Monday, February 11 192
Sec. Two, Page Seven
, , av / .v..a v . ii..
lnra.Fbur 1-15 THE MICHIssGTV AN DaIL"Sc ToPgeSee
(Continued from Page 8)
as, Howard M. Dess and Irene F.
Dess, Harold Dentscher and Miss
Beverly Eaton, Donald DeVries
and Carolyn Fisk, Tony DeWan
and Mary Letsis, Richard Dewey
and Dora Byerly Sam M. Deyo
and Sally Weber, Bill Dibble and
Phoebe Ann Ellis, Wilbur Diehl and
Audrey Murphy, Oscar Dodek and
Joan Blieden, Bob Dombrawski
and Elaine Ratke, Richard C. Don-
kervget and Iris Pumroy.
Al Douglas and Karlin Johnson,
James E. Douglas, Jr. and Betty
Brown, Dan Dow and Lois Gauger,
Paul S. Downie and Peggy Wood,
Anthony Drago and Margie Dew,
Alan Drake and Lois Beyer, Glen
Dreisbach and Nancy Saker, Sam
H. Dreisbach and Arlene W. Dreis-
bach, Speros Drelles and Marie
Diamond, Robert Dressel and
Nancie Cook, Irwin Drut and Lore
Dengler, Carl Dubac and Janet
Kinney, William E. Duellman and
Ann Schiewetz, Kirk Duffield and
Mary Masten, Richard Duffy and
Donna Schaus, William Dunlap
and Pat Nickoloff, Don Dupy and
Pat Huhrs, Gordon Duvall and Sue
Kallmar, Thomas Dyckman and
Alice Ann Pletta.
JAMES EASLEY and Joyce Hal-
stead, Frank Eckhart and Donna
Johnson, Robert Eliy and Mari-
Joice Korecht, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Edge, Jack Edick and Ruth
Bard, Don Edwards and Joyce
Warney, John W. Edwards and
A 3.50 Value
for 2.25
Double the
Usual Quantity
Fime heavy quality W H I T E
Deckled Vellum paper with
Script or Block lettering in
Blue or Mulberry ink.
Onameega Varner, David K. Hite- r
man and Patricia Phillips, Vernon
Emerson and Janet Winn, George<
L. Erb and Jane Hodges, Thomas
Erbland and Julie DeVries, George ,
A. English and Rosemary Donald-
Bob Erf and Mary Elva Congle-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Eric-x
son, Robert S. Ernestein and Rosa
Lynne Cantor, Conrad Ettl and
Nancy Ketchpaw, Bob Evans and
Sandra Brown, Don Evans andf
Lisa Weeks.
Hugh Farber and Neola Ander-
son, Paul Fancher and Mary
Kuhns, R. E. Farmer and Julief
Lussow, Clifford L. Fawl and Bar-
bara Le Fawl, Albert Feyand }
Rita Colman, William R. Fidler
and Carol Wohlberg, Carl Fiegel-
and Autumn Routson, Donald E.
Firth and Carol Rucker, Fred
Fischbach and Marylouise Lind
quist, Raymond G. Fischer and
Judy Stone, James C. Fitch and MAD--Pegasus Gluepoit, senior
Lois Rahm. from the Bronx, didn't like the
William W. Flinn and Celia Tay- music, "How can a fellow fox-
lor, John E. Flynn and Jean Fickie, trot to music like that," he said.
George S. Flint and Mary Alice Pegasus' date didn't like the
Davis, Tom Flynn and Patti Babb, dance either.
Constantine Foltis, Jr. and Mil-
dreth C. Moon, John Fontaine and
Betty Ellis, Tom Forgacs and
Barbara Lynch, Kaye Edward Fox
and Marjorie Wyche, Allan R.
Frankel and Claire Levy, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman R. Frawe, Jr., Don
Freedman a n d Karen Epstein,
Charles Frey and Mary Steinbach.
Tauber, John Friedman and Gloria
Krigsten, Sumner J. Friedman and
Laura Goler, Thomas E. Fricke and
Gail Nickerson, Peter E. Fuerst and
Lucy Summers, Russel L. Fuller-
ton and Beverly Allen Fullerton,
Edward Furdak and Roma Grif-
fiths, John Fushman and Pat
Creighton Gabel and Jane Whit-
field, Jack Gabel and Joyce Lal-
lier, Nick Gangas and Jeanne Al-
len, John Ganisten and Pat Aunz,
Wayne Garrell and Beverly Den-
tel, Jack Garter and Delores Swift,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gatfield, Bill
Gay and Sue Pullon, Doug Geib
and Gerry Steiner, Franz Geisz
and Jean Schmitt, Paul Geyer and
Barbara Lindsay, Richard Gereau
and Ann Fruin, Z. Gershon and
Ann Bernstein, Milton Ghikas and
Sue Nassett, James Ghysels and
Suzanne Rielputh, Charles Gilbert
and Beverly Smith, Conrad Giles
and Marilyn Schwartz.
John Gitzen, Thomas D. Glass
and Carolyn Piercy, Edward Glaza
and Patrecia Woolock, Ray Glime
and Monnie Vreeland, Don Glossop
and Priscilla Duncan, Irving Gold-
berg and Barbara Schostak, Maur-
rie Goldberg and Jacqueline Att-
man, Paul Goldiner and Mary
Levy, Ronald Gollstein and Sally
Stahl, David Goldstick and Betsy
Huber, Gerald Good, Jarold Good-
man and Shirley Ginsberg, James
Goodspeed and Patricia Hodgson,
Harvey Gordenker and Frances
Kochin, Harvey Gordon and Carol
Brown, Howard Gordy and Beverly
Baike, James Goudie and Mary
Kowalewski, William Graessley
and Helen Carlsen, Floyd Groham
and Ruth Henderson.
Tom Graham and Jean Parker,
Loeb Grauoff and Barbara Gilbert,
Gordon Grant and Joan Coutts,
(Continued on Page 9)
- 77-71
We Don't Run a Text-book Store.. BU
we are often pleasantly surprised (and you may be too) at how
"naoy times we are able to service text-book requests.
We are trying to do a different and perhaps a slightly more creative job of book-
selling than text-books may imply. To build and maintain a selective stock, to
develop special fields of interest, to sell only those books in which we believe
and in fields in which we are competent-these are our goals.
These goals demand energy, hard work, and always a bit more capital than
we can scrape togethr. Any small degree of success our store may have
achieved comes not thru accident but because of hard work and effort, plus the
very kind support of so many of our friends.
Thus an attempt at text-book selling would diffuse our efforts and negate our
goals . . . but
many of the fine books "(both new and used) in our stocks do turn
out to be required or suggested for courses . . . when that hap-
pens we are very pleased.
Therefore if you value intelligent, unhurried, and trained service in an atmos-
phere free of crowding, confusion, and commercialism, whether your concern
be text-books or no, you'll be pleased with our shop.
It's merely a symbol, but our fireplace will continue to burn and there will be
just as many chairs around even during the text-book rush.
211 S. State
Across from Lane Hall
Open Evenings
330 Maynard St.
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