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August 04, 2016 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily

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Thursday, August 4, 2016
The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

Harbaugh, ‘M’ unveil jerseys


Summer Managing Sports Editor

DETROIT — At midnight Sunday,

Michigan’s new apparel contract
with Nike began, culminating in a
release event that took place in Ann

Tuesday, the festivities continued

— albeit on a smaller scale — when
Nike and Jordan Brand revealed the
new Michigan football jerseys with
a private presentation at the Ford
Piquette Avenue Plant in Detroit.

It was just another step in the

beginning of a new era of Michigan

The event began with Michigan

alum Dana Jacobson, a sports
anchorwoman at CBS, addressing
the crowd before handing the mic
off to several other speakers.


together has created something
powerful,” said Larry Miller, the
president of Jordan Brand. “What
started as a phone call between

Harbaugh has come to fruition


Warde Manuel also attended the
event and praised Nike as the “best
apparel company (and) a leader in
the nation.”

“The Jordan Brand continues the

legacy of Michael Jordan,” Manuel
said. “But Michael builds his legacy
off the same qualities that we have
here at the University of Michigan.

and we are excited to be the first
football team in the country to wear
the Jumpman on the field.”

Following Manuel’s comments,

Jacobson led the group into a room
containing several display cases of
new Michigan Nike outfits — and
also former Michigan Heisman
Trophy winner Charles Woodson,
one of the special guests on hand for
the jersey unveiling.

“When you think about Michael

Jordan (and) Jumpman, you think
about excellence,” Woodson said.
“You think about the University of
Michigan as a university and as a
sports team, and you think about
excellence. It goes back to a long
time ago, way before me and you.

“I feel like right now we have our

swagger back. It’s all about looking
good and feeling good. That’s what
that Jumpman on our jersey means
to us.”

Later, head coach Jim Harbaugh

— who attended the event dressed
in apparel that he had helped
design himself — explained the
backstory of how Michigan and
Nike’s partnership came to be
as Michigan’s new jerseys were
revealed to those in attendance.

Harbaugh detailed how his son

Jay, the tight ends and assistant
special teams coach, approached
him and suggested that Michigan
“should be Jordan.”

Then, Harbaugh got a call from

Michael Jordan himself — someone
who Harbaugh described as “one of
the most evolved human beings in
the world.”



Michigan to be the first and only
football program in the world to
carry the Jumpman logo — and

Harbaugh was all-in.

“I said, ‘You had me at hello,’ ”

Harbaugh said of the conversation
between him and Jordan. “We’ve
been working for this for a very
long time. The other thing that
(Jordan) said that I thought was
profound was that, ‘You know what
Nike means to Oregon (and) you
know what Oregon means to Nike.
Michigan can mean that to Jordan.’
And that I thought was powerful,
that I thought was very profound.

“(The conversation) was about

the team. (Jordan) respects the
University of Michigan. He respects
his own school, North Carolina.
He’s very fond and talks about that
as well. But I could feel that he
respected Michigan. He respected
the fact that we are pouring our

Michigan football great. That was
a compliment on the highest level.”

The jerseys themselves don’t look

much different from those worn
last year in Harbaugh’s first season
as coach. The main difference is
the presence of the Jumpman logo
above the number and a matte
finish on the helmets.

But much of the design is the

same, and that’s apparently the way
Harbaugh wanted things — though
he left open the possibility of future

“We’re not going to change the

uniform design at this time, but
I stand open to (Nike and Jordan
Brand’s) ideas,” Harbaugh said.
“Some people just think of things
better than other people do. They
obviously do a tremendous job at
the highest level.”

A fitting marriage


Summer Managing Sports Editor

The fans started showing up at

8:20 — in the morning.

They trickled in as the day went

on, setting up lawn chairs and
gobbling burritos from the Chipotle
next door.

And as the sun set in Ann Arbor,

the line only grew bigger as fans
eagerly awaited The M Den’s
release of brand new Michigan Nike
products. At midnight, the school
officially began its new contract
with the apparel giant and severed
ties with Adidas.

When the intersection at Liberty

was blocked off, State street was
flooded by hundreds of people —
some there to buy the newest gear,
the rest there simply to take it all in.
But at what point could things have
been considered to be over the top?

It could’ve been when a stage

more apt to be seen at a music
concert was set up across the store.

It could’ve been when members

of the marching band, dance,
basketball and football teams all
arrived to entertain the crowd.

And it most certainly could’ve

been when Michigan head coach

transformed the once docile crowd
into a writhing mass of outstretched
hands, pleading for the head man to
pay attention to them with cries of,
“Jim! Jim!”

Though Harbaugh would later

climb upon the stage and tell the
crowd that the rally was unlike
anything he’d ever seen in his life,
he seemed at home Sunday night.
If anything, he delighted in the
attention, at one point walking
straight through the crowd and
slapping five with as many hands as
he physically could.


Michigan, the switch to Nike and
Jordan Brand and all its surrounding
hoopla is only representative of the
change that Harbaugh has brought
to the football team in the short time
he has been here.

For a team that was once missing

— for lack of a better term — swag,
Harbaugh and his Wolverines have
certainly gotten their swagger back

It was just two years ago when

Michigan’s former head coach
Brady Hoke publicly apologized
after a humiliating 35-11 beatdown
at the hands of rival Michigan State
for “poor sportsmanship” — former
linebacker Joe Bolden had run

out onto Spartan Stadium before
the game and driven a tent stake
through the middle of the field in
a brazen act meant to inspire his


Harbaugh apologizing for anything
at all?

In just a year and a half, he has

drawn criticism from what feels like
most of the college football world —
for both his antics on the field and
off of it.

He has led a march through the

South in both offseasons, holding
satellite camps in the backyards of
his SEC counterparts and, when
challenged by those same SEC
coaches (and even the NCAA), he
has taken shots at his criticizers on
Twitter — something Nick Saban
and ‘The Georgia Coach’ can tell
you about.

His football team has only

followed suit. Last season, Michigan
bounced back from a total of five
victories in Hoke’s final year to win
10 games, and the Wolverines ended
the season with a 41-7 romp over a
highly-rated SEC team. This year,
with most contributors returning,
they appeared poised to compete
for a spot in the College Football

And what better way for Michigan

to show off its new demeanor than
with Nike, the flashiest and most
popular apparel brand?

If Adidas and its sometimes

tacky, alternative jersey designs
represented the Michigan of old,
Nike and Jordan Brand represent
Harbaugh’s Michigan.

In your face, with a bright


‘amarillo.’ Proud and unafraid to
show it, with a large block M and
the famous Jumpman logo printed
everywhere and on everything.

Everyone knows the swoosh

when they see it — just like how


watching the coach mean mug his
way through a music video or by
watching the Wolverines fight their
way through the Big Ten.

Has it been mentioned yet that

Michigan will be the first team to
ever wear the Jordan Brand logo
onto the gridiron? And that Michael
Jordan himself will be there at
Michigan Stadium as an honorary
captain in the matchup against
Hawaii on Sept. 3?

And if that seems over the top at

all, at this point — after this night —
it shouldn’t.


Jim Harbaugh was in attendance at Nike and Jordan Brand’s reveal of Michigan’s new football jerseys.

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