Saturday, February 15, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pan Elvn -Hop Latest In Swing Styles Who Knows What Moder Is ... And Who Wani The Jazz Bands And The Boogie-Woogie Gave Rise To Whatever Is Swing Out of all the potpourri in Amer-v ican popular music-jazz bands, gowns against a background of din- baogie-waagie, German Bands, drum ner music reminded me of dinner and bugle carpsmand My Old Ken- music under unusual conditions and tucky Home-something has evolved for odd people. Finally I got to that is named swing. It is sweet wondering if even cannibals had and sophisticated and involves such dinner music and what it would terms as hot-lick and jam session sound like to a white man who ap- and sock it and out of this world. proached their island just at a time Nobody knows exactly what it is. when the cannibals were breaking Three of the music's outstanding a long fast." That is the way he ex- defenders, Goodman and Scott and plains it, and that is the way it will Krupa, are in Ann Arbor this week- have to stand. "Some people may end playing for the dance of the call my titles screwy if they like," year the annual J-Hop he says, "but I was never more seri- ous in my life." In the background you may hear King Of Swing the music of some one of these men Goodman is the old conservative now if you are at the dance, or at swing master, the man who made it least you can look forward to hear- what it is today and defends it to ing Goodman and his band tonight. the end. "People have forgotten," At any rate, you will be hearing says Goodman, "that there's good the best there is in swing, and bad swing, just as classical mu- Hybrid Of The Three sic may be excellent or poor, de- The hybrid of the group of three, pending on the performer. The same Scott, composes and plays his own purists who insist on having their music, stuff that he titles mysteri- classical music pasteurized for their ously and plays as though the notes ears by the New York Philharmonic were thrown on the staff without or the Philadelphia Orchestra don't any regard for form for the ears hesitate to condemn swing after of his listeners. hearing it manhandled by some He refuses, though, to admit that Grade Z radio band." Swing, he' there is anything out of the way says, is just as good in its own way about either his music or his titles. as classical stuff. Which may be "What else could you call 'Dinner argued. Music For A Pack of Hungry Can- Number three to appear will be nibals?" he asks. "The music is Gene Krupa, titled in his press re- intended to reflect just what the leases, "The Ace Drummer Man." title implies. I got the idea one He took a lot of his ideas to Good- evening while dining with my broth- man, for whom he originally played er. The dinner jackets and decollete as drummer, and did them up in his Her Voice Is So Sweet ... a Swing. Bridge System ts To Know? Is Renovated own style. "Swing", he says, "is the Iy Com m ittee reflection of a restless, tense world. "The Michigan Bridge System" It has excitement, freedom and in- was copyrighted yesterday by the spiration. Today's boys and girls J-Hop committee as it renovated the order of playing cards in an attempt want that excitement to help them to glamorize the male species. blow off steam. Lack of conven- The jack and king of hearts will tion to dance music of today makes exchange places in order of import- for greater originality and creative- ance to lend beauty to the Hop dec- ness on the part of the dancers. It's orations. King was forced to cede light, it's free and it's good clean his place because of his facial expres- fun." sion which is not suited to a valen- That's the story each of them tine's theme. gives, and what they do you are King's comments were directed not hearing. at his dethronement, but at the re- decoration of his wife's face. "I don't Price leveling effects of the corn care for the modern flippancy ex- loan program have moved the cen- pressed in her features on the en- ter of U.S. hog production eastward, larged photograph in the Sports Iowa State College experts say. Building." boy who started with nothing but if up through Benny Goodman's inence for his own type of music. i , ^ -. ACCESSORIES that MAKE the Costume ... something to add zest to your wardrobe? Come in and see our collection of EVENING BAGS, in Rhinestone, Sequin, Crepes, Gold and Silver, Velvet, Brocades, and Satin. LlUXGG'A7GE 327 South Main Phone 4013 f them all where good, solid swing position on the informal dance to ural Building. ut On Classics She likes jitterbugs and claims hey are a necessary adjunct to her rofession. It seems she can't "swing 'ut" a song to the best of her ability, inless there are jitter-bugs present o react to her every motion. And he answers all fan mail personally. Her ambition is to have a com- sercial radio program where she is he featured artist and to be the star f a Broadway musical show. FRIENDLY SERVICE SAVES TIME AND MONEY AT Telcqrap CHARGES FOR TELEGRAMS 'PHONED IN APPEAR ON YOUR jTELEPHONE BILL. Irene Daye, the lovely lady of song, who sings for Krupa tonight, will furnish the major musical feminine interest over the weekend. She's not yet married and admits eligibility, but her requirements are high. PERSONAL INSTRUCTION in RHUMBA TANGO LA CONGA WALTZ Exponent of the Cecchetti Method in Ballet Training SYLVIA STUDIO of DANCE 603 EAST LIBERTY PHONE 8066 Smart to look at but SMARTER to wear! FASHIONABLE DEBS design- ed by Palter DeLiso - brown and gaberdine pumps trim- med with real alligator. A style hit with the women. Medium high heels. BROOKIN'S Smart S4oe 108 East Washington Phone 2-2685 JULU ALU UJ§1LL~L§~~