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February 10, 1940 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-10

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Saturday, February 10, 1940


Page Five

Saturday, February 1 0, 1 940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pane Five

T. Dorsey's Gabriel Trombone New Regime
Was Sweet Even In Old Days Subsidizes
Tommy Played Fast, Hot Miss America
When Swing Was New;f w
Jayhopmania Loves Him (By the Affiliated News Service)
With the enrollment yesterday of
By Andlarge Patricia Donnelly, onetime American
Even in sal, samnalent, senile, beauty queen, in the University of
severe and stinkey BJ (before Jay-
hapmania) a certain "Sentimental Jathlanya, cord a n epau
Gentleman of Swing, his trombonete beau-
and his orchestra were acclaimed as tiful women to une not-so-beautiiul
the finest that staid, somnolent . has been changed to nine and w half
key BJ had to offer. And here, in s to one-half.
the land of the future, Tommy Dor- Miss Donnelly, when questioned
sey gets in the groove. Blues beware. late last night at her dormitory lcat-
Acclaimed by the critics as one of ed in the Arboretum, said that she
the greatest, if not the top, trom- intends to join the League of Beau-
bonist of all time, Dorsey has climbed tiful Women, otherwise known as the
a long way in the world of jazz and Alpha Foo sorority. The house mother
stayed right on top for several years of the dormitory, who had just re-
with highest ranking in the nation's turned from the Siesta Room of the
swing and sweet music polls. dorm where she had been mixing
Dorsey's history is a long one. It Dry Martinis for a mixed group, said
was back in 1922 when the Scranton ha Matinis tar asied grkup sai
Sirens blared forth in true Dixieland Tommy Dorsevthad everws.he atedantetha
styl, ad te ncleu ofthi fie-_ had ever seen. She pointed out that
mstyle, and outfithe wasformedusby of this five- and " Miss Donnelly was already dated up
manauti ws aredbytwo brathi- andAll The Things Tan Are" Dar -fa the next three manths salid.
ers, playing alto sax and trombone. sey has reached the pinnacle of suc- forPat is going t take a course in the
They Started Young cess. dev go nt oiale icourse
The Dorsey brothers, Jimmy and The band presents one of the most evelapment at sacial intercaurse
Tommy, were young and this was well-balanced arrangements in mod- and intends, she said, to get a job
their first venture with a band. After ern music. The five man sax section as house mother upon graduation.
two years the boys separated and is exceptionally harmonious and "For," she said, "there is no job
played with many different name forms an ideal background for vocal where beauty, good nature and toler.-
outfits until 1934 when they were and instrumental solos. The brass ance fit so ably."
persuaded by friends to again form section composed of three trumpets
their own band, this time a full-sized and two trombones blends with the Correction in the Guest List: Har-
14-piece swing orchestra. saxes so that neither becomes too riet Levy, '40, will not be escorted by
Tommy led the band and Jimmy prominent. Tony Galento, as previously an-
played lead alto, and among those in Aside from Tommy himself, who nounced. She will also not be escort-
the organization were many other wields both the sweetest and the ed by the Canadian Mounties.
musicians now well known. The two swingiest trombone in the business,
boys' conceptions of how swing the band is also sparked by such not-
should be played were vastly ed performers as Babe Russin, John-
different, however, and so after a ny Mince and Frank Sinatra.
short time they split up, Jimmy tak- Russin, a tenor sax specialist, is
ing the band and Tommy going to known for his deep full-bodied solos
New York to form his own. and has earned the reputation of
Within a year, Tommy found the being one of the greatest white tenor
men he wanted, among them Bunny players of all times. Mince, the
Berigan, Davey Tough, Johnny comedian of the band, is a well- ' "
Mince and Carmen Master, and the known clarinetist, while Sinatra,
"Sentimental Gentleman" was on his formerly with Harry James, has tak-/
way. en over Jack Leonard's singing duties.
Up And At 'Em With expert instrumentalists like
The band's climb was fast and these, the great Dorsey outfit will a re
furious. Through "Marie" and the take the part of swing tonight in the <1
follow up tunes like "Who" and "Blue battle against Ted Fio Rito's sweet
Moon," the swing classics like "Song styled music. As Tom himself states
of India," "Liebestraum" and "Dark it "Swing is here to stay. I firmly
Eyes," the pure jazz tunes like "Cop- believe that all good modern dance SURE OF CAMPUS SUC
enhagen" and "Davenport Blues" and musicians and arrangers have a
the popular songs like "Stardust," strong imnulse to swing. They feel togs for it's hew to1
"You Taught Me To Love Again" it keenly."
lntt i o- i i i l n in

Correction in the guest list: Rosa- All references to persons living
mund Meyer, '43, will not attend with or dead, are, of course, references
Cary Grant, as previously announced. to persons living or dead.

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