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February 11, 1952 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-02-11

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Page Eight'


Monday, February 11, 1

Pag Eiht-HE. C.G...A.Y.Mndy ...ebruary... , 1 1

Tri- Chi'sAdm
Sisters of Chi Chi Chi sorority
voted last night to accept Gypsy
No e Lee as an honorary member
of the group.
In announcing the decision Clar-
issa Upgirdle, '53 P, remarked "We
girls of Tri Chi wanted to cite
Miss Lee for her splendid efforts to
Border Clash
May Lead to
World War I//
Special to The Daily
HIGPOOR, Vlad.-As the sol-
diers of that great aggressive state
smash across the borders of this
tiny princely land, their gaudy
colored uniforms pressed shoulder
to shoulder, you can hardly keep
from feeling a sincere admiration.
Yet, any feeling other than that >
of fear and forboding can not be
long sustained. For all observers
here feel that this is not just an-}
other border clash-an incident.
This open breach of the peace is -
felt to be the beginning; a begin-
ning perhaps of the downfall of
all mankind on a common battle-"
It was 12:01 a.m. (3:16 p.m. Ann:
Arbor time) when the first squads]
began the infiltration of the bor-
ders. The native troops here were
not long in answering with a gi- FLAME O'DELL
gantic barrage of fire.
Then the fighting began in ear- .DC i
nest. Classeds

it Stripper
improve the position of American
"We felt that the only way to
really honor her was to invite her
mt our secret sisterhood," she
added with a giggle. According to
reliable sources, Margaret Tru-
man, Flame O'Dell, Babs Hutton,
and the Duchess of Windsor were
also considered for the award.
ALTHOUGH the voting was se-
cret, it is believed that Miss Lee
won over Miss O'Dell by a feather.
All of the candidates have appear-
ed at one time or another at the
white pillared Tri Chi mansion
and were closely screened by the
girls. (It has been reported that
men from the Phi Alpha Phi fra-
ternity assisted in the screening
process, but this was called "mali-
cious gossip" by Miss Upgirdle last



I il111 1I

for your Valentine
We will wrap and mail
for you.

However, the visits of the
celebrities have caused quite a
sensation on campus. Miss Tru-
man appeared at the house in
December and sang an aria from
"Carmen" that brought down
the crystal chandelier in the
house's spacious third floor bar-
Babs Hutton and the Duchess
of Windsor came to the house with
the Duke. They put on a fashion
show for the girls which was not
overly successful since most of the
house was in another room enter-
taining the Duke. In fact, it was
hinted that the Duke got more
votes than Babs and Wally com-
PROBABLY the most spectacu-
lar shows were put on by Miss
O'Dell and Miss Rose. Arriving at
the house during a blizzard in No-
vember, Miss O'Dell put on a com-
mand performance for the girls,
and was present to entertain their
escorts after the show. Standing
on a raised dias in a flame colored
gown fashioned of huge balloons,
Miss O'Dell did her famous "Hu-
man Dartboard" act, singing at
the same time that new ballad,
"Ah the Pricks of Fate."
Miss Lee had the advantage of
appearing in early September
during pleasant Indian summer
weather. She gave her show
from the top of the roof of the
sorority house. Unfortunately,
during her rendition of "Danse
of the Flying Ostrich," a high
wind blew in across the roof and
destroyed most of her costume.
It was later revealed that a pro-
fessor who lives next door to the
sorority had been inopportunely
testing his wind tunnel apparatus
just as Miss Lee went into her
Contacted last night in New
York, Miss Lee remarked that
"those dear sweet girls have given
me the biggest thrill of my life-
time, and I hope to get back to
the dear old campus to see them
and their darling boyfriends in
the near future. Perhaps I can
chaperon one of their dances."

Wins Hammc
Burry Troph
Michigan State News Farm Ed
LANSING-(Special to the
ily) -Maybelle Bullsprefer
grew the biggest razzburry i
evah seed in these parts in a
long while.
Maybelle, she is a nice gal. I
good looker, too. Pappy's too
out a coupla times. Well,
spring, Maybelle ups an' deo
she's agonna grow the bestest
burry evah grown on this
had her big, blue eyes on age
the Rudyard B. Hamma awar
razzburrys an' pigs. Now, ev'r
down here has thare big,
eyes on that award, 'cause P
dent Hamma, he 'wards it pe
Anyway, Maybelle stridded
to the 50 acres backs her d
kareful like. so she wont bot]
the chickens in the bushes,
plants a razzbury seed, she d
By gosh she done waite
waited fer a long time fore
seed, he grew out a the gr
But, Ah tell ya, when that
come, she really come.
An' ya know what? May
she done fell in luve with th
plant, she did. She'd pamper
and nurse him like a lil child.
ev'ry mornin', when the
mothah crowed, she'd up an
out to the lil plant a bucket a
'CAUSEa A ALL this kare, 'c
a all this fertlazasion the lil
e burry plant growed an' grows
- he were narly as big as May
e Maybelle done wayed 183 p0
an' Ah liked 'er.
L Purrty soon, the razzba
- plant done blussomed.
S purrty soon, big burrys stai
- acomin' out on his brane
, Maybelle were so happy she
v got tah feed the bulls. T
done starved.
[1 Well, anyway she plucked
e razzburry off a the plant an',
g yah don't think it were big, it
e ... bout the size a 'er . ..fi1
Ev'ry one done wanted ta
y it. But Maybelle was a good
r an' took it tah 'er burry clas
oe 'er teecher entered it in the1
) contest, 'an President Hamm
e liked it so much he done
d Maybelle the FIRST B

Students To Be
Debated by SL
"Should Students Be?" will b
the subject of the Student Legisla
ture debate at 7 a.m. today on th
The sixtieth in a series of SI
debates on "subjects of major im
portance to all students," today'
session has been planned to ans
wer an overwhelming question
according to SL councilman Ir
Lipp, '57.
"We hope that everyone wi
show up," he said eagerly. "W
scheduled this one on the dia
instead of in Rackham so that w
could accommodate all comers."
Both sides will be handled b
experienced debators. Arguing fo
the "yes" side will be "ace" Jo
Personable, '52, and Joy (Faery
Queen, '54. The "no" end will b
carried by Hank Head, '62E, an
lovely 'Lanie Low, '53A.



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