J-HOP iItrJtIn U UIf SEC. 2 Monday, February 11, 1952 Sec. Two, Page One S ... the 1953 J-Hop Committee L 't 2 i A k F r i E I { i 1 a ( 2 l c7 i 1 r (}i 1 r { < ; rY J By VERNON EMERSON It was a blend of many things, but all added up it seemed that just about everyone at the 1953 J-Hop had a pretty fair time. Whether it was the sweet Spivak, hot Long music com- bination, the tropical setting, the chain of parties before and after the dance with all their embellishments, a new gown, a new girl, or hardly reason at all, most of the couples were still smiling when they shouldered through the cloakroom jam. IT PROBABLY started around six the day of the dance with a party or two before dinner. In a happy mood, they; crowded fraternity houses-now occupied by the men's - dates-or local banquet halls for a festive meal to be followed by Line-Up of mrti If the Hop-goers arrived at the dance before twelve, they J-Hopwere probably concerned about i-Hop Datfes -*''bab'o''ee''s the success of the affair. The He crowds didn't arrive till mid- Starts night. Then it got moderately jammed, and couples joyfully trudged about looking for fami- This being Leap ear, and the liar faces at house rest camps J-Hop Committee being predomi- along the side of the dance nately made up of women, it floor. seems that we have dispensed with Even at that, things didn't look the courtesy of listing the attend- too bright for the function finan- ants of the University's apnual so- cially. Final totals aren't ready cial festival by the young ladies yet, but it appeared that the at- names and instead are listing the tendance mark fell some five hun- attendants by the names of the dred people from last year's 4,500. young gentlemen. May the shock not be too great! THE WHOLE place was turned into a huge tropical "paradise". Byrle M. Abbin and Jane Man- At the door each woman dancer fling, Earl Abramson and Ros- sprsndwih norhd anne Rosenberg, Robert I. Abrash was presented with an orchid. aanne Seige, RichrdI.Ackr-sOnce past the battery of photog- and Jane Seigle, Richard Acker- raphers, the couples swriled onto mann and Ruth Hannum, Mr. and the glazed floor in the midst of a Mrs. George Adomian, Angelo Ag- jungle of decorations. nello and Juanita Schwartz, Her- Murals on the walls depicted bert B. Ailes and Corinne Bacon, an island retreat with figures Emil Alberti and Jean Alberti, F. of palm trees, haciendas, and John Allaire and Robin McPhail, bosomy grass-skirted maidens George L. Allen and Dorothy I. predominating. Hammett. Revolving colored lights played Allen Allie and Connie Hilton, upon perfumed fountains, and Ken Alter and Joanna Cannon, Ed turned the walls into a continuing Ambrose and Gladys Beavory, sunrise, sunset. Bruce J. Ambs and Carolyn Clark, From the ceiling hung gigan- Ted Amdur and Babs Zeitlin, Wil- tic orchids-the theme of the liam L. Ammerman and Joanne affair, "Artistry in Orchid". Thompson, Donald A. Anderson Some dancers thought the artis- and Barbara Knapp, Terry Andre try was somewhat spoiled by and Mary Glynn, Chuck Annable pieces of red, not orchid, drapes and Marian Robinson, Dan Antrim which were tipped with icicle- and Nancy Haadsma, Ted Aprill like foil. and Ruth Prochnow, Jerrold Ar- A few of the more tippay felt mour and Lois Grailler. that th revolving chandaliers, Norton Armour and Lois Was- which cast a constant ripple of serman, Stanley B. Aronoff and colored flikkers over the floor Marion Margolis, Allen Ash and were a little too much to bear up Marily Kaplan George Aster and under. BY-GONE DAYS RELIVED IN OLD PHOTO REPRODUCTION AIN'T WHAT THEY USTA BE: Oldtimer Tells Joys of Past J-Hops By HOMER TITLEBOTEM SbRE, you probably had a real prince of a time at the ball and all last week ... but you could have had a much better time, be- lieve me you could have. I know. You see my old man was the first concessionaire that work- ed at the J-Hop. He brought me up in the concession business. Back in the '90's, that's when they had a good time. They really did. They had all these concessions, you see. I remember one night one of the Deans and the President of the University himself was at the ball. They came right over to our concession-we always had the best on the floor-and everybody was happy. They sure had a good time then. But after a while there was a big squawk somewhere along the line, and they did away with the concessions and the concession- aires and all the rest. I'm glad my father never lived till that day, it would have killed him. ANYWAY, now they have to have themes and parties and al- cohol and organized sex and all that before they can have a good time. It certainly isn't the way it used to be. I know. You see, to tell the whole truth, it was my concession that really caused all the trouble. I don't regret it as doing anything wrong you understand. The only thing I'm sorry about is that now no one has any fun at the dances. Not really. What happened was that some- body told this new President that one of the past Presidents-the one I told you about before-had gone to the ball, and had had a really good time, at the concession and all you know. So this new President decided he'd have the best too. Naturally he came to my concession. As I said my old man brought me up in the concession business, and he always was the top concessionaire at any ball, or practically any place besides. THE THING WAS that one of the Regents was at the ball too- at my concession as a matter of fact. He gives one look at the President, and boy all Hell breaks loose. They was very quiet about it and all, but you could sure tell that all Hell was breaking loose. "Why, what are you doing here?" says the Regent. "Oh, I just thought I'd drop in at the ball," says the Presi- dent. He was obviously scared silly, even though he was grin- ning and nodding and bowing and all that sort of thing. "I don't believe you should be here," says the Regent. So the President left, and pretty soon the Regent left too. Those Regents, they were always hang- ing around the concessions. Anyway that's why there aren't any more concessions or anything. That's why you didn't have as good a time as you could have had the other day. Believe me. I know. Janice Everett, Keith Averill and Louise Collison, Kenneth Averill and Bernice Poch, Norman 0. Amor and Jo Ann Driscoll, Larry Ayers and Ruth Russell. GREGG BABOT and Dorothy Bauman, Paul Bachmann and Carolyn Keith, Donald Bachrach and Joan Saul, Bruce Bacon and Charlotte Havers, Norman Bagu- ley and Ann Campbell, L. Bailes, George Baibok and Elsa Verneav, John Baity and Jeanie Robinson, Willian Baird and Cynthia Vary, Newton D. Baker and Cynthia L. Smith, Charles Bancroft and Don- na Westerland. Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Ban- non, Curt Baker and Lois Bart- lett, Hazen J. Baron and Julie C. Enders, Joel J. Baron and Barbara Binday, Michael A. Barnard and Phyllis Jacks, Roberts S. Barnes and Ann Aves, Ronald Bafnett and Jeanne Knechtel, Tom Barnum and Jerrilyn Briggs, Fred Barrett and Mary Ann Chennault, Pat Barrett and Mary Elferdink, Ralph J. Barron and Reeva Gaul. Henry Baskin and Sonia Cohen, Edward Barthel and J e a n n e Freshour, Bill Bates and Anne (Continued on Page 6) IN THEIR brightest attire of the social season, the young ladies chose a variety of gowns, with most of them wrapped in a stole of sorts which sooner or later got entangled with their escort. Tails were a rarity, usually sported by the patrons who themselves got in a few dances. The couples as usual were all sorts from everywhere. Many men and a few women invited their guests from out of town. Others were from the Univer- sity and showed varying exper- sions of delight, disappointment, vivacity and fatigue throughout the evening. Some danced the whole time. Others wandered around seeking acquaintances. Some just sat and chatted. Although practically everyone was having a good enough time, they were ready to leave when the music faded out at 2 a.m. On the off-day, most groups held some type of party, either to get in condition for the dance, or to recuperate from it. When the week end w s all done, it was more a fuzzy recollection rather than a vivid memory. And just about everyone was a little glad it was finished for a year.