SEPARATION ANXIETY. puzzle by 2 — Tuesday, December 13, 2016 News The Michigan Daily — The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University OF Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily’s office for $2. Subscriptions for September-April are $225 and year long subscriptions are $250. University affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1327 ARTS SECTION SPORTS SECTION ADVERTISING NEWS TIPS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR EDITORIAL PAGE HUSSEIN HAKIM Business Manager 734-418-4115 ext. 1241 SHOHAM GEVA Editor in Chief 734-418-4115 ext. 1251 LAURA SCHINAGLE Managing Editor EMMA KERR Managing News Editor Senior News Editors: Allana Akhtar, Jacqueline Charniga, Emma Kinery, Camy Metwally, Katie Penrod Assistant News Editors: Riyah Basha, Kevin Biglin, Caleb Chadwell, Tim Cohn, Will Feuer, Nisa Khan, Jennifer Meer, Lydia Murray, Caitlin Reedy, Alexa St. John CLAIRE BRYAN and REGAN DETWILER Editorial Page Editors Senior Opinion Editors: Caitlin Heenan, Ben Keller, Anna Polumbo-Levy, Rebecca Tarnopol, Stephanie Trierweiler MAX BULTMAN and JAKE LOURIM Managing Sports Editors KATHLEEN DAVIS and ADAM THEISEN Managing Arts Editors Senior Arts Editors: Caroline Filips, Melina Glusac, Jacob Rich, Ben Rosenstock Arts Beat Editors: Matthew Barnauskas, Christian Kennedy, Rebecca Lerner, Natalie Zak AMANDA ALLEN and GRANT HARDY Managing Photo Editors ANJALI ALANGADEN and FRANCESCA KIELB Managing Design Editors Senior Design Editors: Kaitlyn Beukema, Michelle Phillips, Ava Weiner, Jacob Wellins KARL WILLIAMS Statement Editor Deputy Statement Editor: Nabeel Chollampat Statement Photo Editor: Zoey Holmstrom Statement Lead Designer: Shane Achenbach Statement Creative Director: Emilie Farrugia EMILY CAMPBELL and ALEXIS NOWICKI Managing Copy Editors Senior Copy Editors: Danielle Jackson, Taylor Grandinetti NIVEDITA KARKI Managing Online Editor Senior Web Developers: Dylan Lawton, Bob Lesser LEVIN KIM Managing Video Editor Senior Video Editors: Michael Kessler, Abe Lofy, Emma Winowiecki DEMARIO LONGMIRE and TONI WANG Michigan in Color Editors Senior Michigan in Color Editors: Sabrina Bilimoria, Christian Paneda, Ashley Tjhung MICHAEL SCHRAMM Special Projects Manager EMMA SUTHERLAND Managing Social Media Editor PHOTOGRAPHY SECTION NEWSROOM 734-418-4115 opt. 3 CORRECTIONS Editorial Staff Business Staff ASJA KEPES Sales Manager ANNA HE Special Publications and Events Manager SONIA SHEKAR Digital Marketing Manager EMILY RICHNER National Accounts Manager JULIA SELSKY Local Accounts Manager CLAIRE BUTZ Production and Layout Manager Senior Photo Editors: Zoey Holmstrom, Ryan McLoughlin, Zach Moore Assistant Photo Editors: Claire Abdo, Sinduja Kilaru, Sam Mousigian, Marina Ross, David Song Senior Sports Editors: Betelhem Ashame, Minh Doan, Jacob Gase, Kelly Hall, Ted Janes, Kevin Santo Assistant Sports Editors: Chloe Aubuchon, Laney Byler, Chris Crowder, Sylvanna Gross, Mike Persak, Orion Sang Senior Social Media Editors: Ellie Homant, Carolyn Watson CAMPUS EVENTS & NOTES Performing Arts Showcase WHAT: Performances and multimedia works by music, theatre & dance and performing arts technology students. WHO: School of Music, Theatre & Dance WHEN: 7:30 p.m. WHERE: Earl V. Moore, Chip Davis Technology Studio PICS Orientation and Q&A WHAT: A session for students interested in an international studies minor or major that will cover how to declare and what the program offers. WHO: Program in International Studies WHEN: 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. WHERE: School of Social Work, Room 1644 Trail Run Tuesdays WHAT: Running Fit, Vie and Lululemon are holding a 50 minute fun run workout in Country Farm Park. WHO: Running Fit WHEN: 4:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. WHERE: 3010 Washtenaw Ave Cru Christmas Formal WHAT: A semi-formal dance to celebrate the end of classes and for students to take a study break. Entrance fee is $5. WHO: Michigan Cru WHEN: 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. WHERE: Michigan League Ballroom University Symphony Orchestra and Choir Concert WHAT: A performance of Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms and Mahler’s Symphony no. 2, under the direction of Kenneth Kiesler. WHO: School of Music, Theatre & Dance WHEN: 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Late Night Candy Bar WHAT: Come get a free bag of candy to take with you for a study snack. WHO: Engineering Student Government WHEN: 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. WHERE: Duderstadt Center Memorializing Rebels Lecture WHAT: Jennifer Schaefer, a Weiser postdoctoral fellow, will lecture on memorializing rebels, martyrs and heroes in Argentina from 1966-83. WHO: Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies WHEN: 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. WHERE: School of Social Work, room 1636 Therapy Dogs WHAT: Join CSG’s Student Health and Safety Commission to de-stress with therapy dogs on the last day of classes before finals start. WHO: Central Student Government WHEN: 6 p.m. to p.m. WHERE: Shapiro, Design Lab Tweets Follow @michigandaily Paige Alexis @pcrittenden33 One more day of classes, two finals, and two basketball games until I get to go home Brandon Justice @LandOfJustice Jim Harbaugh isn’t going anywhere. Michigan Students @UMichStudents This kid at the bus stop had his little sled and asked me if I was going sledding too OH HOW I WISH I WAS MY SWEET CHILD OH HOW I WISH Aaron Bills @AaronBDesigns Congratulations to Pep for being named @ LottIMPACTrophy winner. @JabrillPeppers #LeadersAndBest #GoBlue THE MICHIGAN DAILY CL A SS OF 2016 AMELIA CACCHIONE/Daily The senior class of the Michigan Daily. First row: Claire Bryan, Laura Schinagle, Shoham Geva, Emma Kerr, Emma Sutherland, Carolyn Gearig Second Row: Alexis Nowicki, Amanda Allen, Danielle Jackson, Victoria Noble, Nivedita Karki, Emily Plesset, Michael Sugarman, David Song, Allana Akhtar Third Row: Brad Whipple, Kelly Hall, Kathleen Davis, Levin Kim, Alyssa Brandon, Toni Wang, Francesca Kielb, Michael Schramm Fourth Row: Fahd Asan, Max Bultman, Emily Campbell, Lauren Theisen, Demario Longmire, Brandon Carney Fifth Row: Jacob Gase, Jake Lourim, Andrew Zick, Roland Davidson, Jacob Rich, Alex Intner, Ben Rosenstock, Matt Barnauskas support of undocumented students on campus earlier this year. DACA, as explained by the resolution, allows immigrants to “apply for temporary deferrals of deportations and (for) work permits.” “I just wanted to highlight the importance of this resolution,” Schafer said during the November meeting. “I think it’s our job to stand in support of our undocumented students on this campus and reaffirm their place in the University of Michigan and to show that CSG is here for them.” The administration has also focused on several goals from their campaign. Though they haven’t fulfulled their full campaign promise to create a student regent position, the assembly did strive to increase transparency between the student body and the University’s Board of Regents by passing a resolution at its first meeting to reinstate student input into the board’s bylaws in hopes of adding more student perspective to board decisions. In early September, the board voted and passed a bylaw to do so. “That bylaw highlights the importance of student input in University decision making,” Schafer said during the meeting. “To reiterate, let’s not view this bylaw as the final product but rather as a foundation upon which more specific efforts can be built that match the spirit of this bylaw.” Other campaign initiatives that targeted drinking and wellness have also been at least in part fulfilled. At the beginning of the year, CSG started off with plans to reduce alcohol-related incidents on game days by partnering with the Interfraternity Council to create hydration stations. In early September, CSG also hosted its third sober tailgate in five years. LSA sophomore Grant Rivas, CSG’s chief programming officer, said at the time they served 350 pizzas and 1,600 water bottles during the event. CSG also undertook mental health initiatives. In October, the student government sent out a survey to University faculty and students to gauge their perspective of student mental health. In addition, Schafer launched the first- ever mental health taskforce to analyze data from the survey and create initiatives resulting from their research. According to an interview with Schafer, the taskforce is currently still in its research stage. Another prominent but not unusual concern for the body was their debate this semester over a resolution that would have called on the University to divest its investments in several companies that allegedly commit human rights violations against Palestinians. The resolution, brought by Students Allied for Freedom and Equality, failed with 34 to 13. It has been brought to the body unsuccesfully by SAFE multiple times in the past decade. CSG’s failure to pass the resolution prompted frustration from some students, most notably at a walkout on campus that drew more than 1000 students. At the event, some Palestinian students described their frustrations with the student government over the resolution, calling for more solidarity from the body. The question of advocacy versus lobbying was also a major debate in one CSG meeting, in which members discussed passing the resolution to show support for activist Justin Cheong from By All Means Necessary, a national coalition that aims to defend affirmative action, immigrant rights and equality. LSA senior Joey Hansel, CSG student general counsel, expressed concerns about the resolution leading to legal issues. CSG From Page 1 Read more online at