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February 07, 2018 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily

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ach year, Michigan in Color
invites graduating editors to
write about their experience

and advice for the incoming cohort.
In honor of MiC’s fourth birthday, we
extended the opportunity to all former
editors to reflect on their time at MiC.
Here’s what they had to say:


Business Senior, MiC


to a space I just
left feels so hard to

this space so much
and after meeting
Rima just the other
day, she brought to
life the beauty of its

conception and reiterated the necessity
of its existence. I felt so fired up after
meeting her and seeing you all — wishing
I was still here celebrating in the joy of
our writers and being present to parse
their pain. I felt the power of this space
as a contributor with its ability to heal
and build resilience. And I felt the
weight of this space as an editor with
the responsibility we have to this space.

Michigan in Color was a space where I

figured myself out. It was a space where
I could unwrap — to let my insecurities
and internalized hate fall away. In just
my short time with this space, I’ve felt
the depth of emotions with my fellow
editors. From protecting our space with
all our might to being on the offense
when our contributors were shown hate,
we’ve fought for each other through our
love for this space. The advice I would
leave you as MiC grows is that as it
thrives, blossoms and sprouts, don’t
forget to tend to the soil. Venture into
the possibilities, but don’t forget that
this space was built on a revolutionary
act. Storytelling is a liberating act of
resistance. To give power, agency to
People of Color is a revolutionary act.

To, Jason, Ashley, Christian, Halimat

and the new cohort — I know that you
all will carry this space forward with
grace and continue to fight for justice.
I am blessed to have contributed to this
space, and I am so grateful for what you

all do.”

Sabrina Bilimoria,

LSA Alum ‘17, MiC





my tongue when it

I’m politically charged, to say the
least, and I’m not afraid to show it.
Growing up, however, I hated politics.
Despite my love of reading, writing
and history, I slugged through the
required government classes in high
school, avoiding the AP options at all
costs. It wasn’t until my senior year of
high school, during President Obama’s
re-election campaign that I took a leap
of faith and willingly enrolled in a
political science class. That campaign,
for me, became distinctly about the
people behind the policies (and the
“binders full of women;” #tbt to GOP
shame of the past). Like a match, my
passion for politics was ignited, I was
sucked in by the presidential debates
and the discussions that followed
among my classmates.

The following year, as a bright-

eyed freshman who has always had a
secret dream of being an investigative
journalist, I joined The Michigan Daily
as a Copy Editor, too scared to trust my
own voice as a writer. Week after week,
I was tasked with fact checking news
and opinion stories; I was intrigued by
the political stories and used them as an
opportunity to learn more about local
government and the facts thrown around
during the popular political debates.
I enjoyed contributing, even ever so
slightly, to these political conversations.
But I became eerily comfortable with
the format of hiding opinions behind
numbers and charts. And while cold
hard calculated facts tell one side of a
story, rich and important narratives are
lost among these generalizations.

I distinctly remember the first time

a Michigan in Color story was sent to
the Copy desk, I had read a few of their
stories before, and as the only person of
color at the desk that evening (and one
of very few on the entire staff), I jumped
on the opportunity to edit the story. It
wasn’t the story itself that stuck with
me, but the way it engaged and evoked
a deeper understanding of the issues it
raised. It was the harmonious marriage
of narrative and political discourse I
never knew I was looking for. I knew
I had to join this incredibly passionate
and inspiring group of people.

My passion for law and policy was

born out of a commitment to humanize
political discourse — to unearth the
stories that have been silenced by years
of denying the rights and humanity of
minorities in this country and abroad.
Michigan in Color fills an important
void that extends beyond the Michigan
campus; it brings to light the lived
experiences behind the often empty
political discussions that have become


climate. MiC plays an integral role in
reversing the whitewashing of history
— and more importantly, herstory.

To the current and future generations

of MiC editors, writers and readers, I urge
you to take ownership of this platform
— don’t be afraid to engage and to share.
As a Zoroastrian Pakistani-American,
I’ve always been more comfortable
starting the deep discussions rather
than contributing to them, and this
was a role I truly enjoyed having as a
MiC editor. My own confusion with my
identity and narrative is something I’m
still trying to work out. My favorite part
of being an editor was helping writers
take even the most barebones of ideas
and helping them craft their story. MiC
is a community where deeply complex
identities and narratives have always
been welcome, where people of color
are allowed to be more than the limited
representations of us that currently
exist. I encourage you to be bolder
than I was, to find your voice in this
community and unapologetically share
your story. This platform is and always
will be here to amplify your voices.”

Alyssa Brandon, LSA Alum ‘17, MiC


“I joined Michigan

in Color in a bit



section of The Daily
in the middle of the
academic year, really
unsure of what was
next for me as a
writer, or what my
next big thing would

be. I was met with an amazing group of
people, Sabrina, Toni, Demario, Ashley
and Christian, who welcomed me with
open arms as one of their own and
helped me find a new sense of direction
and purpose for myself as a writer and

My one semester as a senior editor

for MiC was well spent. We hosted an
amazing open mic event where I was
able to meet and connect with many
wonderful storytellers of color on
campus, some of whom I’m still close
with today. It was a blessing not only
to support communities of color to
share their truths, but also to have the
chance to share my own. Michigan in
Color challenged me and taught me to
be brave and unapologetic, and I haven’t
been the same since.

My cohort of MiC editors also had the

amazing opportunity to interview the

Rev. Jesse Jackson. The reverend drew
on his more than 50 years of experience
in civil rights activism to share with us
his insights on the state of our current
socio-political climate following the
latest presidential election. His words
reminded us of the urgent need for us to
work together to shift the tide of racial
political climate more toward justice,
but also reassured us that we, students
of color, had all we needed to carry on
in our fight for true hope and equity.
I’m filled with gladness to have had the
chance to share that deeply profound
and spiritual experience with my MiC
family when we needed it the most.

My time in MIC was short, but I will

forever be grateful for the opportunity
to serve the students of color at the
University of Michigan and work with
such talented, dynamic, people. To the
new MiC team, you have the privilege
to be a part of a movement that is so
special and will undoubtedly leave a
legacy at the University and beyond.
Cherish this time, it really flies by! Use
this time to branch out, connect with
other communities on campus and learn
empathy, but also use this time to learn
to appreciate and develop the amazing
skills and talents you bring to the table
toward activism and advancing justice.
I’m so proud of the growth and success
MiC has achieved over the past several
months and am so excited to see what it
will achieve in the future.

In solidarity, always and forever!”
Sivanthy Vasanthan, LSA Senior, MiC




the world to me.

MiC gave me the


writing, a form that
I both succeed in and
struggle with. I’ve
had opportunities to
help other People of

Color find their voices and formalize
their truths and lived experiences. In
turn, my time in MiC also made me more
confident in my own writing. Despite
both of my parents having strong talents
and passions for it, writing is something
I was enthusiastic about as a child but
fell out of as I grew older. Being in MiC
pushed my creativity and allowed me
to rediscover my love of reading and

Wednesday, February 7, 2018// The Statement

Pass the MiC


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