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October 25, 2016 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily

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Tuesday, October 25, 2016 // FACEOFF 2016


Motte, Compher and Connor

didn’t just pace Michigan on
offense last year. They became one
of the most prolific lines in college

All three players are gone now,

leaving a young team to try to
replace them.

One member of that young

team is freshman forward Will

was a part of Michigan coach
Red Berenson’s first four year-
class and scored a total of 69 goals
throughout his career — and so
far, it looks like his son is living up
to the family legacy.

Lockwood — a former member

of the United States National

with current teammate Luke
Martin — has already notched
three goals and three assists this
season and has been a consistent
name on the first line. Off the
stat sheet, he’s known for being
speedy on the ice and it looks as if
he is acclimating well to the pace
of college hockey.



Thunder of the United States
Hockey League, forward Jake
Slaker had a record of 21 goals and
21 assists in 57 games. So far this
year, he’s matched Lockwood’s
total of three assists and three
goals and has been a consistent
name on the first line.

And then there’s senior captain

Alex Kile, and though he’s only
scored a single goal so far this
season, he has been a constant
presence on the ice. And his
experience from the previous
season, when he scored 16 goals

and recorded 18 assists, puts him
in good position for the team to
lean on.

Freshman James Sanchez has

recorded two goals in a single
game in the shutout against
Union and looks to be solid as
well, generally sitting on the
second or third line with two
senior forwards, Evan Allen and
Max Shuart. Shuart has scored
a single goal this season, but has
capitalized on opportunities for

Sophomore Brendan Warren

and juniors Dexter Dancs and
Tony Calderone have also made
offensive contributions so far this



significant losses on defense,

Zach Werenski turning pro. But

a few new defensive recruits in
addition to the returning class
offer an optimistic look for the

Nolan De Jong is highlighting

the returning class, and has
taken on a captain position for
the season. De Jong led the
defense last season, playing in
every game and leading all Big
Ten defensemen. As one of the
captains of the team this year, he’s
been a significant factor in the
success of the younger team.

Junior defenseman Sam Piazza

is one of the top returners this
season as well. In the past five
games, he has scored three goals
and tallied two assists, a clear
indicator he is attempting to fill
the void left behind from last
year’s top scorers.

Juniors Cutler Martin and Niko

Porikos have also each scored
a goal, and sophomore Joseph
Cecconi tallied an assist.


Luce and Luke Martin are all
newcomers for the defense.

With strong returners leading

the defense, the freshmen have a
good opportunity to learn what
they need to in order to help
fill the shoes of Werenski and


Overall, Michigan has a lot of

potential to work with. Despite
the abundance of fresh faces,
many of the freshmen have
earned their place on the roster.
The team has some kinks it needs
to work out after getting outshot
in each of its first five games.
But with a few more weeks
before conference play begins,
the Wolverines have a little bit
of time to find the chemistry
they need to capitalize on their
individual talents.


Freshman forward Will Lockwood has been tasked with picking up some of the scoring load on Michigan’s first line after forwards Tyler Motte, JT Compher and Kyle Connor each went to the NHL after last season.

From Page 7B

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