Page Eight T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Saturday, February 10, 1940 PaeEgh H IC IA DIYStudy Fbur 1 0194 Jayhopmania Realizes Elusiv< i i i i i i L SEND THAT VALENTINE BY WJEST E R N UNION ANY ONE OF SIXTEEN BEAUTIFUL VALENTINE TELEGRAMS DELIVERED ON SPECIAL VALENTINE BLANKS, ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES FOR ONLY 25c. FIFTEEN-WORD TELEGRAMS OF YOUR OWN COMPOSITION ONLY 35c ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES. LOCAL VALENTINE TELEGRAMS 20 WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. DIAL 4221 iAt Least It's Perfect From The Male Pc I Plane,_Pays The Bills, Serves Br Frosh Frolic three weeks off? How For Once It's The Woman Who Pays,Pays, Etc. much can I hook him for? How can But She Does It With A Smile; What's More I lead him on and then drop him She'sReady hn elike a hot potato? (the girl even When Her Date Calls For Her thinks in terms of cliches.) Ah, yes, pressing problems indeed? By AMERICAN rain in Ann Arbor. And it's always But in Jayhopmania all these ills NO MATTER how you regard the raining there. melt, fade and resolve itself into )C J-Hop, it must be with a jaun- By this time he has to start count- nothingness. Admitted that this is diced and prejudiced eye if you con- ing, not his pennies because these far into the future, beyond the realm sider it anything but a woman's floozies around here think in terms of the experience of anyone except l world. of S's with a pair of bars through the we who can project our superb minds Firstly some blond and blushing middle. How much will that horse into the future. So for the benefit of girlie is invited by some loving lad to eat? She's so fat now that the beer you less fortunate we'll describe, aided attend this dance. She, of course, barrel polka was written in her honor. by the pictures which present all but didn't have a date. No one else would And then paying for her room . . . one of the salient points, the Jayhop ask her. But still she insists on coyly If he only got some benefit from it. weekend in Jayhopmania. saying, "welllll." And then she fin- But she's Anglo-Saxon enough to j First of all, He does't write, wire ishes with a condescending "allll think that her home is her castle and or telegraph his date. He simply rrriiigggghhhtt." All this time she heaven help the unwary male who communicates with her by mental knows she couldn't get another date tries to invade this sanctuary. telepathy. That is, of course, impos- if she managed to exercise to a bux- These then are his worries. How sible in 1940-girls today think that om 36. about her? There's no getting around "mental" is something that is dug So now he's hooked. If she comes it. She has her troubles. Spain, out of the ground. from out of town, he wonders if she China and Czechoslovakia pale into But now they both are aware of knows enough to pay her own train insignificance when she begins to the fact that they are going to the fare; if she's a coed he doesn't have count her woes. How can I make Jayhop. There is no difficulty about to wonder-he knows she doesn't myself alluring enough to entice him? trains or cars; She simply hops into know enough to come in out of the Maybe the sap will ask me to the her speedy little Mercedes and lands by TOMMY WdI/d(A DORSEY j][vY25136 I'm Getting n f~,O Sentimental Over You a 1'l.I've Got A Note 25523 Marie / V ,T. Song Of India THE MUSIC YOU.,2646-1 All The Things You Are WAANT tEYOU That Lucky Fellow 26445 The Starlit Hour Deep Night 26423 Careless Darn That Dream 26429 Easy Does It Am I Proud Also a complete selection of BLUEBIRD, DECCA, COLUMBIA, and VICTOR Classical Records. RADIO & RECORD SHOP 715 North University Street Phone 3542 PORT RAIT5 by I I. T __- The glamour of your J-Hop formal should never be for- gotten. Preserve it with Q fine photograph. Photographer 332 South State Dial 5031 The pictures, completely reading across the page from left to right, tell the story of a J-Hop date in Jayhop- mania. The girl (from out of town, of course) flies down to Ann Arbor plane. They go to one of the town's in her own airplane and is met at the better restaurants and it's the wo- airport by her escort for the weekend man who pays and pays here. She who courteously assists her from the insists, with a flip of her hand, on paying for the check. The next Pie- /ture shows her applying the finish- ing make-up touches just before her "The flowers .date calls for her. And then they're t~l blOtrt i the atth Hop, both of them dreaming of what is to come. Note the smiles spring .on both their faces and the look of now bloom in profusion on Dom. D. Doscolo says: your first spring hat. I"Look your best during that all-important J-Hop week-end! IFor exclusive scientific Barber Headquarters for 1Service, scalp treatments and LARKWOOD Hosiery facials of all kinds, visit the Esquire Barbers at your earli- "ct n r r~r ni o> Mic by helen poihemus Shop of Distinctive Millinery 613 East William 4 Doors Off State est convenience." DOM. D. DASCOLA ESQUIRE Barbers Liberty off State