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February 10, 1934 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-02-10

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f ebruary 10, 1934

the michigan daily

page seven

henry8,e die arrive CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY
FOR RENT FOR RENT-large warm room, sleep-
--------- -ing porch, $2.50 single, $2.00 double.
ROOM and board for $6; nicely fur- 1313 South State. 9812.
nished rooms with overstuffed fur- -------- --
comment unnecessary niture. Rooms $2 and up. 602 Mon- LAUNDRY
roe. 303 - - - --
"___PERSONA laundry service. We take
l o d iyONE DOUBLE and one single room. individual interest in the laundry
1 d 324 Thompson. Ph. 2-2314. 318 problem of our customers. Girls'
l k o1 r 9 E A . o silks, wools, and fine fabrics guar-
offieial 2-ROOM suite. Second floor. Reason- anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.
for h oppers " able. 1 or 2 boys. 924 E. Ann. Phone Call for and deliver. 2-3478, 5594.
8177. 319 611 E. Hoover. 9x
- bull11-etin---
fTHE PRIVATE LIFE OF COMFORTABLE ROOMS: 2 Suites, WE DO your laundry work for one-
HENRY VIIEI At the 2 boys each. 4 and 5 dollars, 413 half the usual price. Phone 2-3739.
Michigan, Sunday and s-I Thompson. Phone 6734. 320 8x
thiough Wednesday. Zoology 21 Final computations oft COMFORTABLE ROOM. Hot and LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
ROMAN SCANDALS class average for Bluebook 3 indicate cold running water. $2.00. 213 5. Careful work at low price 4x
At the Majestic, Saturday 41 that 64.38902 will be a passing grade. Thayer. Phone 5156. 321
through Friday. '1 Aaron F. Shull. T5 --- - WANTED ELP-MALE
BY CANDLE LIGHTS sFOR RENT: Three vacancies in -
At the Michigan, Saturday only. Political Science 114: My class will double rooms. Light, airy rooms. HELP WANTED: Two boys to wash
.3 w _not meet today inasmuch as I must Desirable location. 318 S. Division. dishes for board, 602 Monroe.
me in Lansing to present to the leg- Ph. 3366. 322 .306
By Guy M. Whipple, Jr. islature the merits of H. R. Bill No.
Under the fine touch of Alexander 234567890, of which I am the author. ROOMS, single, double and suites for WANTED
Korda, notable English director, Eng- James Kerr Pollock, Jr. boys, 825 E. University. Near cam- AE D
land's great and highly amorous pus, Tel. 3851. 323
monarch of the sixteenth century _____ suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 dol-
monarcorde inh ty , Political Science 1: I may meet FOR RENT: Suite, near campus, lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi-
who is recorded in history as the "with my class some day this week. large light rooms. No other stu- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
Bluebeard of kings, appears on the Thos. Reed. dents. 535 Packard. 328 North Main. 5x
screen in "The Private Life of Henry
VIII" in the person of Charles " Thesophical Journal Club: Serge FOR RENT: Comfortable rooms in NOTICE
Laughton. , UP. Kerecvsinmoyrsti, Grad., will pre- private home. Reasonable rent to MONDAY and Wednesday, Marcel or
sent a paper at the regular club desirable persons. 905 Sybil Street. shampoo and finger wave, 50c.
lease on view at the Michigan The- ' 1'meeting on "The Metaphysical As- 327 Raggedy Ann Shop. Phone 7561.
atre, Sunday through Wednesday, 1 .88 pects of the Proper Aging of Rare QUIggdyAighrop.frhupe-7re.
gives Laughton his greatest oppor-t Wines." QUIET, warm, light rooms for upper- 11x
tunity, without doubt, and he takes class men. No radios or musical in-A DE B
advantage of his opportunity by giv- Journalism 51: I will present the struments. Prices $1.25 and up. 321 fortable cabs. Standard rates. 2x
ing a richly human portrait of the r y m s n South Division. 326
man in the monarch.a for a spool of thread again today. ONE SINGLE on third floor, one BUY NEW AND USED CARS FROM
The story concentrates on the ro- Anyone who has previously heard the double on second. 528 Packard. Ph. FINANCE CO. 311 W. Huron 22001
manes of the king who married six 19tory will not be expected to come 9453 325 - 133, 932, 131, 1930 models. 12x
women and caused two of the six to sto class. _e-- -TAXcCAB3
pay for their infidelity with their Wesley H. Maurer. Single room for rent in a quiet home.
deaths under the ax of the execu- -Associated Press Photo Reasonable rent. Phone 6152. 1110 TAXI-Phone 9000. Seven-passenger
tioner. The first wife was divorced; This is Rochelle Hudson, of the Business Administration 151: Please Olivia. 324 cars. Only standard rates. 1x
the second, the famous Anne Boleyn' movies. We didn't have any partic- come prepared to recite today. - -w-g-g-
was beheaded: the third died giving ular reason for ineluding' her here, Dean Griffiffiffin.
Henry his first son and third child: except that there is cinematic ma- --___Y
the fourth, the German Duchess of terial on this page, and besides, she Young Republican Club: Meeting
Cleves. was his wife for only a day looks as though she might make in East Hall basement, 7:30 p. m.
and part of a night; the fifth went quite a J-Hop date. Will all three members
the cruel, quick way of Anne Boleyn, t please be
and the sixth, an elderly nurse, hen- -.present.
pecked the aging king into taking bers for the picture and Eddie's
car ofhi helt an, s te ictre"Keep Young and Beautiful." "Build Choral Union Program: ing Cros-
care of his health and, as the picture",by, who will appear in the Choral
closes, is characterized by him: "and a Little Home" and "Tax on Love," Union series, Feb. 9 has revised his
the best is the worst." and the lament "No more Love" Ruth
Vincent Korda and the story's au- Etting sings in the slave market programt raas follows k
thors, Lajos Biro and Arthur Wim- scene, which has been magificently Aria from "Romo Dillegratto" Vek
peris, have turned out a picture staged, should stay with you for Zu Zu Ze Bisseldorf from
which is permeated with flashing dia- weeks after you've seen the picture. "Londonderry Air" ......oldstein
logue, risque though enormously These are bound to be hits. Pur Cariccio me moca belle
amusing and entertaining situations, It wouldn't be fair to divulge the bumbum .........Stempinitrozoff
and the powerful picture of a king plot, because its unexpected twists_ _
who was a man. and bright surprises do lots to make D.A.R.: Faculty members of the Van Boven presents for Sprin four
Laughton has made Henry of his- the picture. But you should know Daughters of the American RevolV-
tory a definitely human figure, run- that Eddie is cast as a wistful lad tion will meet Tuesday afternoon, exclusive shades of Gabardine. This
ning the gamut of hilarious, boister- in the tiny town of West Rome, Okla., 3:30, at the home of Mrs. Antonioeo
ous eating and laughing, hunting and who divides his time between driving Spogardi. netuosted igabardine clt ,s
drinking, loving and storming, and a grocery wagon and dreaming of the Mrs. John Preserved Carver, Sec.
driven to the depths of genuine grief grandeur that was Rome. The force ioven sfor is togie fs a
as the wife he thought was really of his imagination finally projects Michigan Dames: Prof. Paul M.
true and whom he really loved, was him back into the era of his dreams Cuncannon of the Political Science fabric and shade f ron off the beaten
revealed as an adulteress, her lover and there he manages to get himself department announces that he will
his own personal aide. involved in a variety of fantastic sit- (Continued'onPgeEht-Th isbended with extrordi-
uations while attempting to aid Page Eight)
EDDIE'S iMMENSE! beauty in distress in the persons of nary tailoring skill, mak.es it one of
The very idea of Eddie Cantor Ruth Etting and Gloria Stuart,
scurrying madly about amid the de- smooth the course of young love for the finest snits wce hafe ever offered.
cadent magnificence of ancient Rome Gloria and David Manners, expose
should be enough to take you to the the wickedness of the Emperor Vale- We invite you to try one on in the
Majestic Theatre where "Roman rius, played by Edward Arnold -and
Scandals," the wild-eyed comedian's at the same time, if at all possible, bi-siing model.
latest Samuel Goldwyn screen mu- save his own neck.
sical for United Artists release began.E
a seven-day run yesterday. - BETTER DUCK THIS ONE FORTY-FIVE DOLLARS
George S. Kaufman and Robert- Our operatives report that "By
Sherwood, two of Broadway's ace Candle Light" is not so hot. What
comedy writers, turned out a story with "Roman Scandals" and "The
that is built around Cantor's par- Private Life of Henry VIII" available,
ticular brand of nit-wittedness and you might as well skip this one. New this week: Several dozen Eng-
gives the diminutive star many op- !O---
portunities to do his stuff- for of James Couzens is a senator from
course, Eddie gets his inevitable Michigan. He is quite well off. I t' FORMAL in rich spring tones.
chance to apply the burnt cork forsa

a sequence. My grade in Gems and Gem Ma-
Al Dubin, Harry Warren and L. terials is: WEEKEND! ONE AND ONE-FIFTY
Wolfe Gilbert wrote good song num- Thank you.
-.-_--UT even the best laid
- - - - - plans are not complete.
And so for those last min-
- e memerher On ute necessities. We're here
R r.er at the center of activity-
Valentine's Day!
with a box of CIGARETTES
Gilbert's or Bunte's COSMETICS
We will wrap and mail Nickels Arcade
them for you. Drop in En Route, at
Swifts Drug Store DRUG STORE
Phone 3534 - We Deliver North U at Thayer

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