming

economic impact on those who may not be

able to overcome it. The pandemic has already

brought every crack in our systems to light;

homelessness, healthcare, debt, income and

savings, childcare, workers’ rights, to name a

few. The virus is begging to exacerbate every

single one of them.

It is already evident how this virus is

instilling fear and panic in our community.

The panic felt is triggering a need for survival.

Which in turn, is triggering overconsumption

and hoarding of goods such as toilet paper,

isopropyl alcohol, masks, thermometers,

hand sanitizer, gloves and disinfectant wipes.

It felt near apocalyptic as I walked into

Walgreens to photograph the status of the

store and it’s contents. Now as I practice

social distancing, I stay inside my apartment

and look out my window to see lone people

holding a few plastic grocery bags passing

each other like ships in the night.

In the wake of university housing dining

halls offering take-out only, many students

are packing up their things and moving back

to their permanent residences, whether that

is somewhere else in Michigan, the country

or across the world. The infamous blue bins

can now be seen being wheeled down streets,

a whole two months early accompanied by

cars packed to the brim.

Instead of panic, fear, suspicion, and self

interest, we must turn to reason, rationale,

and patience as we adapt to new ways of

existing in this reality. Even though it is an

unsettling, lonely time, take care of yourselves

and take care of each other.

The Ann Arbor Farmers Market remains quiet during times of social isolation and self-quarantine.

Literati Bookstore temporarily closes its doors and sticks to online orders due to the COVID-19 outbreak in Ann

Walgreens experiences a shortage of essentials, such as toilet paper and hand sanitizer, during the COVID-19 pan-
demic in Ann Arbor.

The University of Michigan closes the UMMA, the campus art museum, in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Several stores, restaurants and University of Michigan buildings close in accordance to social distancing to minimize the spread of COVID-19 throughout Ann Arbor.


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