Saturday, February 6, 1943 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Poge Seven Naked Girls Intimate Facts on Committee Members Borman Asks Do Too Talk Private Lives Are Revealed by Reporter For Workers I Pictures Socialite Beet Pickers I Daily Sleuth Listens In On Continued from Page 1 Bedraam Chatter Between rowed with the cares involved in Varga Girl And Daisy Mae assuming the immense responsi- bilities of directing THE event of (By special permission we bring the campus year, you will know it the following eye-witness account is our two fine leaders, Templin as seen by a sophomore sleuth ad- and MacRitchie, who are ready for dicted to day and other types of the rest cure at any minute now. dreaming.) Yeah, and they ain't all. Jeff There they were: Betty Petty, Solomon, chairman of the decora- The Varga Girl, Jane Arden and Li'l Abner's own honey, Daisy Mae. They were all in the same room The Book Nook with one divan, one Mae West bed, a typewriter and a fireplace. "I hear," coos Betty as she zips Each year there has been a book at her zipper, "that some U. of M. column in the J-Hop (oops, sorry, prof claims the perfect man ista the Victory Ball) extra, and this more beautiful specimen, artisti- cally speaking, than the perfect time will be no exception. With Mr. woman." and Mrs. America spending more; The Varga Girl is gracing the time at home than anywhere elsej divan. She raises one lovely naked books are daily coming more into limb and peeks at her toes. r "I really don't see how that con- their own. cerns you," she stabs at Betty. To the average college student Daisy Mae just looks soulful. She stuck with a date on the second pokes the logs in the fireplace. night of a two night dance what But not Arden. She bangs back ain't, books offer amazing possi- the carriage on her mill, tossed her bilities. Ever popular is Gypsy Rose gams on the top of the thing and Lee's "G-String Murders." In a dives right in (conversationally): light, fast moving mystery Miss "Well, dearies," she gabs, "it has Lee here displays her aesthetic been my experience that the likes sense and literary talent. Especial- of you will never see anything that ly recommended for reading on a resembles the perfectly formed dull Saturday night. male because all the guys you meet J. Wiesebottom Bluepoint's lat- are too damn rich to worry about est book, "Murder in Crabtree Cor- muscle." ners," or the story of what an "Mebbe tha's right," pipes up amoeba does on his night off, is Daisy Mae. "Ah thinks my Abner equally as good. The story centers (gulp) is bee-oo-tiful. He is so around the strange death of J. strong and powerful-why ah jes' Boffington Brunch. Suspected of shudders at the thought!" the crime is Queenie, one of the "Nuts," says The Varga Girl as D.G. chorus girls. she drops a couple million sex-ergs, Numbered as one of the leading (the leg), throws her arms over her war stories is A. Paul Froitzboin- head and just-well-relaxes. der's best seller, "Torrid Togo," the Betty zips her zipper shut and secret love life of the Japanese picks up a white telephone from a premier. Facts for this intimate ex- stand near the Mae West bed. pose were gained by Froitzboinder, "Mr. Esquire's cute, but he does- well known Far Eastern correspon- n't pack exactly what you'd call dent for New York's crusading power," she observes. "Maybe that newspaper, the Daily Worker, from prof knew what he was talking Lulu Belle, star teaser at the Rink- about. George always tells me that shaw Club on Tokio's Broadway. I'm the perfect beauty. Most critics say that the careful Then she goes on to say that the insight into the character of the professor says the perfect man's Japanese people displayed in this qualities of broad shoulders, migh- book will probably serve as a basis ty biceps, flexing tendons and tap- for post-war peace plans in the ering body are real beauty. Far East. "Now you're catching on," says Jane Arden, woman of the world. ber, Arden goes back to her type- "Faith, it's wondahful," purrs writer, Daisy Mae begins to cry, Daisy Mae as the vision of her The Varga Girl arises and begins colossal Li'l Abner comes again. to dress, and we leave the post at "Nuts," says The Varga Girl. the key-hole and dash madly for Whereupon Betty dials a num- a pair of dumbbells. tions committee, may be seen hanging precariously from any beam or rafter as a sort of condi- tined response or something after surveying the Sports Building in such fashion as to visualize the decorations that might have been if it weren't for the war. But Jeff is a little better preserved than most of the committee members, due to this factor lightening his load of care. He will probably be seen enjoying himself immensely at the Ball. An honest man and true, every- one fervently hopes, is Arnold Ag- ree, the man who is handling the finances for the elegant shindig. Some man he must be too, with a magnetic personality we guess, see- ing as how his date travels from San Francisco for the affair. If the two Bills, DeCourcy and Loughborough, are seen boring their dates with unsubtle harmon- izing, it is just because their plan for a special duet was turned down. But they need some compensation after working so valiantly ('tis ru- mored) on the music committee. Chuck Dotterrer may be seen at most any hour dazedly walking around tearing Victory Ball tickets up and throwing them around with a harried air while Hilda Johnson, who worked with Dotterrer on the ticket committee, smiles sweetly and says, "Yes, we have no bana- nas." Shirley Altfeld and Mildred Otto, the mouthpieces for the Ball, or, as it were, co-chairmen of the pub- licity committee, retire quietly into the corner and rest on their laur- els, or ... Jane Pritchard, program chair- man, cares only for entertaining A o Leave or Sandusky 1 S one happy representative of North- I western University and Jean Whit-! Continued from Page 1 temore, patrons chairman, is seen leavng por ed Sarpeholi To provide for the volunteer..' leavig poor Ted Sharpe holding comfort and to promote greater up one of the sundry pillars in the efficiency, all student workers building while she smilingly trips have been asked to bring along around and exudes charm to all their own tents and bed rolls the dear patrons. I which will be placed in the beet Our boy Merv Pregulman did fields amidst the rows of beets. get to Victory Ball, but he had a The meals will all be furnishe( little trouble . . . forgot the place for the volunteers by the Thumb where Victory Ball was to be held. district farmers. A sample menu Too bad. He was only in charge of which Borman showed Daily re- planning the use of the Sports. porters yesterday included fried Building to accommodate the 1,500 sugar beets, boiled sugar beets, couples, more or less. But don't sugar beet fillet mignon, and sugar worry, he tackled his work with a beets au gratin. will 'n junk. Oh well. Borman felt confident of a huge So what? There are always com- turnout for this project. "Whole mittee members. Nobody knows beet or none for the Sandusky far- who they are, but it's a great life mers" was the fighting motto be if you don't weaken, but who wants gavepto Michigan's war-minded to be a Hercules? campus. E U E L " QUALITY - SERVICE - COURTESY 126 South Main Street Phone 2-3184 IS mat i 9tt'en~bIac emetki Every girl likes to treasure flowers in her book of inesnories. 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