The University of Michigan has an Adderall problem. Some would even call it an epidemic. Despite the University’s increased campaign to recognize mental health on campus, it has failed to address how campus culture fosters the use of Adderall throughout the school. As students become more entrenched in the popular “work hard, play hard” mentality that grips much of the student body, they turn to Adderall to achieve the academic and social success that this campus covets. A recent survey by The Daily found that 24 percent of University students use Adderall, and a 2008 study of 1,800 students found that as much as 81 percent of college students think that Adderall usage is not dangerous at all or only slightly dangerous, despite the fact that the consequences of the illicit use of the drug sit right next to those of cocaine, meth and morphine. However, despite the prevalence of the drug, there is a dearth of University resources to educate or help students that are grappling with its repercussions. To remedy this gap in resources, the University must increase funding for Counseling and Psychological Services and advertise services provided by Addiction Treatment Services through Michigan Medicine. Over 90 percent of students who use Adderall use it for the purpose of concentrating while studying. These students do not realize the potential negative effects of the drug: notably, its high risk of dependency and potentially lethal consequences if used with other drugs and alcohol. With such a large percentage of students using Adderall without a prescription, it is important that the University provides students with addiction help. The presence of Adderall at the University is almost expected. Whether prescribed or non- prescribed, Adderall is a normalized part of campus culture; people try it, use it and depend on it. Though freshmen entrance programs like Haven or AlcoholEdu exist to raise awareness on the dangers of alcohol consumption and addiction, there is no campus-wide campaign that addresses the overwhelming prevalence of Adderall at the University. Consequently, most students don’t know much about the drug, and view it through a destigmatized, distorted lens. Because it is considered customary and is easy to acquire, most students don’t realize the medical, legal and moral implications of taking or selling the drug. Adderall is classified as a Schedule II drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration, which means that it maintains a “high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence.” It ranks higher than drugs like Xanax, which is Schedule IV, and is at an equal level with cocaine, another Schedule II drug. In addition to its addiction level, Adderall can spur painful side effects, from insomnia to paranoia. In an interview with the Daily, one student reported that “if I took it at any acute dose, it would just kind of cause chest discomfort and keep me from sleeping, and I couldn’t get anything done because the chest pain would make me panic.” Along with medical issues, Adderall dealing and use can lead to harsh legal consequences. The length and weight of penalties vary, but according to Michigan law, distribution of Adderall illegally is considered a felony and can lead to serious jail time. Despite this, Adderall dealing doesn’t have the same image as other drug trafficking. On campus, it’s as easy as texting someone in your hall for a pill or two. There are no back- alley deals, and oftentimes, money isn’t even involved. Because it is destigmatized and bred from an intense, competitive school culture, giving someone Adderall may appear to be helpful, not harmful. To some, the need to succeed outweighs the legal risks. Another student interviewed by The Daily reflected on her Adderall use by saying “I never really thought about it as being illegal to be honest … I feel like a lot of people who don’t have ADD (Attention-deficit disorder) are prescribed Adderall and I don’t think it’s like taking a Prozac or something that is so mentally altering … I don’t think of it as, ‘Oh, this is like a drug.’” Many students at the University echo this mentality subliminally, and by forgetting the legal implications of selling Adderall, we only add to its normalization on campus. The perception of Adderall tends to lack the severity that we ascribe to other performance-enhancing drugs. Adderall has proven to improve students’ performance in rote memory forms of learning tasks, especially over several days or longer, acting as a performance enhancer for exams and tests that require intensive memorization. This can be especially impactful in classes in which performance relies on rote learning. When the difference in letter grade is significantly changed by the number of concentrated hours one’s mind can dedicate to memorizing in relation to others in their class, Adderall acts as a medically induced upper hand. The widespread and academically motivated use of Adderall on campus can make it easy to forget what exactly it is: a drug. Much like other drugs aimed at enhancing abilities, whether mental or physical, Adderall presents its users with a moral choice. Adderall’s aid of certain academic abilities is one of its innate qualities, and students at the University should recognize as much. For those who view this issue as inconsequential, this much should be remembered: All students, Adderall users or not, play on the same academic field. Thus, we all feel the tilt brought about by Adderall, whether it pushes us up or down. Though Adderall is commonly used in academic settings, it is also prevalent in the college party scene as a complement to alcohol. The focus of the University’s efforts to curtail dangerous behavior has been mostly targeted toward alcohol. However, the recent increase of mixing the “study drug” with alcohol should provoke concern because of the possibility of dangerous and unpredictable effects. First of all, the University should take care to educate students on the chemical differences between Adderall and alcohol. Adderall, on the one hand, is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that increases the availability of excitatory neurotransmitters in areas of the brain that deal with focus, energy and alertness. On the other hand, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that inhibits the function of excitatory neurotransmitters. The mixing of Adderall and alcohol then has two discernible effects: those in the short term and in the long term. The short-term effects stem from the unpredictable nature of their combination. One minute someone could be within their limit of alcohol intake, and the next they could be suffering from seizures or heart failure as a result of the capricious cocktail of medication plus alcohol. In the long term, a person’s quality of life can suffer from mixed use. A recent study found that simultaneous use of non-medical prescription stimulants and alcohol by undergraduates was associated with low grade point averages, use of other substances and increased alcohol-related consequences. The group at the highest risk for Adderall abuse is college students, and therefore the University has an obligation to educate its student population on the consequences. The consumption of Adderall is not only widespread, but students have also become desensitized to its possible severity. To counteract this trend, a possible addition to the AlcoholEdu program of a freshman seminar on the use of unprescribed medication in academic and recreational settings could be a positive step forward for student safety and security. The Michigan Daily — Fall 2018 — 11C Let’s talk about Adderall A letter to my freshman self Graduating high school, I thought college would be a simple continuation of what I had been doing, but, you know, different. That wasn’t right at all; well, for the most part, anyways. My first semester was through the Summer Bridge Scholars Program and in a way it was like high school. We had predetermined classes at set times and we all got to know each other pretty well. Classes started at 8:30 every morning and there were two lunch periods. Kind of like high school but, you know, different. As I conclude my second year at the University of Michigan, I would like to reflect back on my time here, what has led me up to this point and what I wish I had done differently. If I could write a letter to my high school self, reminiscing on how I screwed up or the times I didn’t know any better, it would probably start with something along the lines of “Dear Me, you have no clue what you’re getting into,” or maybe more like “Dear Dumbass, please try harder.” After that first summer, I was overconfident, unprepared and just straight-up not ready for college. Flash forward to fall semester freshman year and I actually had to pick my own classes (which I had never done before) and basically decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Ambitious as ever, I signed up for the earliest class times and, as a hopeful Engineering transfer, thought it would be a splendid idea to take all the core classes at once (Engineering 100, Chemistry and Calculus). To top it off, I also took the LSA language requirement as I was still an LSA student. I wish someone would have given me a reality check about what college was really like. Being a first-generation student, I wasn’t able to consult my parents in regard to how I was supposed to go about the whole college thing.In high school, I never thought very highly of those who dropped out of college, but I wish I had taken the time to ask why they did. After that fall semester I was seriously considering taking some time off myself. College sucked, man. I have now been able to settle into college and I feel much more confident in my ability to manage the work involved, but if it hadn’t been for the high expectations of my family and friends, I might be flipping burgers for a living right now. I thought I was alone in my situation, but I later found out that this was not the case. In fact, according to the First Generation Foundation, “Nationally, 89 percent of low-income first- generation students leave college within six years without a degree” and, “More than a quarter leave after their first year.” If I could write a letter to myself, knowing what I know now, it would probably look something like this: Dear idiot, dumbass me, First and foremost, you are done with high school. It’s over. Please don’t go out partying if you have homework to do. Yes, even if it’s the weekend and all your friends are going. Stop procrastinating and do not prioritize a social life over school because you are really going to kill my GPA, dude. Second, please take a more manageable course load, especially in your first semester, because you will have me considering dropping out, for goodness sake. And last, but definitely not least, sit down and take some time to think about your future. Plan out what classes you need to take and how you are going to go about taking them. Talk to an advisor if you need to (just do it, man) — they are way smarter than you. Oh, and that schedule thing that you thought you were too good for? Well use it, idiot: it’s so much more helpful than you know. LUCAS DEAN Columnist Confessions of a closeted rosshole It really is a daunting task, deciding your career path at the ripe old age of 18. It has been over a year since I found out I was accepted into the University of Michigan as well as the Ross School of Business. At the time, I remember thinking everyone knew what they were going to study in the fall. Little did I know, that many people will change their minds at least once, if not twice, in college. With so much excitement joining the U-M community, I didn’t realize it came with a whole new platform for college memes. The punchline for a lot of these jokes, however, involves business majors or – as we’re known on campus – Rossholes. I’m what you might refer to as a “closeted” Rosshole. I applied to the Business School without any rhyme or reason and, to my surprise, was accepted. I remember being ecstatic until I realized the reputation that being in Ross carries on this campus. STEM majors scoff at you and you can’t exactly bond with other non-STEM majors because, you know, capitalism. As a freshman with absolutely no idea what the stock market is and an inability to pretend I understood how Wall Street worked, this was particularly confusing to me. What exactly is the stigma surrounding the B.B.A.? What exactly made me a “Rosshole?” Honestly, to truly define what campus deems a Rosshole, you have to go to the meme pages. There, you can find the meaning of Rosshole clear as day. First, you have to be someone who incessantly talks about the fact that they’re in the Business School. Then, obviously, comes the Canada Goose jackets. Can’t be a true Rosshole without it. The overall effect is just a stuck-up person who will end up with some kind of fancy internship – that they may or may not deserve – doing something they don’t particularly understand that will eventually get them a lot of money. Kind of mind- boggling, no? I can totally see why the rest of the school hates business students so much. The building itself screams Rosshole with its namesake, Stephen M. Ross, donating millions of dollars to enhance the already-garish façade on East University Avenue. Meanwhile, across campus, other departments may be struggling to find funding. It is infuriating. It is, wait for it, capitalism. With this mindset, I entered freshman year unwilling to divulge the fact that I was in the Business School, which, let me tell you, was very difficult. The first two questions you get when meeting someone new anywhere on this campus is, “What are you studying?” and, as a freshman, “Where are you living?” Both of these questions posed issues because I was in the Business School and living in Martha Cook. Both of these answers can garner very negative, albeit interesting responses. I learned how to explain away the funny looks I got when I said I lived in the all-girls dorm with a severe reputation by mentioning it’s actually a really nice place to live, but that’s another story for another time. How did I deal with answering the major question? I had a couple of solutions, both of which were equally annoying and equally harder to deal with than if I had just said I was in the Business School. I learned if I asked the question first – bam – I could tailor my answer to whatever they said: “Oh, you’re in Ross? Me too!” or “Not in Ross? Okay then, I am in LSA and undecided.” The whole “LSA and undecided” answer worked really well until I went to go fill out forms or people started to get more curious about my class schedule. The Business School isn’t part of LSA and business students are not undecided because they receive a B.B.A. Super specific, I know. Anyways, I would forget about the whole B.B.A. thing because I was so determined to ignore the fact that I was in the Business School. I’ll admit it, I was ashamed. The first five months of the school year, a long time for a school that gets out in April, were awful. I treaded lightly when I met people, not knowing whether or not being a business student would somehow affect our possible friendship. Spoiler alert: it didn’t. I put so much emphasis on the negative aspect of the fact that I was in Ross that I didn’t look at the bright side. I’m in Ross. Some people would kill to be in my position. I didn’t appreciate that until the middle of winter term. I think it had to do with the fact that I was in denial about not being a STEM major. The people with which I surround myself are all pre-med or some kind of biochemical science major taking organic chemistry their first year while I sat around doing ethics case studies. Both are super interesting, it’s just that, for a long time, I didn’t understand the weight of what I was studying, didn’t think it was as “academic” as, say, doing a chemistry lab. I think one of the biggest reasons I didn’t feel comfortable with my standing in the Business School was that I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Do I want to go into health-care? Do I want to manage a hedge fund? Do I want to somehow do both? These questions continue to plague me, but a business degree is at least start in some kind of direction. So, yeah, maybe I am a Rosshole after all. SAM MOUSIGIAN/Daily Graduate transfer guard Jaaron Simmons has waited his entire life to play in the NCAA Tournament. EMMA CHANG Summer Editorial Page Editor FROM THE DAILY Michigan Daily Editorial Board