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March 10, 1945 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1945-03-10

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Saturday, March 10, 1945 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fifteen
Rfter Ball Is Over' nn Rrbor Passion Begins
Vos, Qui Non Potestis Dansere, Annual V-Ball Short Story On
Nos Vos Salutamus; 'Nuff Said! Why, Wherefore of Campus Love
By GREASY GRIND / ~ ~ ~nttl d then
It seems only fitting in this Only 1,500 couples broken down Ann Arbor, 1:45 a. sn., March flexes it asnatousy, an
publication dedicated to non-aca- into components, approxumately 10-The scene is the steps, porch, replaces it to its former position.
demic revelry that we take cog- 1,500 men are victims of the mob veranda, patio, or what have you, Hs ise watche im suspi-
nizance of the guy who doesn't go psychology applied by the ball of any woman's residence house, , csously, but nonetheless with a
tonceal, me r opromoters, league house, or sorority on cam- show of visible admiration for his
race-Bf individuals mles wyhg Apus. It is comfortably dark, and strength. Just then the house-
race of mdividualist males who Assuming there are some 4,000 the silence is undisturbed except mother's senile treble is heard
never bothered to learn how to ae bodied males on campus of icking from within the house declaring
dance. all varieties, that means that for the stoud-motnohdsy he that there is only two minutes
It is these males, the backbone 2,500 intrepid souls have with- 5o0 rnght noul hv whh lacking two o'clock.
of any movement for mdepen- womanhood and are not going front door, inside the vestibule. On the outside this announce-
dence, who refused to lay out four to V-Ball. On the steps, porch, veranda, ment is met with noticeable agi-
skins on the line last Whitsuntide So in this corner of the V-Ball patio, or what have you, a glamor- tation, as Casanova spends one
whes the call wa t out for the Extra, a publication devoted to ous babe, bedecked in sequins, and a half of theska precious
dance. These males remained ad- gaiety, and yet under the surface spangles, cosmetics, and very little minutes, taking off his gloves,
amnt- they didn't have four no more than a sad commentary else, is leaning her back against pushing back his starched cuff,
fedeal dipomas to their na of masculine weakness, we take the door, and with up-tilted face holding his hand up to a distant
and what's mos to they didn time out 'to salute those gallant is listening diligently to the wise street lamp, checking the time,
American males who weren't at words which her escort noncha- pushing back his cuff, and re-
dance' the dance. To those of you who lantly mutters, placing his gloves.
Dancing was a practice in ill don't dance, ,to those of you too "T esr. a handsome brute of "Yup, that's the right time:'
repute when Byron wrote his manly to be browbeaten into push- a oan with rugged features, curly "Oh darn, darn, darn."
siathing tirade an the decadent ing your weary feet across a pol- topped hair, and nscstine stains "Well I I'd bett
art, already considered sinful ished basketball floor-to al of all over his gleaming molars, d- hei ,
the first quarter of the 19th you rugged individualists- God taches his muscular am, and
century. "The waltz," he fum- bless you, Sirs! pisces it aginst the vail next to "Well, I guess you'd better. I
ed, "is imnnoral." And so it was. the co-eds head, exerting enough really had a terrif time."
Since those days dancing has - 1 energy to hold the wall erect like "Well, good night."
not improved a whit and it is still ai y nas Cinaeus of yore. He speaks. On saying this, our hero bends
probably immoral, However, mor- "Nice night, huh?" forward, plants a demure kiss on
ality based on mores is a scale MODERN DAN'ING-Pictured "Tesh terrif." our lady's lips, and backs away
that is .fexible and what was Hwdden Facts with pre-meditated haste. The
shocking 20 years ago is passe above is a sailor dancing with "Solid dance, hul?" girl disappears within the reces-
today. Witness women standing Al his girl modern style. Back in "Yeah, terrif." ses of the house, and the fellow
in streetcars. A bout U 1912 The Daily came out with "Boy, that was funny when strides jauntily down the street,
It was Cicero, if we are not an editorial shaming the young Mugsy passed out, right in the thinking over what he'll tell the
mistaken, who turned to the Ro- From soees too personal to 'uns fo' teir indecencies n the middle of the floor!" boys back at the house. Such is
man Senate and shouted, "O ten- mAnn Arbor passion.
pores, more" If you can transhas n- dance door doing the risque "Ye that was a riot,"
late this, there is no danger covered Bunny Hug. The scolding fin- PROBABLE
the University of Michigan has n ight?"
yourbecome the proud possessor of ally bore fruit, for this year not "Yeah terrif," Some astute entomologist re-
The principal objection to dan- bee thrres ou posesor cently came to the conclusion that
cing is much more fundamental "Yeah, me too." the jitterbug is not an inspect but
than the picayune, pedantic ones- o the larg ickle dispensers of the naughty Bnny Hug-a-t At this point, our young Lotha- a human being trying to act like
tion of propriety. The question thern hian, least not on the dance floor. rio removes his arm from the wall, one. Could be!
settles about a much more funda- ---- --r- - --a o
29,000 gherkins (sliced) and some
mental issue. Is dancing exercise, 000 gutrs sn sliced)sLF
we ask? And unequivocally the has been estimated by well-known .9
echo answers, YESl pickle authorities that this is en-
As a child in the grade schools ough for 27 years of Ruthven teas,
we were subjected to social if one out of every two tea-goers
dancing. The program was part eats pickles. This, of course dis-
of the physical education of the counts the fact that President
school, P.S. 143, and was a bald Ruthven and Bud may sneak down -
faced attempt to shove the muse in the basement and take a few
of terpsichore down our protest- on the side. "
ing craws. This immense amount of pick-
The male has a psychotic hat- les is enhanced by the fact that _
red of anything connected with the University may already have C £T
the elemental one-two beat, and vast stores or pickles under one of
the stern discipline of the dance theis building.
master, It was this rebellion to - s-A
juvenile discipline that has led to M erchanit Mistakes
the deep-rooted hatred of any-
thing connected with tails, white TANGANYIKA, BELGIAN CON-
tie and dancing pumps. GO-Maseb 9-Berman Demos-
However, under the weight of thenes Squabble, an Iowan mer- R& 9
social pressure applied by gregar- chan't, today reported at the SaP-
ious woman, man has gradually vation Army outpost in Tangan- \c eft
succumbed to the hated con- yika, that he had met a white
straints of "la danse." But today, man in the jungle. "Dr. Living-
n the hallowed precincts of the stone, I presume," the S. Army
University of Michigan campus, man said. "Livingstone, Hell," r
there lurk some independent said Squabble, as he was confined
to the padded cell gibbering all
the time, "it was Eleanor Roose-
velt in disguise."
Prompt Service W ne!
Wanted! --,
on your
Wanted! Wanted! Wanted' J
I am nineteen years of age (only *II
APPlicaion counting leap years ae-foot ou oce On
two-inches, and weigh a demure

and three hundred and seventy-nine
pounds. I love dancing, datingH ~ S'5
Port rat necking, ud other intellectual ELIZABETH ARDEN ELENA RUBdNSTE1 MATCHMAELLI
pursuits-in fact, anything that COTY FRANCES DENNEY LENTHERIC
concerns TEN. Every night in
Photog raphs my prayers I always add a verse LUCIEN LE LONG D'ORSAY MARCELLE
for a man. He must be six feet,
have blonde wavy hair, and a full YARDLEY WORTH REVLON
Croley Studio 'set of teeth. He must be charm- H
tW 10 ing, an excellent dancer, and have
a lot of personality. However, I
321 South Main wil waive all requirements. if he
is half-way human. Lonely H
You can be sure she went to I On State at the Head of Noeth University
307 South State Phone 8384

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