Wednesday, October 25, 2017 // The Statement 4B Wednesday, October 25, 2017 // The Statement 5B SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL The balance between performance and body image b y Yo s h i k o I w a i, Deputy Statement Editor “ Forty kilograms,” the ballet instructor announces. Silent agreement among faculty and other students is palpable in the studio, albeit the obvious tension. It’s an easy 4 kilograms below the number where the scale’s needle hovers — a sigh escapes, relief fills my chest. I step off and watch the needle bobble back to zero, a number I will never be. This was my seventh grade. It was routine for me. After four hours of ballet every day, we weighed in and heard our “ideal” weights announced to the class, a public service announcement to spark incentive. A scale was kept under the piano, right by the accompanist’s feet. We were praised when we were under, condemned for every half-pound we were over. No amount of sweat — enough to wring from our leotards — was ever good enough. It was a balance between satis- faction with the reflection in the mirror and having enough fuel in your body to get through the night. It was nothing short of destructive. I kept this mentality with me, through boarding school and part of college after- ward — the pressure to conform, the ever-present desire to be liked by a cho- reographer, a teacher, a coach lingered in the back of my mind. In high school, I listened to my friends purging in the bathrooms, taking laxatives like candy and throwing away food without giving it a second thought. The phases came in and out of my life, as they did for many of my friends in dance. It’s difficult to denounce a lifestyle that has been etched into your brain, diet and outlook on food. It’s con- suming — present at every store, social event, relationship. You never realize how pervasive food is — the way it brings people together, maintains friendships and creates new ones. It wasn’t until college and a pre-med curriculum that I found some peace with my body. Or made efforts to do so. The facts became harder and harder to neglect: anemia, brain defects, infertil- ity, multiorgan failure. It quickly became apparent that the effects were long-last- ing and severe. For the first time, it was real. Over the past few decades, eating dis- orders have been a topic of conversation on college campuses. Universities across the country have dedicated services spe- cifically for eating disorder treatment. The University of Michigan offers help to students battling eating disorders through programs at University Health Services and Counseling and Psychologi- cal Services, along with other smaller organizations and student-run groups like Wolverine Wellness and MBody. Michigan Medicine has a Comprehensive Eating Disorders Program, providing individualized care for patients between 8 and 24 years old. Dr. Terrill Bravender, David S. Rosen Collegiate Professor of Adolescent Medi- cine, is a program physician and section chief of the University’s Comprehen- sive Eating Disorders program. When I interviewed him, Bravender spoke of the college campus as a stimulant of eating disorders. “If you think about it, if you’re at risk for developing eating disorders, college culture is perfect,” he said. “You’ve got rec centers that are open 24 hours a day, you have high emphasis on appearance, you have an opportunity for 24-hour-a- day eating and all of a sudden as a college freshmen, you are responsible for creat- ing your own structure in your life. All of these distractors can make people’s lives feel like they’re spinning out of control.” Despite the prevalence and sever- ity of eating disorders, there are few nationwide studies on the disease within college students. Although surveys on individual campuses and wellness cen- ters have been conducted, there has been a lack of nationwide data on the younger 18-to-24 year-old population in general. It wasn’t until recently that two Univer- sity public health researchers took mat- ters in their own hands. University professors Kendrin Sonn- eville and Sarah Lipson, assistant profes- sors in nutritional sciences and health management and policy respectively, conducted a nationwide study on uni- versity students with eating disorders. Published in 2017, the 9,713-person study aimed to determine risk profiles for eat- ing disorders in a diverse population. The study measured the risks of students from various backgrounds to develop an eating disorder or disordered eating hab- its with the long-term goal of taking pre- ventive measures and improving current treatment. Although eating disorders and dis- ordered eating often result in physi- cal symptoms, the disorder is a mental illness, characterized by an obsessive, unhealthy relationship with food. With the highest mortality rate among mental illness, eating disorders remain an insidi- ous part of American culture. According to DSM-5, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association, there are five categories of eating dis- orders: anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder, feeling or eating disorders not elsewhere classified (FED-NEC), and other eating disorders including body dysmorphic disorder (intrusive, imag- ined or inaccurate perceptions of one’s body image) and orthorexia (the fixation on overly righteous eating habits). Researchers are studying people who do not fit into the strict criteria of the DSM-5, but nonetheless have unhealthy relationships with food. Although these people do not have full-fledged eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, they are characterized as having sub- clinical eating pathology, or “disordered eating,” which can develop into a clini- cal disorder. Disordered eating affects a much larger population in college com- munities and is now being targeted for earlier preventative measures. “If you think about eating disorders like other conditions, it would be like saying, ‘We’re not going to treat you until you have stage 5 cancer.’” Sonneville said. “When you think about it that way, it doesn’t make any sense. There are early symptoms that if not addressed will prog- ress to worse symptoms, and so Sarah and I took a public health approach. We looked at high levels of disordered eating behaviors that are themselves problem- atic, but may actually progress if unad- dressed.” The study sought to observe other potentially influential characteristics like age, degree-level, gender, sexual ori- entation, race and ethnicity, and citizen- ship. After extensive analysis, the two researchers concluded undergraduate student status, non-straight men, and overweight or obese students were at the highest risk for developing an eating dis- order. “There’s been appreciation in my field of public health and descriptive epide- miology about what is the face of eating disorders,” Sonneville said. “There’s this long-standing myth that eating disorders affect skinny, white, affluent girls. … We are seeing it across socioeconomic spec- trum and across racial, ethnic groups. What we’re realizing is that the face of eating disorders — the stereotypical notion of what eating disorders look like — is not true.” Sonneville and Lipson reported a startling 49 percent of female students engaging in binge-eating behaviors and 30 percent in men engaged in these behaviors. Female students were also more likely to engage in compensatory behaviors like food restriction and diet- ing compared to men — 31 percent to 29 percent. “We wanted to get a sense of who is actually struggling and suffering on cam- pus, because unless you understand who is suffering, it’s really hard to understand how you target early intervention, how you target prevention efforts,” Sonnev- ille said. Based on these findings, the two researchers urge universities to take pre- ventative actions by conducting earlier and more regular eating disorder screen- ings. “What we found is that eating disorder pathology is really common on college campuses. We saw even smaller sex dif- ferences than others find — with com- pensatory behaviors like self-induced vomiting and compulsive exercising to be almost the same among males and females in our sample,” Sonneville said. The ever-rising, incessant presence of social media in college culture often perpetuates the existing problem. The risks of exposure to idealized body types through social media is an emerging field of research. Bravender spoke about unrealistic body images being projected through media like Instagram. “When we saw photoshopped or digi- tally altered images 10 years ago, it was because a beauty company or fashion company or diet company was trying to sell us a product. Now, if we see a digital- ly altered image, it might be our friends on social media using filters or other things,” Sonneville said. “It used to be for-profit industries that were trying to propagate this ideal, and now, we’re all trying to do it. That is a totally new phe- nomena in eating disorder risk factors.” Former U-M rower Traci Carson is now a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Public Health. Having personally expe- rience with disordered eating, Carson spoke about the role of social media in her college and graduate school life. “Being somebody that is constantly comparing myself to other people, I have seen how social media can be damag- ing for my own thoughts about food and thoughts about my body,” Carson said. “In the last few months, I’ve made a con- scious effort to make sure that the people I’m seeing on social media are not people who are feeding into my disorder. I will delete or unfollow people as soon as I see anything that triggers me to want to restrict or go exercise more or feel shame about the way that I look.” Shannon Nulf, a School of Music, The- atre & Dance freshman studying dance, echoed Carson’s sentiments. “When there’s a medium that’s usually edited, polished and filtered, I definitely think that plays into a mental self-loath- ing. When you see all of this perfection in social media, that can mess with your head,” Nulf said. She also spoke about the dangers of certain social media. Some contain blogs or accounts acting as instruction manu- als for someone at risk or in the midst of an eating disorder. Nulf spoke about find- ing information on specific social media sites that encouraged unhealthy habits and eating disorders. “When I was in the throes of anorex- ia, I was trying to find other people like me and see what I was doing,” Nulf said. She spoke about using social media sites like Tumblr to see how other people with anorexia were restricting their food intake and cutting weight—She often compared their methods to her own or looked for ideas on how to continue los- ing weight. “There are Tumblrs on how to have an eating disorder. … It was all there for me, it was a resource that I wish I hadn’t had.” Perhaps our next steps may involve using this pervasive medium to reach large groups of people and encourage more constructive ways of thinking about food. Bravender spoke about the dangers of teenagers and young adults viewing social media’s idealized body types as direct messages to them. “If you’re looking at these Instagram feeds of perfection and you believe that that’s speaking to you and telling you how you should be, then it significantly raises your risk for developing an eating disorder,” Bravender said. “If you’re able to push that off to the side and be a savvy media consumer and realize that these perfect images aren’t possible and real- ize they’re just images and just a brand someone is trying to sell you, then that doesn’t confer risk of an eating disorder.” However, social media doesn’t seem to be entirely negative. Nulf and Carson raised similar ideas of filtering content by unfollowing or selectively choosing accounts. Kinesiology freshman Maddie Ross has proactively incorporated social media into her path to recovery, posting on an Instagram account the food she makes. “I started this food Instagram account at the beginning of my recovery because I found other people who were in recov- ery on Instagram,” Ross said. “There are nutrition blogs that focus on intui- tive eating and health at every size. You have to find the positive pockets in social media, because there is so much negative. You have to realize where the negative is and put your blinders on when you see it or get away from it. It’s much easier said than done.” Despite the abundance of these “com- munication” channels for photos and videos, many illness narratives and expe- riences are left untold. Ross spoke about the onset of her anorexia when she was in middle school and high school. “I felt like I had no control over my friendships or anything, but eating was the one place I could control. I thought that I was being healthy,” she said. Nulf’s story followed a similar pattern of downward spiral and loss of control. “It was all rooted in a big, body dys- morphic view I had of myself. Then, it just spiraled and spiraled,” she said. “My hair started falling out and I just wanted to sleep. I started to fight with my friends and parents. I couldn’t sleep. I lost my period — a lot of medical effects.” Students, myself included, are often unaware of exactly how ubiquitous the issue is. For how widespread and lethal the consequences are, the lack of dia- logue on campus is striking. “Eating disorders in general are dis- eases of denial and secrecy,” Sonneville said. “There is shame, there is fear, there are a lot of underlying emotional things for someone who is actively struggling.” Eating disorders, like other mental ill- nesses, generally lack dialogue on cam- pus, there is a smaller subpopulation within the community that is often over- looked: athletes. According to Bravender, there are three types of athletic endeavors that put students at particular susceptibility for developing eating disorders or disor- dered eating. The first group are athletes who may experience an initial improvement in performance from weight loss. These often include cross-country or long-dis- tance runners. “In people who are at risk, there’s a lit- tle click that happens, and thinks, ‘Well if I lose five pounds and I improved a little bit, maybe if I lose 10 pounds I’ll improve more,’ and they try that,” Bravender said. “Of course, there’s a point of diminishing return, and as you lose more weight, your running ALEXIS RANKIN/Daily Maddie Ross ALEXIS RANKIN/Daily See BODY IMAGE, Page 6B