souvenir j-hop extra vol. xliv c1 trl Tttrt 471at_ second edition ann arbor, michigan, saturday, february 10, 1934 price 10 cents 1934 hop over; fun for all even with mercury at --14 after the grand march was over trains, tiaras, ruffles reminiscent of '90's' By Marnie Morrison and Florence Harper Appealing femininity contrasting with the severe modernism of the ballroom formed the scenic back- ground of the 1934 J-Hop. Elegance expressed in trains, tiaras, and wind- swept ruffles seemed reminiscent of the days when carriages drove in procession to the ballroom door. As in other days, daintiness of net, chif- fon, and tulle were combined in all the luxury of the mode, pastel shades blending with the blue backgronnd withdnow and then a more striking note. The keynote was struck by the gown worn by Ann Timmons, 36, who led the grand march as the guest of Philip Singleton, general chairman of the event. Fashioned of white lace, Miss Timmons' frock swept back into a long train, the low decollete of the gown draped into a cowl effect. In front the neckline was squarely cut in a quaint line, and accented by pearl and rhinestone clips. During part of the evening the short match- ing cape was worn by the first lady of the evening. As the guest of Charles Hewitt, vice-chairman of the dance, Marion McDougall, '35, chose rough pink crepe for her frock. The distinguish- ing feature of the frock was its long pleated train. Jane Brucker, '35, who entered the ballroom on the arm of James Eberly, '35, co-chairman of the floor committee, was charming in an unusual shade of pink dust, with the straight line broadened at the edge of the decollete cape with ostrich plumes. The chairman of the invitations committee, Ruth Kaser, attended with Richard Schumo, '37. She chose a frock with an intriguingly cut out (Continued on Page Ten) ' campus groups occupy 30 booths 1. Phi Sigma Delta, Kappa Nu, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Nu, Phi Epsilon Pi. 2. Alpha Chi Sigma, Delta Chi, Kappa Sigma, Delta Sigma Chi. 3. Phi Sigma Kappa, Trigon. 4. Zeta Psi, Phi Gamma Delta, Alpha Rho Chi. 5. Alpha Tau Omega. 6. Xi Psi Phi, Tau Kappa Epsi- lon, Psi Omega. 7. Theta Delta Chi, Delta Upsi- lon. 8. Phi Kappa Psi. 9. Sigma Chi. 10. Lawyers Club. 11. Beta Theta Pi. 12. Kappa Delta Rho, Theta Kappa Psi. 13. Chi Phi. 14. Theta Chi. 15. Phi Kappa. 16. Phi Kappa Tau, Delta Alpha Epsilon, Alpha Sigma Phi, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 17. Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Kappa Alpha. 18. Nu Sigma Nu. 19. Alpha Kappa Lambda. 20. Delta Kappa Epsilon. 21. Psi Upsilon. 22. Theta Xi. 23. Committee. 24. Sigma Nu. 25. Delta Sigma Delta. 26. Sigma Phi Epsilon. 27. Phi Kappa Sigma. 28. Phi Kappa Tau. 29. Independents. 30 Independents and R.O.T.C. two unidentified timmons, singleton j-hop attendants head grand march The 1934 class dance is an event of will hold afternoon the past. . The last tunes of the J-Hop have tea dance at union faded into a bitterly cold night. Rev- __________ elers' gayety has been anti-climaxed by fraternity breakfasts and finally Social activities at the Union for deep sleep to prepare for the intense the Hop week-end will be topped with social program outlined by the vari- the holding of a tea dance Satur- ous houses for the week-end. day afternoon in the ballroom. Fur- Despite the reduction in ticket ther plans announced for the three- prices, last night's Hop was entirely day period include dances for Fri- successful - from the music, which n b aday and Saturday night and the proved a drawing card, to the severity serving of J-Hop breakfast early Sat- of the modernistic decorations. Hal h of hop urday morning. Kemp's novelty numbers were ex- The tea dance, which is a com- tremely popular among the happy plete innovation this year, is being throng, as they were alternated with s s held to provide entertainment for the dreamy tunes from current shows, students and their Hop guests be- while a large part of the celebrants patrons' ngthuepryfsiiis no hr h ordtnso er tween the class party and Saturday spent their evening near the spot night house party festivities. Union where the torrid tunes of Henry Busse officials stated that, should the dance were emerging. The list of patrons for the J-Hop prove successful this year, it will After the frigidity of the Ann Arbor is headed by Governor and Mrs. be made a regular feature. weather, the luxurious atmosphere of William A. Comstock, President and Light refreshments will be served the blue and silver scene - as mod- Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, and and tables will be provided for the ernistic as the most futuristic dream Mayor and Mrs. Frank Couzens, of dancers in and about the ballroom. - proved a rejuvenating affect to the Detroit. The admission price has been set at chilled attenders. The cold wave ri- The list includes in addition: Mr. 60 cents a couple. The committee in valled that of last year, which estab- and Mrs. Junius E. Beal of Ann charge of the dance includes Rich- lished a precedent for Hop weather. Arbor, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy V. Cram ard Shoupe, '35, James Wallace, '35, Unofficial weather reports said the of Flint, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond C. and Alexander McPherson, '35, all mercury was at 14 below zero. Shields of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. student executive councilmen. The picturesque function swung in- R. Perry Shorts of Saginaw, Mr. and Immediately following the conclu- to action shortly after 10 p.m. as the Mrs. Richard R. Smith of Grand sion of the Grand March, at about crowd of 2,000 began to arrive. Many Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stone 1 a. m. Saturday, the Union will of the dancers expressed their regrets of Bloomfield Hills, Franklin M. begin serving breakfast to the danc- that the music could not be broadcast, Cook of Hillsdale, Mr. and Mrs.ers in the main dining room and but for the first time in several years, Charles C. Hemans of Detroit and terrace. Service will continue until with the exception of last year, this Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Voelker of 3:30 a. m. Reservations must be made was not possible. And as the climax Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. in advance of the evening, came the grand march, Singleton of Detroit, parents of the led by Philip Singleton, '35E, general general chairman, Philip E. Single- The final event of the week-end chairman, and Ann Timmons, '36, ton, will attend as patrons. at the Union will be the dance Sat- Ka urda nigt inthe allrom, Kappa Alpha Theta. Attending also will be Dean and urday night in the ballroom. After the expenses of the evening Mrs. Henry M. Bates, Dean and have been settled, the proceeds are Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and There are 96 senators. to go to some charitable organization, Mrs. Samuel T. Dana, Dean and possibly the Student Good Will Fund. Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dean and Famous last words: No, Herr Hit- The beneficiary is to be determined (Continued on Page Ten) er, emphatically, no! I at a later date.