Wednesday, March 7, 2018 // The Statement
V I S U A L S T A T E M E N T :
A c r o s s r o a d o f p a s t ,
p r e s e n t a n d f u t u r e
A week before Spring Break, one of the editors at Michigan in Color, Na’kia Channey, reached out to
me spontaneously, “Hey. Would you like to come to D.C. with us to photograph?” “Uh … I guess.”
I was told that the purpose of this trip to D.C. was to explore the forgotten history of marginalized
communities centered in our capital. As part of my job description, I was supposed to photograph
the trip. However, when I strapped on my camera in D.C., I realized I’m not simply a photographer. I,
too, am a person of color. As an Asian immigrant, this matters to me personally. It is important for
us to understand marginalized communities and our histories.
Photos and text by Chun So