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February 15, 1941 - Image 21

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-02-15

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Weathere 4*Editorial
Circumspiee L I1 4 t' 4JLL1a I 10 J I tDan Cupid
Speaks His Piece...
Saturday, February 15, 1941 SECOND EDITION Vol. LI. Price: 10 Cents

Something You'll Never Want To Forget
Three thousand University men
and women wandered home in the
I daylight hours today to retrieve some
purloined sleep, thoughts of a happy
i first J-Hop night still bright in their
collegiate memories.
1 The departures to somnolence were
destined to end soon after they be-
gan, however, for in another few
hours the campus lads and lassies
will step out again, in informal garb,
and to the syncopating pleasantrieis
of Benny Goodman and his disting-
uished dance band. Sir Benny will
be the ruling monarch at the Intra-
mural Building tonight.
Pied Piper Of Swing
And while this Pied Piper of Swing
reigns with his clarinet, the Michi-
,ykgan celebrants will march up the
streets and into the dance floor for
the second time in two days. For the
- .,first time in history, they will be
participating in a "double-header"
Last night was blazed in all the
color and gaiety of the campus' lar-
gest and most spectacular formal
party. The industry of chairman Lee
Perry and his J-Hop committee had
converted the mammoth gymnasium
into a fanciful wonderland of music
and light. The musical organizations
of drummer boy Gene Krupa and
composer Raymond Scott furnished
the tunes for dancing.
Celebrities attended the opening
night, from the campus and else-
x where. Many dancers failed to spot
In the brilliance and color of the Intramural Building the first and formal dance of the 1942 J-Hop was greeted by more than 3,000 students him in the throngs, but Gov. Mur-
with complete enthusiasm. The two great bands, those of Raymond Scott and Gene Krupa, were applauded enthusiastically, and when the dance ray D. Van Wagoner, Michigan's new
broke up at three o'clock this morning the floor was still crowded with the last, tired guests. They left for breakfasts at various spots all over town Firstight A Tr.
and then returned to their homes to rest for tonight's final session with Benny Goodman. First Night A Triumph
In many other ways the party was
held in a atmosphere not unlike the
These Are The People W hom"first-nights" motion picture t
dition. rom1 10 o'clock far into the
Perennial Try TJ-HoP Leaders night taxi cabs rushed to the en-
Yeitrance and deposited coeds arrayed
T' OU C FlauntOG lamor in the finest silks and satins with
To Qtorify M ae aunt am or their escorts in white ties and stiff
One powerful personality was needed to put this J-Hop into the oomph collars.
A s U sual category; the cl-s of '42 decided that it would take thirteen of its mem- Some of the guests arrived walk-
.JLt.'' bers to supoly that amount of brain power. It was a cold and blustry dy e ?\4 asses iug, parking space being so rare it
the afternoon of elections, and only the strong-armed managed to get was difficult to stop in close vicinity
The original intent of this issue their friends down to the polls. The athletes who thus succeeded were: An experiment in flesh and blood to the door. Skirts were held high,
was to glorify the male animal by re- Lee Perry, General Chairman wins his point by forcing an extra amount was led by the J-Hop committee to avoid the perils of a muddy side-
a s t hg l o rif y t h e t m le a n ma l y e L e P e r , G n r lto d a y a s 1 2 0 0 g la m o r iz e d m a le s le d w a lk.
vealing the vast intellectual, physical o firey energy behind that almost ever-present smile. Lee gets his business their dates to the maze to see if two Inside the lobby was packed with
and spiritual superiority which he experience nursing a young drug -nghts with the same Valente is dancers. Some had just arrived and
holds over the female of the species. store at the Phi Delt House where She helps at Ruthven Teas, as sub- bearable. others were utilizing precious sitting
The whole business went awry, how- he counts the obols every evening. social chairman, when she isn't Carol Glidden had a long train space. Hundreds of gallons of gin-
evtr, when copy began pouring into He blusters about in the student sen- changing light bulbs at the Tri Delt ride from Queens Village, Long Is- gerale were consumed.
the editors lauding not the male but ate when he isn't arranging dates house in her position of assistant land, to think over the Lee Perry The Queen Of Hearts
the female, admitting and delighting for his fraters in his capacity of social house manager, or singing Damn offer to lead the Hop. She didn't get Valentine's Day, a fortunate coin-
in the golden chain which woman chairman. Damn with Wyvern.. off at Buffalo, so look for her in a cidence with the Hop, provided the
has around every man. Dick Arbuckle. publicity, looks to Svd Aronson, booths, mixes up stuff gray and black taffeta and velvet theme for the decorations. The
Men are physically and intellec- his future of posing for collar-ads. at the Pharmacy school where he is gown with a high-backed bodice. Queen of Hearts was there, and others
tually superior - but there remains His 4-H club appearance is the re- vice-president of the Apothecaries Miss Glidden's formal is made with of her immediate family. Lighting
an indefinite essence which over- sult of carefully sleeping eleven hours Club. and chairman of Mortar and sleeves, contrary to Lee's wishes. came from all shades of the spectrum,
whelms and stupefies the male when- an evening, imbibing a gallon of milk Pestle. the Pharmacists annual blow- May Ding, of China and Boston, and indirectly illuminated the whole
ever he attempts to exercise his ap- each day, and gushing oil in Erie, up. is present with S. Che Tang. Miss building. All around the floor were
parent power over the weaker sex. Pa. Dick gave up his job as drummer Others on the committee are: Bob Ding will appear in a native Chinese booths - parking spaces for tired
Working with these facts, we, the boy in the R.O.T.C. to have more Collins, booths; Phyllis Waters. mu- ,formal feet.
editors, were forced to admit that the time to develop muscles in the Sports sic; Paul Sampson, tickets; Carolyn Deena Beiber, '43, who is attend- The affair halted at different
male is only a Hercules whistling in Building pool. Denfield, patrons; S. Che Tang ing with Sd Aronson, will wear a times for every couple, according to
a forest of summer and warm smells. Jeanne Goudy, general secretary, buildings; Lou Carpenter, patrons; long-torso gown in blue crepe. Me- their plans. Most of them ate break-
keeps the Ensian office supplied with Bruce Hartwick, decorations; Jim tallic accents lend sophistication to fast together before separating.
-Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, smiles as she dashes between the Pub- Rosman, buildings; and Frances the dress which is besleeved and be- Tonight the social activities will
Mich., as second class mail matter. lications Building and JGP meetings. Aaronson, favors. backed. spin again.

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