Saturday, February 6, 1943 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pcg=: ~,,wvnty Three Saudy Ferur 6, 1 9 3H.IHG NDIY ce 6i he V-Ball Diary Secrets Revealed Well, fellas, you've waited a long pristine glory-the intimate secrets end are as follows: time for this opportunity. At long of a girl's diary. Wednesday (this is a long week- last it stands revealed in all its Entries for Victory Ball week- end)-Dear Diary-Tomorrow I ----_ __ -_ -____ _ -----_____--__ -- -.--_--__ -' leave for Ann Arbor and Jim. They're having a big Victory Ball. EXPORTER - IMPORTER I pomised Mother I'd be a good; girl, but I had my fingers crossed. IND IA ART S You know those Michigan men. Thursday-Dear Diary-I got into Ann Arbor late tonight. Jim 300-B SouThi SrA r S~xici imet me at the train. And did he look smooth with that "M" sweater and a crew cut. Jim had told me that I was to stay at some girl's dorm called the Al and Nel House. PERSONAL INSTRUCTION in It looked an awful lot like a hotel, and they refused to let me stay. BALLET TAP Friday- Dear Diary- It was I marvelous. Everybody looked so ACROBATIC BALLROOM handsome. Before the dance we had dinner at Jim's fraterniti. The JUNIOR BALLROOM CLASSES two of us then listened to records, in the living room while everybody else went-well, you know about. xpnest sf the Ceichdti Met hot fraternities on the Michigan cam- pus. My better judgment finally a Balle , Tus gave in, and I had . counle. The best part came after the dance in front of Phi Pi house. Fif- teen minutes of s- solid walking. [YLVIA STUDIO of DAN E Saturday--We went nowilag this afternoon. Dinner and the evening 603 lAss LIBERTY Phone 8066 spent at a local inn called the Pretzel Gong. Every time anybody made any noise they rang the gong. r for a qaVj wee/-eni. Enjoy finest CH FMPflCNEIS WINES 2biJt8200 No Delivery Wednesday or Sunds BE-ER VflUL) 303 N. FIFTH AVE. Regs with beer pumps furnished ir i i i i i I i I i w 1 Buy War Bonds& Stamps--1Inve - ' tory ..wm FOR ACTIVITY, OPPORTUNITY, BUSINESS EXPERIENCE ALTHouGH the f inure may.-be uic ertain, DON'T waste your valuable days* at college. Experience derived from an outside activity will serve you in good stead, no matter what the future may hold. Second semuester, Frosh, and Sophomores, men and especially womnen, ar e invited to try out for the Business Staff of T HE MICH- IGAN DAILY. Here, in a short time, you will learn about an infinite number of things, including writing and selling of advertising, layout, office ad secretarial work, and actual contact with merchants. Watch this space for an announcement of our opening meeting, when you will have an opportunity to sign up. The BUSINESS STAFF of Ulm& r