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February 11, 1952 - Image 29

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-11

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Monday, February 9 193


Page' Five

I V WIn1.r, ,1hIr 9 19S THE MICHIGAN DAILY.Page.Five

Hip - Hip-Hurrah!
THOUGH news of the city coun- aldermen likewise should receive
cii extending sewers to the praise for their decisive action.
University's south forty develop-
ment was buried in a page six We can hardly conceive what
squib yesterday, we cannot ignore the new south forty develop-
its importance to the community. ment would be without the sew-
Behind this humdrum little ar- ers. Consider the plight of sci-
ticle laid weeks of lobbying, per- entists engaged in work on ra-
tidelai weks f lobyig, er-diosetive rubber hands if there
suasion and bribing of the stal- were no sewers to carry the
wart city aldermen by our gallant smelly.hing into.r riv
administrators. The administra- smelly things io the Ural Riv-
tors should be commended since er nearby.
they did the job cheaply and the Think of^ the dilemma of the.
residents of Dry Tortuga dorm if
they actually were without prec-
ious sewage. The implications are
horrendous and cause us to throw
up our hands and rejoice once
more over our shiny new sewage
By C. M. (Abu) SAMRASKI Yes, a new era has been opened
People's Arts Patronizer up in the swiftly changing cur-
rents of .University growth.
COMRADE CIGAR'S latest novel, The nicest thing about the new
"Sex Under the Babushka," is sewers is that they cost the Uni-
deserving of the highest proletar- versity only $6,587,689,574.89, a
ian praise. Following in the great steal if there ever was one.
tradition of our own Hemingway- -Sam Pinko
ski, that incomparable stekhano-
vite, Comrade Cigar has brought
into all Soviet mansions the vivid,
stirring, fascinating, magnifiicient,
inimitable picture of a reaction- D A T LY
ary, Trotskyite, fascistic, tounter-
revolutionary, cosmopolitan Polish
girl who subs as a prostitute. -i
(The Daily Official Bull is published

Editorial Staff
Editor ........... Zander Hollander
Stsfsad dContributors, in irrational or-
der: Gayle Green, Mike Wlff, Helens
Simon, Jerry Helman, Crawford Young,
Harry Lunn, Virginia Voss, Barnes Con-
nable, stu Ross, Don Malcolm, Jan
winn, Ca lSamra, Donna Hendieman,
Arlene Bell, Eric Vetter, Tom- Arp,
Phyiis Lipsky, Joyce Fickies, Mark
Reader, Al Luckoff, Rich Thomas, and
Sid Klaus.
Photographer .......... non Campbell
Business Staff
Business Manager ....... Bill Kaufman
Assistants: Tom Treeger, Harriet Tep-
perman, Barb Lewis, Norm Giddan,
Lou Tishler

The girl, whom Com. Cigar
originally names Anna Kareni-
na, is wholly despicable, being
entirely bourgeois in outlook.
She tries to seduce our hero,
Gregor Dubinski, director of the
Machine-Tractor station north
of Warsaw. At first, Gregor, dis-
playing the typically capitalist
weakness called "love," almost
falls for Miss Karenina's blood-
thirsty, profligate, coquettish
charm. But later Gregor exhibits
the powerful strength of will and
discipline which is inherent in
us Russian peoples. Only us Rus-
sians have the courage to say
"nyet." And Gregor said "nyet."
To boot, he enlists in the Great
Chinese Army and wipes out a
division of Americans-- single-
handed-in Korea.
Note the Ingenuity and origi-
nality of Comrade Cigar's style:
"And Dubinski gazed at the old
man near the sea and he sneered
at him and he told the old man
that he was a total misfit, because
hie didn't bring in the big fish and
he scolded him and he said 'Sharks
should be no match for'a good
Comrade Cigar dedicates his
book to our great teacher Stalin.
Glory to Comrade Stalin.
Glory to Comrade Lenin.
Glory to Comrade Cigar.
Is good book. Is required read-
Support the
March of Dimes

daily, it is official. It is pure-skip it.
Kindly deposit notices ftoebu al
in your favorite repository and pull
the chain.)
From the Dean of Women's Of-
fice: University women are to be
congratulated for their exemplary
conduct over this trying weekend.
Not one has fallen from grace;
not one has strayed from the line
of perfect rectitude. As your Dean,
I salute you.
-Deborah Hamhock
From University Residence
Halls: We have found it necessary
to curtail our Quadrangle facili-
ties by two-thirds for the coming
semester as- a result of a sudden,
inexplicable drop in University
male enrollment. The rapid in-
crease of withdrawals from the
University apparently material-
ized over the weekend; efforts to
ascertain the cause of the situa-
tion have thus far found only
widespread dissatisfaction with
University social life.
Events Today
University Lectures: The well-
known German naturalist, Herr
Jacob S. Pye will relate some of
the amusing incidents of his ad-
venturous career as a professional
hunter at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Hussy Room of the League. Herr
Pye's talk is entitled "The Great
Rabbit Hunt," with slides.
Union Coffee Hour: The Union
Student Council will sponsor an
informal faculty (male) -student
(female) coffee hour at 4:30 to-

"Aah: so what? Ite wore a nomourg."
day in the Grand Ballroom. In- United Nutrition Experts: Meet-
formality is the watchword - ing in Alice Lloyd Dining Room at
bring your track shoes. 4 p.m. tomorrow. At 5:25 p.m. the
Committee to Free Frank Cos- group will adjourn to the Union
tello: Organizational meeting to for dinner.
be held at 2:26 a.m. today three
blocks from the south wall of Mi-
lan Federal Jail; special guest will
be "Greasy Thumb" Goose-
grease, who will discuss the dy-
namic properties of tri-nitro-
toluo-demonstration planned.
Speaking of Demonstrations:
Young Regressives will hold its
weekly abortive bacchanalia at
2161/2 E. Huron; comes the dawn
the Regressives will sally forth to
tilt at the Administration Bldg.,
several House committees, and a n p h
"nosey" Daily reporter. Many people th


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