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February 07, 1949 - Image 21

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-07

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SPEC AL lie lItgttja SPECIAL

Monday, February 7, 1949


Ole Man. Weather Smiles on Winter Frolic

Sktes in Gala
Ice C(U'ht!
Te five-'a' weekend slid off
to a f , ta,~rt ih Winter Car-
ail ' .c..'. tnthe way Wednesday
a.n Thu- r d
Sno -. and a 20 degree aver-
age temperature combined to make
"eas sleddinz' for the Union-
Lea-se revival of ihQ two-day
sports frolic.
"e Man Winter" beamed on
nn Atrbor this time. At the last
arnival in 1941 a aa ashow with
nearly a'is many events as the
19-9 pror'am. was planned.
But. the committee postponed
and "sseated" while Ann Arbor
aad "its mildest winter in 50
ears" according to the Detroit
weather bureau.
Preceding carnivals in 1939 and
'40 were chiefly professional ice
skating shows, a committee
spokesman said.
The 1949 carnival was climaxed
by the Coliseum ice show, but a
string of toboganning, ice carving,
dancing and speed skating led up
to it. Cutter rides and a hay ride
added atmosphere.
Silver King, in the person of
Blair Moody was officially un-
masked at the ice show. He pre-
sented trophies to high-point
ooUses and ribbons to winning in-
iividuals. Fiure skating, crazy re-
says, and a faculty-student broom-
>all game filled out the final event
Thursday night at the Coliseum.
Skating races at Burns Park
followed . a free-for-all skating
party at the Bums Park rink
Thursday afternoon.

Da5y-Alex Lm aasn.
WINNING DISPLAY-Phi Gamma sDeta's winning ice carving.
Phi Gamma Delta Tops List
Of Winter Carnval Winners
Phi Gamma Delta led the pa- somen's division and Winchell
rade of the ten houses awarded House and Phi Gamma Delta in
trophies for top total scores in the men's division. All four took
Winter Carnival competition. home first place trophies.
Delta Upsilon followed in sec- Seconds were awarded Alpha
fhi and Delta Upsilon in wonien's
and place. The next eight in order and men's respectively.
were: Silver King awarded six silver
Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Delta tollars instead of five because
Delta, Kappa Delta, Chi Omega, here swas a tie for fifth place.
Sorosis, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Adams Xinning guessers in order were
House, and Hollis House. na Sussman, Catherine Clark,
Top honors for ice carving were Phyllis Walters, John Hodvak, and
split four ways between Mosher tied for fifth were Ernest. Felton
Jordan and Kappa Delta in the and Tom Flynn.

Daily-Bill Wise
TOBOGGAN EN IiUSIASTS-Winter Carnivaies in one of
msany Arborehuin sports.
Nancy Hess, Dick Slocum and Pat McKenna were in general
charge of the event. They were assisted by Gwen Sperlich, Dick
Cossit, Jackie Reid, Irvin Barill, Mary Carolyn Wright, Pat Han-
nagan, Bob Seeber, Bobby Jo Ream. Bill Peterson, Harold Sper-
lich and Ann Schoonmaker.
ihe t4the 7ht9

W orsteds
FHannie s
In a 'tocd suit the
fabric and tut are the
thing ! That's why our
collection is famous
around town! Cou-
pled with these two
guiding fac tors you
ore aas assuredof
discriminating taste
in a suit that's made
to serve f or years.
Suits slyled by

P ! y-Alex tmisaaaii

Baffling Witer Carnival Clues'
IdentifySilver King Mood v
Sit'er King is no longer a cam-, from the middle of the alphabet, t
:pus mstery man but the clues the space between M and N, its
which identified him may be. one bkek to M. After counting ten
The first five of almost 80 guess- from M to the beginning, B cones
ers who deducted "Blair Moody" up. The result is B.M--Blair
from the quartet of clues took Moody s initials.
home silver dollars. "I'm on the ledge," suggests his
Moody, as Silver King, said, "I SL membership. "And in the
got the biggest kick out of throw- uod" makes a slight pun on his
Lng candy at my fiat brothers on last name.
the ride down the Diag." The second line, "For gradua-
The hardest part of the joh, he tion clouds to brood," means he
asserted, was throwing friends off olans to graduate in June with
ihe track. when they asked him the class of '49.
point blank if he was Silver King. "Secretay, Presid ent, Silver
"Icouldn't say 'yes and I couldn't King. Football and Washington
say 'no; so I just said 'guess'." are the thing;" lists his activities
In case some are still puzzling and interests. Besides SL presi-
over the clues a post mortem is in dency last semester, he is secre-
er. tary of the Phi Delt house, Wash-
The first one - "From the ington. D.C. is his home.
middle to beginning and end, it's Football, thrown in chiefly to
one and ten to every friend," is throw puzzlers off the track, is a
based on the alphabet. legitimate hobby, he said, although
Joanne Hill. a publicity com- he plays mostly in frat scrim-
tits n't t'ae' "a ' a='.d tha' m-s, s

'Where the Good Clothes Came From"
119 South Main St., Ann Arbor

Daily-Bi aWise

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