Wednesday, October 25, 2017 // The Statement 6B worsens. And in those who are at particular risk, they’ll think, ‘Well, I need to lose more weight,” and it becomes a self-perpetuating spiral downwards of worsen- ing physical condition.” The second group of ath- letes are those engaging in aesthetic sports where per- formance is judged subjec- tively. Dancers, gymnasts and figure skaters are com- mon for this category of sus- ceptibility. “There’s no free-throw percentage or soccer goal being scored. You are per- forming for a judge, and because it’s a performance where all eyes are on you, it increases the self-conscious- ness of appearance and rais- es your risk of developing an eating disorder,” Bravender explained. The third group includes sports that divide its compet- itors into weight classes like wrestling, judo and rowing. According to Bravender, this is a massive issue, in which athletes feel pressured to reduce to their lowest weight for competitive advantage. It wasn’t until multiple tragic deaths of collegiate wres- tlers that the National Col- legiate Athletic Association made regulations in 2012 and has since, not observed any deaths from unhealthy weight cutting practices. However, the tensions around body image and weight remain high among college athletes. The shield- ed nature of the topic makes it particularly hard to speak about in competitive set- tings. “I think it came from the Type A nature that is Michi- gan, that is Michigan sports, that is a Michigan student- athlete. I definitely did not see it across my whole team, and I can only speak from my own experience that it start- ed much earlier for me than rowing,” Carson said. Carson’s sports career started with soccer and then cross-country, until she began rowing at the Univer- sity. “You can usually pick out a rower because they are significantly taller than other athletes and have strong, beautiful shoulders. I wouldn’t say that it was my sport involvement that lead to my desire to fit my desired body image that was smaller than what I was,” she said. “I think for me, it started much earlier. I had already had that mentality and the disordered frame of thinking.” Nulf’s story shared simi- lar elements of disorder and conformity. She traced the beginnings of her abnormal relationship with food to her earlier figure-skating career. “I definitely had skating coaches who made com- ments and put pressure on kids in our skating clubs to look a certain way and be a certain way,” she said. At the beginning of high school, she began cross- country and then dance. With the stress of col- lege auditions for dance programs, the anorexia morphed into something else. “That stress made me snap and I really started binge-eating, but to compen- sate for that, I began bing- ing and purging. It was a one-time thing, then it was a two-time thing, and then a once-a-week thing, until it progressed and progressed to a multiple-times-daily thing,” Nulf said. When thinking about the heightened risk for eating disorders and disordered eating among athletes, I question my own habits. Maybe it’s something in the regimented training that permits this sort of body- mind detachment to occur. I remember thinking my decisions around food were promoting my artistic career and therefore saw no nega- tive consequence in strain- ing my body — in fact, I was proud of my achievements in weight loss. However, the balance between perfor- mance and body image is a constant, underlying current of tension. “It’s a huge regret that I have,” Carson said. “In col- lege, what my body looked like became more important than what my performance looked like. … I wanted to be the best athlete I could, but at that time, the disordered thoughts were stronger than my rational thoughts.” Carson spoke about being clouded by her disordered thoughts that she had con- vinced herself she was aiding her performance. “I kept losing weight through my years, and my physical performance went down with my weight,” she said. “It’s hard for to look back at that time because I was putting my body through so much physical and emotional stress, all for what I now know was want- ing to look a certain way.” As a dancer of 19 years, this performance-versus- body sacrifice is something that resonates deeply. Sonn- eville explained this tug of war as a common pressure among young athletes. “There is a real trade-off, in order to maintain a par- ticular body type for some people is going to require disordered eating,” she said. “People who have a skill and ability in a sport will face a moment in their career that says, in order to maintain this body type, this is a real sacrifice I have to make — I cannot have both things.” Sonneville emphasized the difficulty in this decision, especially when athletes are surrounded by people who praise them for their sport, have parents who have invested time and energy, or even a coach that reinforces unhealthy messages of eat- ing. She urges coaches to cul- tivate a team culture that is a safe space. “A place where people disclose, a place where people are allowed to suffer and struggle,” she said. “I think you have to model vulnerability if you are in a position of authority. Be particularly mindful of who your athletes are, who your students are and what they’re at risk of.” As a former U-M athlete, Carson reiterates the neces- sity for fostering the right environment for students. “Seeing help-seeking as a strength and not a weak- ness — I think that’s some- thing sports struggle with is viewing mental health as a weakness and it’s not,” Car- son said. “At the end of the day, your mental health is more important than your physical performance. But when you’re in the culture of athletics, it doesn’t feel that way. Even when I was in that place, it didn’t feel that way: the team, the team, the team.” However, there is exten- sive work being done to better treat and prevent eating-related disorders among athletes. The NCAA has implemented various eating disorder research and prevention programs like The Female Athlete Body Project — an interac- tive series of verbal, written and behavioral exercises to promote a healthier lifestyle and mindset. Carson stresses the importance of mental health and pushes for annual screenings earlier on in ath- letes’ careers. “I really think the ath- letic department could better serve its athletes by allocat- ing some more funding to this area,” Carson said. “I think that mental health, which includes eating dis- orders, should be a bigger priority. Because without mental health, you can’t be a great student, a great athlete, a great friend, a great team- mate.” The urgency for better prevention and intervention is apparent. Eating disorders are a physical and mental problem in need of attention and appropriate care. It isn’t a diet pill or exercise plan you can unsubscribe to. It’s much more complex. Sometimes I wonder what my body would be like without the scale under the piano and the traumatizing embarrassment of a target weight too far below the actual. I wonder if I wouldn’t have stopped growing and could’ve been taller like my brother. Sometimes I won- der if sacrificing my health for my craft was worth it — and I still don’t have a clear answer. So where do we being? How do we tackle this ill- ness, this stigma, this fine balance between sacrifice and well-being? “I’m hoping we are going towards a more holistic approach to prevention,” Sonneville said. “Right now, there’s a lot of money and research dedicated to obesity prevention and there’s this idea that this has to be dif- ferent from eating disorder prevention. … We are work- ing towards the same goal, but we get stuck in these silos with this messaging that is off-putting to the other field. If we are addressing obesity with the expense of increas- ing weight stigma, body dis- satisfaction and disordered eating, that’s a real prob- lem.” As a researcher, former athlete and subject of disor- dered eating, Carson hopes to see greater efforts into redefining the face of eating disorders. “Eating disorders are not about the size of your body, they’re about your thoughts. I think it’s really good for people to be aware of that — you may have friends and family members who may not look like what you see on a TV show, but it’s really not about your size or your BMI,” Carson said. “It’s about this obsessive thought process around food. I always thought I couldn’t have an eating disorder — I’m not small enough, I’m not thin enough. It’s not about that.” Bravender pushes for eating disorders to be rec- ognized as the medical con- ditions they are. “You can look at that as having a glass of wine with dinner is normal, but if the emphasis becomes so much on the drinking that you become an alcoholic, we treat that as an illness,” he said. “We don’t treat that as just an annoying behavior, there is something wrong that needs specific treatment.” Like addiction, like any mental illness, eating disor- ders and disordered eating should be treated the same way. “The right thing to do is to get treated, just as if you had diabetes or cancer or a broken leg, you’d seek treat- ment,” he said. “And there’s no stigma attached to those other medical issues, why should there be for eating disorders?” BODY IMAGE From Page 5B ALEXIS RANKIN/Daily Public Health professor Kendrin Sonneville and Public Health graduate Traci Carson