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February 13, 1937 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-02-13

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Page Two


Saturday, February 13, 1937

Page wo TH MICHGAN AILY aturdy, Feruar 1.93


Gay! NevyPArtfu
Y ung! Mee... t
T " e s 4
T he

Girls! Your Pos
(EDITOR'S NOTE: For those bea
from afar for this gala occasion and
with the customary "bread-and-butter
week because they are making prepa
institution, the J-Hop Extra Staff of T
this little helper.)
(Check one orx
Dear ( )
Dearer ( )
Dearest ()
My Dear B.M.O.C. ( )
Dear (you beast) ( )
I had a wonderful:
hangover. ( )
cleaner's bill. ( )
time with:
your roommate. ( )
the chaperon. ( )
the house mother. ()
I adored:
the brothers. ( )
the crap game. ( )
your ............ ( )
(house party, dance,
brawl, cocktails.)
And now I feel like:
you looked. ( )
going up to Michigan
State. ( )
another Tom Collins. (

;t-Mortem Guide Hop Parade
utiful debutantes and others who came IS R ainbow
who are anxious to express their gratitude
letters" but will be too busy to write next
rations for next week-end at some other
he Daily has gone to great pains to prepare
none in each group) (Continued from Page 1)
Tom ( ) see Isabel Bruyere come sweeping in
Dick () on the arm of Henry Ruifrok, decora-
Harry () tions committee. Her tiara and the
?? )train of her tangerine crepe formal
Colonel ( ) lent that definitely regal air, we de-
It was nice to: Adeline Singleton, '38, looked so
go to the horse show. ( ) much the herald of spring in her
see ........ again. ( ) simple flowered print and chic blue
*drink in the fraternity slippers that we found ourselves
looking for her trumpet. She didn't
house. J xr have it with her, but she walked
read the J-Hop extra. { down the ballroom with a very
* Attention, Mr. Philips. springy step, with Walter Jensen,
It was all so: decorations committee, hard on her
twasall soh at (trail.
unsophisticated. ( >.I(Odell Wears Georgette
cute.t( )!
damned tiresome, speaking Of course when the Grand March
anky t e s g Istarted forming, all eyes, including
frankly. (our slightly near-sighted ones, were
glued on the leaders, Frances Odell
and Bud Hoffman who were posi-
Love and kisses, ( ) tively champing at the bit to be off.
LoveRandkises, (Frannie was sparkling "as doon the
Raspberries, (sterres in the frosty night" (with ab-
Yours very truly, ( ) ject apologies to Geoffrey) in a fitted
Sincerely, ( ) white georgette gown with brilliants
twinkling all over it. Special model
Sweet Meats. ( ) at Bud's request, we were told.
Honeysuckle Rose. ( ) Ruth Kolber, who deserted Hill-
Sugar Plum. ( ) side, N.J., to come to the Hop as the
Vinegar Puss.( ) guest of Samuel Charin, secretary,
made her entrance in maroon velvet
from head to foot. She was snuggled
* ~in the fox collar of her matching vel-
Sing Proceeds vet cape.
e" Roose Wears Crepe
p- Go To MWending their way about the ball-
ue room slightly dazed with the ins and
e. Dorm Fund outs of the Grand March we saw
Josephine Roose on the arm of Dick
Wasson, floor chairman. Josephine
The proceeds of the concert here looked too sweet in her rose colored
at 3 p.m. tomorrow by the Chrysler flowered crepe with its black net red-
Male Choir will be given to the Men's ingote. And Ann Gordon was flitting
Dormitory Fund, Gilbert Tilles, '37 about in blue engallne with a full
chairman of the Committee on Men,'swing skirt and two big perky bows
charmaofhes Commiee y eny on the shoulders, doing a good job
Dormitories, announced yesterday. of representing the School of Edu-
The concert will be given in Hill cation. The finishing touches were
Auditorium. Tickets, which may be silver slippers, a rhinestone clip and
purchased at the Union, League, and Joel Newberg who escorted'her.
Wahr's and Ulrich's bookstores, are Drifting along the floor in a cloud
25 centsof chartreuse net with Joseph Tay-
The Choir, which is composed of lor, '37L, was Margaret Curry, chair-
215 Chrysler office, factory, and sales man of the program committee. Mar-
employes, was organized in 1932 and garet's gown had a tightly-fitted bo-
sang here in the spring of 1935. dice with tiny satin bows down the
A dinner will be held for the choir) front and it billowed out over a satin
members after the concert. (Continued on Page 12)
Classified Directory

Born to dance ... this rollicking happy-go-lucky -sandal
will be seen at the smartest places! Note the short
round toe... slim high heel... and the whirling strap
going round 'n round your foot! Can you resist it?

Red flannels on the "out-of styl
list for 20 years, are becoming pox
ular again in the Mid-West. Blt
flannel underwear adds a new not

We Suggest
in Beautiful, Heart-Shaped Boxes
WHITMAN'S and GILBERT'S 50c to $4.00
Carry the J-Hop spirit on! For Sunday belongs to St. Valentine's and
all his vast army of prot6ges. Whatever you give, it is the thought that
counts. So come in and let our trained gift selectors help you choose
your gift.
Perfumes, Lipsticks and Compacts make other suitable Valentine gifts.
We have something unique in a Mary Dunhill Gardenia Perfume in a
heart-shaped box . . . $2.50 . . . and for him we suggest a pipe or a
fine humidor.
324 South State 818 South State

NEW and old books. Antiques. 202
East Ann. 127x
SUITE suitable for two students.
Newly decorated and furnished.
Close to campus. 427 Cross. Phone
2-1627. 350
A SINGLE and double room for Jew-
ish girls, 1511 Washtenaw Ave. Tel.
3851. 349
BOARD job for boy sharing rent on
newly decorated suite. Reasonable.
Call 4039. 348
ROOM for rent: One comfortable
double room for upper classmen.
Phone 2-1767. 928 Forest. 276

FOR RENT: Attractive suite suitable
for two men students. Also a single
available. 1034 E. Huron. Call 7331.
BOARD job for student who will take
room for second semester. Phone
Mrs. Slade. 2-2276. 351
old and new suits, overcoats, at $3,
$5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS
musical instruments. Phone Sam.
6304. 87x
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at a low price. 6x

Everyone Knows.
that the Campus
Cut-Rate Drug Store
can take care of all
your Party Needs
The Campus Cut Rate Drug Co.
Ann Arbor's Busiest Little Drug Store
Dial 9392 218 South State Street

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