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February 07, 1949 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1949-02-07

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.,oCndav, February °7, 1949

T H-E- ICH-1 G-AN, Q A 1_LY

Page fi fteell I

Monday. February 7. 1949 THE- MICHIGAN DAILY Poae Fifteen

.._ 1

*vw 'r Ai .- e--4 , ., ,

(Continued from Page 14)
son, Det.; Doris Massey. Wichita,
Kas, and red Buckner. Buffalo, N.
Y.; Dolores Matbeny and Don
Conden; Nataie lattson, Bess-+
emer, and Creihton Lederer,
Braoklyn, N.Y.
BARBARA -MAL, Det., and
Derald Katterman. Det.; Sally
McBride, Grosse Pointe, and Jerry
Thiede, Grosse Pointe; Anne Mc-
Call, Grand Rapids. and Carl
Forslund, Grand Rapids; Mar-
gret McCall, Ann Arbor, and Law-
rence Hamberg, Ann Arbor; Mr.
and Mrs. Merrill McClathey, Pon-
tiac; Shirley McClehan, Hastings,
and Raymond Kenyon, Hastings;
Mary Ma cTaggart and Jack.
Campbell; Pat: McCongan, Sag-
inaw, and Bob Hammerschmidtj
Mary Jo McCormick and Norm"
Goeckel; Deane McCracken, Cam--Bill Smith
eron, W. Va., and L. J. Calabres,
Philadelphia, Penn.; Mr. and Mrs. Hastings; Barbara Meecham, and Elliot Cooper, Brooklyn, N.Y.;
Donald McCready, Ann Arbor; Grosse Pointe, and William Mr. and Mrs. John Michael, Det.;
Ginny McGinity, Det., and Jim Meecham, Grosse Pointe. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michaiel,
McEachern, Det.; Marilyn McLar- Det.; Florence Michaloski, Grand
en and Carl Kaltwasser; Margaret CAROL MEISE, Bay City, and Rapids, and Robert Host, Grand
McLaughlin, Coldwater, and Frank Dick Trim, Milan; Nancy Merriam,
Murphy, Coldwater; Marianne Flint, and Philip Timyan, Flint; Rapids.
McLelland, Det., and Lynn Bar- Mary Messinger, Three Rivers, Edna Mihelic, Riverdale, N.Y.,
ber, Royal Oak. and Robert Pitts, Centerville; and Norman Ladd Pellard, Lan-
Agnes McPhail, Muskegon, and Norma Metler, and Bill Young; sing; Beth Mikesell, Washington,
Mike Louis, Jamestown, N.Y.; Dorothy Meyer, Grosse Pointe, and and Larry Pound, Det..; Joanne
Marie McPhail, Holly, and Reed Jacques Duchamp, Ann Arbor. Miles, Saginaw, and Robert Mc-
Parker, South Haven; Kathleen Helene Meyer, Grosse Pointe, Leod, Saginaw; Adelaide Miller,
McPhillips, Det., and Philip Los- and Tom Redmond, Grosse Pointe; Det., and Donald Basel, Det.;
cinski, Det.; Mary Lou McWebb, Pamela Meyer and Jack Roseman; Carol Ann Miller, Det., and Ned
Hastings, asyd William Stebbins, Renee Meyerson, Hollis, L.I., NY., Stirton, Det.; Elizabeth Miller,

Michigan City,, Ind., and Harold
Walsh, Evanston, Ill.
INEZ MILLER and Thomas
Hoyer; Inez Mi~ille , Clarkston, and
Jack Leadbetter, Det.; Joyce
Miller, Det., and Erik Hansen, Ann
Arbor; Lois Miller, Maplewood, N.
J., and Hugh Benedict, Flint; Lu-
cille Miller, Det., and Don Ben-
ham, Det.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Shirley Miller and Robert Uvick;
Sheila Millman, Det., and Arthur
Friedman, New York, N.Y.; Vera
Miskow, Petersburg, and Robert
Rugar, Willoughby, O.; Edith
Mitchell, Det., and Walter Debler,
Det.; Marilyn Mittler, Dayton, O.,
and Donald Ennis, Cleveland, O.;
Kokie Mock and Don Davies.
Patricia Mohrlock, Chelsea, and
Donald Baldwin, Chelsea; Barbara
Molyneaux, Grosse Pointe, and
John Ryder, Toledo, O.; Elizabeth
Moncrieff, Det., and John Flynn,
Cleveland, O.; Del Moniuszko and
Ken Scarie; Betty Montrose, Det.,


Blanc; Betsy Moore, Grand Rap-
ids, and Dan Turkham, Grand
Rapids; Louise Moore, Canton,
0., and Herb Lorenz, Det.; Maxine
Moore and LeRoy Scott; Molly
Moore, Morenci, and Frank Nye,.
Hudson; Betty Morrin, Det., and
Erwin Wolk, Det.; Marilyn Moran
and Richard Arthur.
Martha More and Paul Morgan;
Peggey More and Louis Fourie;
Claire Morey,.Charlotte, and Rich-
ard Beechler, Charlotte; Noryne
Morgan, Toledo, 0., and Roy Lock-
wood, Toledo, 0.; Trudy Morgan,
Det., and Donald Morgan, Dot.;
Zona Mork, Trenton, and Manny
Silkiss, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mary Ann
Morris, Saginaw, and Arthur
Doersam, Saginaw; Suzanne Mos-
ser, Fort Worth, Texas, and Harry
Porter, Fort Worth, Texas.
Adrian, and Charles Wittliff, Port
Huron; Mr. and Mrs. David Muel-
ler, Det.; Hariett Mulane, Greens-
burg, Pa., and George Shenk,
Flushing, N.Y.; Ellen Mulvihill
and Robert Templin; Trudi Munch
and Jack Seeber; Barbara Munn,
(Continued on Page 16)

and Kenton Bentley, Det.
Blanc, and Robert Wismer, Grand



The Micigam Daily needs advertising copy-
writers. There are good solid jobs open to
students intereted. No fancy salaries--no
high-toned titles. Just jobs that carry a lot
of "pull" when you're job-hunting after
graduation. None of our clients get any
night-clubbing, golf or football tickets. Just
advertising that keeps them rubbing their
eyes-and their hands.
That takes writing! Not Shakespeare,
Byron or Per: Shelley. It takes writing
packed with ideas. With showmanship. A
touch of fast, fresh dialogue. A sprinkle of
zip and cong, now and then, or a punchy.
headline loaded with-dynamite. Words that
make midd e-age women see Grable in the
mirror-words that SELL. Words that make
a super salesman out of a headline and a
bit of copy.
Brother--or sister- if you can swing it
like that, we cn use you. We'll take either
sex-on even terms. If you have a flair
of showmnsp--know which fork to pick
up at the dinnor table-can talk a 13-year-
old kid int o dose of castor oil, we'll love
you to dea f you've had any selling or

advertising experience, it might help-it's
not required.
CAUTION: It's a working job You dig
for dope. You take orders. You drudge.
You knock yourself out on one skeleton idea
till you're nuts, sometimes; and every repeat

If it's good wholesome
food you want, then
hurry right down to
us for your meals. We
have complete stocks of delicious, nutri-
tious food. You're sure to find just what
you want at the price you can pay on the
GRANAr~g r
on State
our favorite flatties
baby dols
Yummy new suedes, smooth " Black Calf
leathers ... that are just what 0 Red Calf
you want for campus or town! " Green Calf
So beautifully made, smooth * Navy Calf
fitting. As seen in VOGUE. * Grey Suede
" Cocoa Suede
0 Black Suede.
a RA3N06A LS
9:00-5: 30 306 South State

comes out slicked up like young Sis at her
first prom. That's not easy. And now and
then you answer the jackpot question with
a hot new angle, too.
If that's you, then whip over to The
Michigan Daily on Thurs, Feb. 10, at 4
o'clock, and you're IN.


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