The Glorious Heritage of
the Victory Ball. . .
eirr 1Ey!z td t
Saturday, February 6, 1943 FIRST EDITION VoL L I rI 1 '10 Cent
ances or Victoryin
Ball Goers ToI
Go Pick Beets
Dark, Simon Legree Marv Bor-
man, campus manpower boss,
pleaded today with student Vic-
tory Ball goers to leave the dance
at midnight',tonight in order to
catch special trucks bound for the
beet fields of the Thumb district.
This call for workers in the beet
fields is especially urgent at this
time, since the real reason for the
new harvest is not so much' to
gather beets as it is to conduct
an organized search for several
students who were lost in last No-
vember's trek to the north.
Wages will be unusually high
this time, Borman said, since
workers will be paid in pounds of
sugar beets.
"Bring your date along too," he
urged. "She'll enjoy a week-end or
two in the country. Besides, that
town of Sandusky is.a hot town on
Saturday night-good cuisine and
a swell place to take a date."
: As a special concession to the
volunteers, Manpower officials
promised that this year they would
be excused from the second night
of the combined J-Hop and Senior
Ball. This will save a lot of tired
feet and weary pocket-books, they
The trip will take little more
than four, weeks. Classes will
be conducted .by correspondence
through the University Extension
Turn to Page 7, Col. 5
Co tittee
Members Will
Attend Dance
43 arime roliC
Co-Chairmen of 1943 Victory Ball
2,400 Attend
At I-M B11dg.
Former J-Hop, ernor Bal1
Replaced by C-s MiNd-Year
Frolic; Brown Korto Pla'
More than 2,4 t
and women will
cares for a Uniter N'
tonight as the fs
J-Hop and SenioEBa'
sity history in theVr i 4
Victoiy Bali is v d:
2 a.m. at the Intr1
Wartime succe".:.
tional mid-yeasr -
Ball will be the .
social function
many men stuiem -
dance it will be tie
social function be-
armed services.
Brown and Kenton Fe.
Planned in ace c
ommendations C: .
tivity leaders. the e
donate its procee:-
Scholarship Funt- l.
the regular J-Ho
tage, this year's pr.
one night, and Ia
have been banner.
Affairs Committee.
Les Brown and his"
nown" and Stan Ken
tra provide the nvt-
be returning to Ann
second, consecutive
Kenton will come Ne.
an outstanding e:.
Frank Daly's fame, N
in Cedar Grove, N.. B
atively new bands. :
corded one of the o.-
rises to fame in the-r
'vetsity mEc
away the i'
:i.ns victo'r,
7 n Univer-
.f the 19;
nOt 9 p.m. t,
sfl Building
g h rab.-
ith Victoy
I campu'
f "ear. Fr
i*e ding the.
:. collegiao
t7ering t
with re(
Jr. war a-
i Ball w:.'
the Bombes
ontrast a
-Bent vin
I last on'
h: Studert.
Fand of Re-
tn's orche -
Brown wsi
.5-sc for h:
tvear svhiI=,
fresh fromv5
agement ;I;
it compa'
eh 'ave re-
socet histo:'s
"The day has arrived," or, of the musical wot hd.
"There I was sitting at home the=. Acting as co-gene ,aI chairmeir
night of Victory Ball," or, "Woe is of the dance are Eb Templin, 'O
me." Yep, the last plan has been Pictured above are the co-chairmen of the 1943 Victory Ball, Bob Templin, '43, (left), and Bill MacRitrlo'. '44. They
laid, the last sigh heaved and ev- and Bill MacRitchie, '44. Seated are Judy Fletcher, '43, (left), escorted by Templin, and Jean were ably assisted by Jean Rane-
erything is in readiness for Michi- Whittemore, '44, patrons chairman for the dance. han, '43A&D, as sO retary of the'
gan's first Victory Ball. So who - committee.
was at the bottom of it all? Listen, Tickets Apportioned
and you will hear the story of this A ll Ball C om m itteew om en Lawyers Say The entire balrvotm is attra
momentous occasion in terms of tivelylleCoraweds yrTh Asenr tne
and eumitteetively decorated te represent the
ye olde committees andIcommittee IFunity of purpose of ihe United No-
members. W i WI I ear Dresses Ton ight Martha Cook tions. Flags of allo the countries.
The committees were chosen-..~'5L5
united in a common war effort.
the committees met-the commit-rmteeiit oal
fncioed-the commit- What the lady will wear to the up formal of white flat silk crepe. hang from the ceing. Decoration
tee fuctinedthecomiteesolC' S utted were under the skilf u'l direction o~'
forged ahead with plans-Victory Victory Ball is an unsolved mys- bloused at the top and draped Jeff Solomon. '43. Money save
Blishr teComtemm-tery to the lady heirself until stir Jnugly over te' hipsndrapedefro
Ball is here-the Committee mem- collets various materials, gloves nugly over the hips - draped ANN ARBOR, Feb. 4.- BP)- from the economy onme -yes will t"
bers attend. snugly enough to reveal every used to swell the . ution t .
And 'hat of those notable char- and stuff and finally creates a mnemen t every The remaining handful of ylaw the tomsael-fthehseno'beitioun.
acters, those bundles of ingenuity thing of beauty to love and cherisl movement of eveymeodhy sehooo sfdents living in the tsdv Adequate representton of bt.
and stuff who are the committee for the first part of the evening Co ete suroundd anquadrane yesterday rose pro- the junior and senior cases at i.
members? Marching at the head at least. immense quantity of tulle in grey test against the Judge Advocate Victory Ball had bee previous.'
of this remarkable band of super- But committeewomen have at and yellow shades, Hilda Johnson. General's corps' occupancy of the assured by the systtm of ticket.
men and superwomen are Bob least indicated what brand and who worked on the ticket commit- east side of the quadrangle, air distribution worked °t by Chuc
Templin and Bill MacRitchie who texture of dress that they will tee, will attend the ball with her unconfirmed report here stated. Dotterrer, '44E. and hda Johnso.
led the gang throughout the fray wear. However, this interview was Detroit man. Archie Beaziebottom '48i41 said. '43. co-chairmen of tr ticket cor
with remarkable fortitude and made late yesterday afternoon and Dark-eyed Shirley Altfeld wili "I have no comment to make." mittee. Tickets were allotted be.
drive. But if you see two men, or so it is inadvisable to look for the dramatize her brunette beauty But despite this startling admis- tween the two classes on the base
unreasonable facsimiles thereof, different committeewomen garbed !with a flame satin dress, cut on sion by Beazlebottom, authorita- of a fair apportionment.
quietly staggering around our quiet as described below, they may have the bias. A thin row of sequins tive behind-the-scenes sources at Herculean efforts on the part ct
campus, with snow white locks or reversed their decisions since then. form the halter which secures the the Pretzel Bell revealed that the the other members of the commit-
no hair at all, with brows fur- Jean Ranahan, secretary of the dress to Miss Altfeld. source of friction in the issue con- tee were required to make the Vie-
Turn to Page 7, Col 2 ball committee, will wear a cover- Turn to Page 3, Col. 1 Turn to Page 3, Col. 3 tory Ball possible.