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April 03, 2015 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily

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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Friday, April 3, 2015


Vol. CXXIV, No. 94
©2015 The Michigan Daily

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O PI N I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

A R T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

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S U D O K U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

CL A S S I F I E DS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Turkey wanders through Bursley

Call 734-418-4115 or e-mail
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HI: 50

LO: 30

Next stage of

projects could focus
on North Campus



Daily Staff Reporter

Over the past decade, the Uni-

versity has undertaken several
significant efforts to improve resi-
dential life on campus through
the Residential Life Initiatives,
launched by University President
Emerita Mary Sue Coleman in

According to University Hous-

ing, nearly 10,000 undergraduate
students live in one of the Univer-
sity’s 18 residence halls and 1,480
individual apartments each year.
When it comes to freshmen spe-
cifically, 97 percent elect to live in
University housing during their
first year, meaning most fresh-
men students eat, sleep, study and
socialize in the University’s resi-
dential spaces.


launched, the Residence Life Ini-
tiative has pumped millions of dol-

lars into the University’s residence
halls. West Quad Residential Hall’s
reopening in the fall will mark the
end of the initiative’s second phase,
which included massive projects at
East Quad and South Quad as well.

Though the University does not

currently have the funding in place
for a third phase of the project, sev-
eral University administrators say
North Campus dorms would likely
be the focus of a future project.

“Now we’re doing the planning

to think, well, if that ends in 2017,
we have a little time now to think
about what we want to do next,”
Loren Rullman, associate vice
president for student affairs, said
in an interview with The Michigan

Residential Life Initiatives

Citing the connection between

living and learning, Coleman con-
sistently identified improvements
to residential life as one of the cor-
nerstones of her presidency.

“I want our university to invest

time, effort and funding in expand-
ing and improving the residential
experience of our students,” Cole-
man said in 2004. “We can find a
host of new ways to provide a bet-
ter environment for learning and


Over 200 march
from the Union
to protest sexual



Daily Staff Reporter

Thursday’s gloomy weather did

not rain on the parade of activists
participating in the 37th annual
Take Back the Night rally.

The event was hosted by the

student organization University

Students Against Rape and the
Ann Arbor chapter of Michigan
Takes Back the Night, and was
funded and sponsored by Central
Student Government.

The rally began at the Michigan

Union where marchers gathered
to watch performances by singer
Hope Thomas and the dance
groups Salto Dance Company and
Liem Irish Dance. Several mem-
bers of the organization spoke

before the march, and one survi-
vor gave a testimonial.

LSA freshman Hayley Walton

informed attendees of the organi-

zation’s new resource on the Take
Back the Night’s website, which
allows survivors to share their sto-
ries with the option of anonymity.

Many ralliers, like LSA fresh-

man Rachel Beglin, noted sexual
assault as a pertinent issue.

“I haven’t had as horrible of

an experience as some, but I
have been definitely personally
exposed to the way people talk on
campus,” Beglin said. “It’s really
not OK and that’s what we’re say-
ing tonight.”

Campus and community orga-

nizations set up tables to advocate
for their causes related to sexual

assault awareness and prevention.
Planned Parenthood, Students For
Choice, Free Hearts, I Will Week,
the Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center, SafeHouse,
What the F magazine, Students
For Reproductive Justice and pro-
moters of the app Companion all
had tables at the event.

Take Back the Night also had

tables selling T-shirts and dis-
tributing wristbands and stick-
ers. They also had a table where
marchers could write a message of
hope on a balloon which would be
released during the march.


LEFT: Students and community members attend a candlelight vigil in the Michigan for the annual “Take Back the Night” rally. TOP RIGHT: Participants in “Take
Back the Night” march down the streets of Ann Arbor to protest sexual violence. BOTTOM RIGHT: Michigan Take Back the Night arranged for a police escort.

Make Michigan
retains positions
after UEC resolves



Daily Staff Reporter

After a week of litigation,

LSA junior Cooper Charlton
and LSA sophomore Steven
Halperin, Make Michigan pres-
idential-elect and vice presiden-
tial-elect, respectively, will hold
on to their five-vote lead in this
year’s Central Student Govern-
ment elections.


unofficial due to several pend-
ing cases filed to the Univer-
sity Election Commission by
The Team and Make Michigan
against each other. The last
of those cases were decided
Wednesday evening. Both par-
ties were found not guilty, and
both chose not to appeal those

Law student Paige Becker,

the University’s elections direc-
tor, said the results were now
certified, due to the decisions.

Along with the presidency

and vice presidency, results for
the CSG assembly were also
certified. Make Michigan won
23 seats and the Department of
Public Safety Oversight Com-
mittee seat. The Team won 21
seats, the Defend Affirmative

Slate of women

leaders encourage
students to engage

with politics


Daily Staff Reporter


female political leaders visited
the Ford School of Public Policy
on Thursday to discuss women’s
experiences running for elected

The event drew about 50

attendees, mostly female, and
was hosted by Graduate Career
Services and Women and Gen-
der in Public Policy.

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie

Dingell (D–Mich.) introduced
the panel, which consisted of



leader; Regent Kathy White (D),
chair of the University’s Board
of Regents; state Rep. Gretchen
Driskell (D–Saline); and state


via conference call and the rest
attended in person.

Before the start of the panel,

Public Policy Dean Susan Col-
lins noted that each of the panel-
ists have a connection the Public
Policy School, either as students,
guest lecturers or representa-
tives of the University.

In her introduction, Dingell

encouraged women to run for
office because of the different
viewpoints she said they bring to
the table.

“Women bring a different

perspective to the public policy
arena,” Dingell said. “Women

are people who have to balance
more balls than men. The young-
er generation is doing more of
this than some of my genera-

Referencing a book focused

on the ethics of kindness that she
said influenced her in college,
Dingell said she felt “care” was
what women brought to public
policy, and that women are bet-
ter at bringing people with dif-
fering viewpoints together.

Chang also noted the different

approaches that women bring to
the legislature.

She said women tend to be

more collaborative as leaders,
and added that women tend
to understand policies affect-
ing families, women and chil-
dren better than their male

“There have been studies and



U.S. House Representative Debbie Dingell discusses her experiences as a woman in politics during the “Pathway to
Politics: Women in Elected Office” panel at the Ford School of Public Policy on Thursday.

Ahead of primary,
newcomer Will Leaf
to face long-serving
member Sabra Briere


Daily Staff Reporter

University alum William Leaf,

a 2012 graduate, is challenging
incumbent Sabra Briere (D–Ward
1) for her 1st Ward City Council

In anticipation of the upcoming

Aug. 4 Democratic primary elec-
tion, Briere and Leaf discussed
their goals and oftentimes con-
trasting priorities.

The 1st Ward divides Central

Campus in half. Extending from
the Law Quad to beyond North
Campus, it is exemplary of the
thin lines that exist between city
and campus. According to a study
conducted by The Michigan Daily
in February, 24.54 percent of stu-
dents are registered in the 1st
Ward, making it the second-high-
est student-registered ward after
the 2nd Ward.

Briere, a University alum and an

Ann Arbor resident since 1973, said
that prior to getting involved with
City Council she worked a number
of jobs. Her last job was for a non-
profit organization which she lost
due during the recession.

“Why do I run again? Part of

that reason is that I think I am
really effective in what I am doing.
That feeling of effectiveness is
remarkably rewarding,” she said.

Briere has retained her seat

since her first appointment in
November 2007. Briere charac-
terizes herself as a City Council
member who acts independently
— a strategy she says she tried to
maintain in what she found to be
a divided City Council in the past.

“I don’t make decisions based on

who else is supporting something,
and I don’t make decisions based
on personal loyalties,” she said. “I
make decisions based, as much as
I can, on the facts in front of me.
Even when I don’t like the facts.
They are still facts.”

Briere said one of her main

strengths is being open to listening
to people’s problems and listening
to all sides of an issue.

Her main concerns are infra-

structure changes that may be
needed due to changing weather
patterns, increasing pedestrian
safety and reconsidering zoning
rules, among others.

“Sometimes it’s about being able

to see results,” she said. “But some-
times it’s about being able to see
the big picture. Seeing the moving
parts and seeing the consequences,
both the anticipated ones and the
unanticipated ones that no one was
expecting to see.”

Briere is also on the city’s Plan-

ning Commission, the Environ-
mental Commission, Housing and
Human Services Advisory Board


See RESULTS, Page 3
See PANEL, Page 3
See COUNCIL, Page 3

See RALLY, Page 3
See DORMS, Page 3

Future of
‘U’ housing

Students rally on campus
for ‘Take Back the Night’

CSG results
in executive
race certified
after cases

Female elected officials
talk experiences in office

Ward 1 Council
candidates talk
zoning, safety

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