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May 28, 2015 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily

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safety the Sierra Club and Clean
Water Action created with several
Michigan Representatives, includ-
ing Jeff Irwin (D–Ann Arbor). He
said he is hopeful for future invest-
ment in renewable resources that
will help mitigate the dependence
on oil.

“We know that we can do more

to protect our air and water by
investing in renewable energy
technology,” Clark said as the pro-
testers cheered, “and so we need
more investments like that in the
state of Michigan.”

Kaucheck emphasized that an

oil spill affects more areas than
the environment and discussed the
effects a spill would have on public
health. Sprag talked about how an
oil spill would impact the economy.

“A spill here puts longstand-

ing economies at risk. It puts the
economy we share together at risk.
It puts this great part of the world,
with 20 percent of the world’s
freshwater, at risk,” Sprag said.
“We do not need oil cleanup jobs,
we do not need respiratory special-
ist jobs at the hospital, we need jobs
to pull out that pipeline. We need to
rethink our economy. We need to
get this thing back on track.”

At 3 p.m., the protesters all

called Snyder’s office with their
grievances in an effort to overflow
his phone lines.

U.S. Sen. Gary Peters (D–Mich.)

did not attend the protest but heard
of it while at the Policy Conference
on Mackinac Island. Peters, who
sits on the Senate Commerce Com-
mittee, which oversees the federal
agency that oversees pipelines, said
he sympathizes with the protesters


Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com NEWS

Poll finds implications on child mental health

Mott’s survey

finds 60 percent of
parents fail to report

severe emotional

behavior in children


Daily Staff Reporter

For years, there has been a

stigma associated with behav-
ioral and emotional issues such
as temper tantrums, anxiety,
homework trouble and attention
deficit. In particular, parents

sometimes are reluctant to dis-
cuss these issues with medical
personnel when their children
exhibit such behaviors. A new
University poll confirms this
reality, and sheds light on its



Poll on Children’s Health found
that many parents of children
ages five to 17 fail to notify doc-
tors when their children exhibit
severe emotional behaviors.

Sixty percent of parents who

were polled stated they would
only speak to a doctor if their
child was extremely sad for
more than a month — which

is an indicator of depression.
However, only half said they
would contact doctors if their
child was showing excessive
temper tantrums or was more
worried or anxious than usual.
Moreover, only 37 percent said
they would tell their doctor if
their child had trouble organiz-
ing homework.


sor of pediatrics and internal
medicine, directed the poll and
said parents sometimes don’t
bring awareness to these issues
because they think doctors can’t
help. He said doctors are indeed
able to help and that more par-
ents need to realize this.

“Although some parents may

not see their child’s medical
doctor as a source of advice or
information about behavioral
health, it turns out that many
pediatricians and family physi-
cians are very ready and willing
to help out,” he said.

Other common reasons par-

ents cited were that they did
not believe these problems were
“medical,” and they would rath-
er handle the issues themselves.


research scientist in the Depart-
ment of Pediatrics and an asso-
ciate director of the poll, said
parents should learn from this

“Parents need to think about

two situations to explain to
the doctor when we are talk-
ing about the behavioral and
emotional health of their child:
When something is out of the
ordinary for the child him/her-
self, and when the child is out of
step with his or her peers,” she

Clark said doctors should

learn as well.

“Doctors need to create a

space and cues that indicate to
parents that these are issues
that they can tell them about,”
she said.

five years ago.
“When Enbridge’s Line B rup-

tured near Kalamazoo in 2010,
residents there suffered from neu-
rological, respiratory and gastro-
intestinal problems, and a third of
the families in that area had to be
relocated,” Kaucheck said. “Let’s
be real, Enbridge has a shaky track
record, from 1996 to 2013, Enbridge
has 1,244 reported spills, leaks or
releases. Just last summer, they
were found in violation of require-
ments for the very pipeline we’re
here to discuss.”

Her statement elicited boos

against Enbridge.

The last time an event of this size

was held by the Oil and Water Don’t
Mix Coalition regarding Pipeline 5
was when hundreds of protesters
met in St. Ignace in 2013.

The major organizers set up

tents. Protesters encouraged pass-
ersby and event attendees to sign
a petition to remove the pipe-
line, carried signs that said, “Shut
Down Line 5 Pipeline,” umbrellas
that read “Save My World, Save
My Water,” and chanted along the

LSA junior Harry Freedman is

interning with Clean Water Action
over the summer and manned
a tent at the protest. He said he
was shocked when he learned the
extremity of the issue.

“When I heard all of the details

on it, I was astounded and disap-
pointed that it still exists and that
we have legislation that allows
businesses to use loopholes to their
own advantage,” Freedman said.
“It’s such a dangerous thing.”

Lee Sprag, a representative from

the Ottawa Indians, led the pro-
testers in a traditional Ottawa wel-
come song with his drum. Several
representatives from local tribes
also spoke during the event.

During remarks at the protest,

Nick Clark, organizer and mem-
ber of the Oil and Water Don’t Mix
Coalition, said protesters were
signing in, tweeting using the
hashtag #shutdownline5 and send-
ing postcards to their represen-
tatives as well as demonstrating.
Some Clean Water Action members
such as LSA senior Molly Lefanow-
icz, who is a canvasser for the orga-
nization, said that after the protest
they planned to inform commu-
nity members about the issue and
encourage them to sign postcards
that the organization will send to
their representatives.

“We came up for the day to help

out at this event and also we’re
going to canvass in communities,”
Lefanowicz said. “We’re going to
knock on doors and let them know
what’s going on and how they can
get involved.”

Clark said he was interested in

seeing the Pipeline 5 status report
from Gov. Rick Snyder’s (R) Pipe-
line Task Force, which is sched-
uled to be released in the upcoming
days. Clark also condemned state
Rep. Ed McBroom (R–Vulcan) for
signing House Bill 4540. The legis-
lation has been introduced into the
House, and would amend the Free-
dom of Information Act to effec-
tively exempt Enbridge, if passed
— thus rendering records regard-
ing the pipeline inaccessible to the

However, Clark said he still has

faith in the legislature, highlighting
the four-bill package for pipeline

From Page 1


High school robotic team champions of FIRST Robotics demonstrate their
robot that stacks crates at the Mackinac Policy Conference on Mackinac
Island on Wednesday.


Read more at MichiganDaily.com

See HEALTH, Page 8

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