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January 20, 2016 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016 // The Statement
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 // The Statement


Daily Arts Writer

Editor’s Note: While some communities prefer disability first-

language (“disabled person”), others prefer person first-language
(person with disabilities). Terminology in this article is adapted to specific
communities’s preferences. When referring to disabilities in general, the person
first-language and disability first-language are used interchangeably.

There’s a reason why Michigan refers to its second term as winter semester instead

of spring, unlike most other colleges in the nation. From the New Year to the beginning
of April, the roads and sidewalks of the city and on campus are both often obstructed with
unplowed snow and unsalted ice.

Navigating the 780-square acre campus by foot is already difficult enough for the able-bodied

individual. For physically disabled students, or 5.7 percent of the student body, the neglect to shovel
makes ramps slick, entries circuitous and commutes more dangerous.

As I trudged 20 minutes from my home on South Campus to the Services for Students with Disabilities

(SSD) office in Haven Hall, I was already in a position of privilege with a body I take for granted.

I sat down with SSD Director Dr. Stuart Segal, who also received his clinical psychology doctorate at the Univer-

sity about 40 years ago.

SSD’s primary mission is to fulfill academic accommodations meant to mitigate discrimination of disabilities in the

classroom. Equity is the goal.

“Extended time is our number one accommodation,” Segal explained. “This is an incredibly competitive school. By

allowing (disabled students) to demonstrate what they know, the idea is that we’re leveling the playing field.”

In his 23 years coordinating the program, Segal proudly said SSD successfully advocated for 63,000 accommodations

last year — from extended time to interpreters for the deaf to special wheelchair access. Not a single one was denied.

The catch is, though, that students must register and request these accommodations themselves. This raises issues of

self-identification, stigma and awareness.

Segal summed it up: “(Disabilities are) an area of progress — just not as much progress as we’d like to see.”

The ADA:

The Americans with Disabilities Act celebrated its 25-year

anniversary last July. The bill, enacted by the U.S. Congress
under President George H. W. Bush in 1990 and amended by
George W. Bush in 2009, protects individuals with medical
conditions — mental and physical, temporary and chronic,
severe and mild — against discrimination. The law universally
requires employers and institutions, including schools, to pro-
vide public accommodations for disabled people.

Currently, the University is interviewing new candidates

for its ADA coordinator position, as current director Carole
Dubritsky will retire after the winter semester.

“The Americans with Disabilities Act has been a wonderful

way of opening the University to many more people,” said Prof.
Petra Kuppers. “But at the same time, the ADA is constantly
undercut; it’s constantly being taken back or not being enforced
in appropriate ways by local council.”

Kuppers, who operates in a wheelchair, chairs the Univer-

sity’s disability studies program, a field that didn’t exist when
she began her higher education around 20 years ago.

After a decade at the University, she said the University was

doing an OK job being ADA accessible.

“I might be able to get everywhere, but I might have a very

complicated route,” Kuppers noted.

The bare minimum:

As a large public institution, the University definitely feels

greater pressure to enforce ADA requirements, though often at

the most minimal staffing level.

According to the 2014-2015 SSD Annual Report, the Univer-

sity admitted 727 new students with disabilities last year — an
increase of almost 10 percent from the year prior, as well as a
record high in SSD’s 41-year history. The current total of 2,474
students registered with SSD has more than doubled over the
past five years.

This increase of student diversity is tremendous progress. In

fact, compared to all 15 schools in the Big Ten and CIC (Council
for Independent Colleges), Michigan serves the most students
with disabilities. Yet, of the 15, Michigan also employs the least
number of specialist faculty members, a disappointing total
of seven — just under the legal staff minimum for disabilities

In short, the University has the least number of people to

help the largest group of people who need the help.

Why is this? Simply an issue of timing:

Segal speculated that in the past, Big 10 colleges with lower

admissions criteria housed the larger disabilities offices. For
example, the Ohio State University’s open admissions policy,
which they no longer implement, attracted and amassed more
disabled students earlier than Michigan did.

Now though, OSU’s disabled student body comprises 3.1

percent of their total student population, 2.6 percent less than
disabled enrollment on Michigan’s campus. Nevertheless,
even with fewer students, OSU has developed its resources for
decades longer than the University.

“Historically, as a lot more students with disabilities were

going into these other less exclusive schools — Michigan State,
Wisconsin, Minnesota — it was during an economic time (the
’80s and the ’90s) where there was more money to put resourc-
es toward (disabilities offices),” Segal explained.

The surge in Michigan’s SSD student enrollment necessitat-

ed new developments only over the past five years. Since then,
disability registration has doubled as the SSD budget has been
nearly halved. From $32,000 eight years ago, the SSD now must
operate on $18,000.

While budget cuts do not in any way affect ADA accommo-

dation requests (the office for student life and the Provost’s
office cover all extra costs to uphold the law), they do hinder
SSD’s outreach potential.

“I believe there are still many more students out there who

should be registered, but they don’t know we exist,” Segal said,
citing the restriction of outreach as SSD’s predominant prob-

His solution: “We can do a better job frontloading. Students

and parents need to know from the very beginning that we’re

Simple, right? Unfortunately, consistent funding cuts are

what limit solutions like frontloading.

“(Monetarily), when I have to make a decision between an

accommodation and a program for awareness, well, it’s the pro-
gram for awareness that’s not going to happen.”

And we’re back where we began.

Navigating campus with physical disabilities:

Retrofitting campus buildings:

During her 12-year presidency, completed in 2014, Mary

Sue Coleman helmed over 1,830 projects affecting 313 campus
buildings, a tab of just under $5 billion. Her Residential Life
Initiative alone cost the University $626 million.

Positively, renovations such as East Quad and North Quad

have modernized the historic dorms to be more accessible than
ever before. On the other hand, buildings constructed prior to
the ADA’s passage rarely considered codes of accessibility, and
they still dot the campus.

West Quad, originally erected in 1937, had serious accessibil-

ity issues long before its $114.5 million renovation, finished this
past fall.

“The University probably could’ve done something about it

at the cost of several million dollars,” Segal admitted. “But A:
was there several million dollars to give to such a project? And
B: given that the master plan was to rehab the building in a few
years, it didn’t make sense to do something that would be natu-
rally done in the course of the rehab.”

For the Hatcher Graduate Library, last reconstructed in

1920, the iron-ground foundation is especially difficult to ret-
rofit. English prof. Melanie Yergeau, who specializes in digital
disabilities communities, called this a “design apartheid.”

“In (retrofitting buildings), accessibility is seen as aestheti-

cally this ugly kind of thing, so ramps and accessible entrances
tend to be cloistered toward the back or side,” Yergeau said.
“Then, the elevator might be all the way down the hall, then
once you get up there, you have to navigate these labyrinth-ian
hallways to get where you need.”

Ironically, her own office is tucked away in a closed corridor

of the English department, where the lack of a handicap but-
ton requires one to circle around the narrow halls to the other
side’s entrance.

Social alienation:

Issues with physical access create social impediment, as

well. Prof. Kuppers cited the irony behind University-spon-
sored events and conferences at inaccessible venues, such as
Sava’s restaurant where the handicap bathroom is blocked, and
The Espresso Bar, on Literati’s second floor with no elevator.

“Can you imagine being a student and you can’t do the hang-

out side of things?” Kuppers said. “It’s not just about the thing
being accessible, but it’s about being socially and culturally
connected, and that’s really hard to do if some of the support
structures are not accessible.”

Navigating campus with mental disabilities:

Mental disabilities encompass anything related to the brain,

including learning, psychiatric, intellectual and developmental
impairments. Examples range from autism to attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder — as well as mental health conditions,
such as depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, and
chronic illnesses, such as Crohn’s disease or multiple sclerosis.

“A big part of the problem is that students come in and don’t

realize that mental health issues are technically considered a
disability which are all protected under the ADA,” Segal said.

Invisible disabilities:

Physical disabilities (such as visual, auditory or mobility

disabilities) comprise only seven percent of all SSD registered
students and are almost always visually apparent, whereas
‘invisible disabilities’ make up more than 80 percent. Learning
disabilities are the most commonly registered across campus,
followed by mental health and chronic health conditions. The
most prevalent among learning differences include ADHD and
autism spectrum disorder/Aspergers.

Yergeau personally identifies on the autistic spectrum, but

she noted, “nobody would know that unless they Googled me
… Sometimes people can pass; (disability) is a huge part of
their lives, but it’s not always the part of life that people readily


College campuses — essentially, pools of highly intellectual

individuals — are especially difficult climates to disclose any
type of disability, especially invisible ones.

“This problem of stigma is not unique to Michigan. I just

think people really keenly feel it here because it’s a really pres-
tigious university, so to say that you have a disability, it makes
you very vulnerable,” Yergeau said.

As a consequence, many students neglect to request accom-

modations even though they need them.


For disabled individuals, the problem of ignorance sur-

rounds lack of awareness to SSD’s existence and the accom-
modations available. For nondisabled students, ignorance often
causes well-intentioned charity groups whose missions run
counter to the disabled people they serve.

For example, the autistic community has long struggled to

boycott Autism Speaks, arguing that the organization, while
seemingly well meaning, actually promotes the eradication of
autistic people and suggests backwards cures. Both the foun-
dation and its college chapters don’t include any autistic voices

Yergeau understands how hurtful the group can be on cam-

puses, but she said the well-meaning students simply don’t rec-
ognize the true motives of the organization.

“I’d like to see people being more open to conversation,” she

suggested as a potential solution. “Autistic people constitute
1 to 2 percent of this campus … (so it’s important to) defer to
autistic students, staff, faculty in conversations pertaining to

The solution?

Finding community:

Segal, Kuppers and Yergeau all mentioned community as a

way to mitigate ignorance and galvanize advocacy. One glance
at Kuppers’s cluttered bulletin board demonstrates how vibrant
the disabilities community really is. Each October marks a
month of disability workshops and panels where both disabled
and able-bodied students may join the conversation. Upcoming
events include a wheelchair basketball game at Crisler Center;
the Disability Culture Salon visual arts showcase in late Janu-
ary; Crip Futurities conference in early February — and too
many more events to note. Later this semester, SSD will host its
41st Anniversary All-Day Conference.

“Often, when people talk about disabilities, it’s always either

how do fix them or fix the problem medically,” Yergeau said.
“Even accommodations can have that kind of focus.”

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and the

Active Minds student group certainly offer numerous support
services for mental health, but students who newly develop
conditions like depression during college have varying comfort
levels with treatment.

“It’s hard to think about (community) in terms of depres-

sion because often people’s experiences are so overwhelmingly
bad,” Yergeau said, “but I think that people do want to be in
community with people who are having the same experiences
and not always in the context of a support or therapy group.”

Another integral community is The University of Michigan

Initiative on Disability Studies. UMInDs began as an inter-
disciplinary collaborative between grad students and staff, of
which Prof. Tobin Siebers, who passed away last year, devot-
edly chaired. Funded by LSA, Rackham Graduate School and
the offices of the Provost and Vice President for Research,
UMInDS offers formal graduate-level classes as well as work-
shops and seminars.

“UMInDs is more culturally focused,” Yergeau said, address-

ing how UMInDs veers away from medical perspectives of dis-
ability. “What does it mean to have a disability culture? How do
we generate a network of support? Thinking about diversity on
campus socially, narratively.”

Disability as Diversity:

At a leadership breakfast last February, University Presi-

dent Mark Schlissel launched a campus-wide conversation to
improve diversity — an initiative he would continually update
throughout 2015. Major themes in his strategic diversity plan
included creating scholarships to increase economic diversity
and aiming to hire more racial minority staff to boost ethnic
diversity. The disabled community wasn’t specifically encom-
passed in diversity.

Anna Schnitzner, the coordinator of the Council for Disabil-

ity Concerns and the disability issues informationist at Taub-
man Health Sciences Library, has worked on campus since
the ’60s. She hopes to see disabilities further integrated into
Schlissel’s “ground-breaking” campaign.

“Before, disability was not recognized under the umbrella of

diversity along with race and gender and sexual orientation,”
she recalled from her half a century on campus. “We have not
concentrated on real diversity — for everybody. And what could
be more diverse than disability?”

Yergeau agreed. “When people encounter disability, espe-

cially something like learning disability, the tendency is to
think ‘I don’t know if this student can make it here’ rather than
to think ‘wow, this will add such a great dimension’ to diver-
sity,” she said.

In addition to growth in disabled student counts, interview-

ees indicated the need for neurodiversity among staff, such as
Yergeau and Kuppers, as well.

“I would love to have more faculty with disabilities, but at the

same time I would love to have more support systems in place
to ensure that they can succeed in this environment,” Kuppers
said. “They include thinking about access but also adjusting.”

Ultimately, progress is slow and often frustrating, but prog-

ress is evident. Progress is possible.





Photos by Zoey Holmstrom/Daily

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