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February 10, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-02-10

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Saturday, February 10, 1940 T H E M I C H I G A N DAILY Vot L. Price: 1OCents

WHEREAS, the good young people in attendance at
the 1941 J-Hop, and the good old people in attendance at
same J-Hop, plus any other good and any not so good
people present in the Intramural Building at midnight,
Friday, Feb. 9, 1940, have evinced a desire for a more
perfect life, and,
WHEREAS, it is generally agreed that a more perfect
life cannot be wholly achieved within the finite hounds of
this present world, and,

WHEREAS. the men are dissatisfied with the womer the way from wherever they came for a big time deserve
(justifiably) and the women are dissatisfied with the scmething more than a few sips of ginger ale and six or
men (likewise). and, sevcn taxi rides, and.
WHEREAS. we all need a change anyhow.

WHEREAS, those guys who have slapped down five and
a half bucks to romp around the gym. when they can get
a locker for just a couple of bucks which includes towels
and all, should get something for their dough, and.
WHEREAS, the gals who came to Ann Arbor town all

stroke of midnight, all those present at the 1941 J-Hop
will be magically transported to a Utopian land, where
everything is as you want it, said land to be known as

Lead Exodus
To New Land
Harwood And Mary Abendroth
Will Head Mass Emigration
Followed By 3,000 J-Hoppers

Two Great Hands Supply Music For Jayhopmanians
e ' re sent on their
uimcey Utopian


As the thunder flashes and the
trumpets roll at the magic midnight way h, Tonmuy
hour when J-Hoppers are whisked off Dorse) and his
to Jayhopmania to live the perfect
carefree life, the J-Hop committee- reat hanl.
men and their escorts or escortees
(choose one) will lead the mass exo-
John Harwood, general chairman,
will have Mary Abendroth of Mil-
waukee, Wis., as his guest. Miss Ab-
endroth would not divulge what her
dress would be, and it is thought that
she is planning to surprise the gath-1
ering with some dazzling creation.
Brown And Rowe
Peter Brown, co-chairman of
booths, will escort Jean Rowe of
Northwestern University. Miss Rowe
is also keeping her gown a secret. It Ted Tio Rito
is to be hoped that Miss Rowe and
Miss Abendroth do not appear in the held say on the
same dazzling creations. Marie s/her sale ansi
Zemke of Royal Oak will be the guest
of George Ruehle, favors chairman. saw to it that
Miss Zemke has not announced herI
final gown selection. It is to be hoped there was plenty
etc. Of sweetstixed
'Janet Sibley, program chairman,
will have as her guest, Robert Shipps a ith the swing.
of Grand Rapids. Miss Sibley will'
wear pink net, with a contrastingf
bodice of silver lace. Janet Lewin,
'43, guest of Donald Wirtchafter, pub- -
licity chairman, will wear rose velvety
fashioned with a dirndl skirt and
short puffed sleeves. Her accessories
will be gold. -Photos by ach Camera Shop
Heavy, white alpaca crepe, is the
choice of Dorothy Gilliam, '41, guest
of James Tobin, co-chairman of OuLike The Hop Tell Your Pas-e
building. Miss Gilliam's gown s cut Ife TH, Tu
with a very full skirt topped by a
coral bodice andnwhite bolero jacket.
William Kramer, tickets chairman,h
will accompany Ruth Shulman, '42.
Miss Shulman will wear white chif- A short three months ago, a cer- someone is he replies fiendishly, of it, anyhow. Hails from Highland
fon, with a contrasting girdle of sil- gain group of characters stole a few "ersatz him." Park and is so proud of it that he
ver sequins. Helen Barnett, '41, will identification cards, rounded up both George Ruehle, favors: he'll be goes around singing Loch Lomond.
attend the ball with Paul Johnson, their friends and went marching to around only if basketball coach Ben- William Kramer, tickets: for three
co-chairman of building. Plaid taf- a smashing victory at the polls. nie Oosterbaan isn't one of the pa- days he was the most popular man on
feta with red, grograin ribbon trim Now look around. Thirteen of them trons. A reserve on the cage team the campus as every freshman, soph-
is Miss Barnett's choice. are, committee members whom you which meets Northwestern at Evan- omore and senior said hello. Then
John Owen, '40L, will be the guest can praise 'f you like this dance, or ston Saturday night, he's got to 1,350 tickets were sold and people
f Margaret Cornelius, patrons chair- damned if you don't. choose between courting the "girl stopped talking to him.
nan. Miss Cornelius' rose taffeta Here they are, outlined biograph- from home" and the basketball court. Paul Johnson, building: he comes
gown is reminiscent of the "old- ically. If you don't like the Hop Janet Sibley, programs: she's in- from Grand Haven and says that'
fashioned silhouette" with its full you'll have to discover the names of terested in social service work, hopes Benny McCoy is the second most
skirt trimmed with rows of tucking. their parents yourself. to do child welfarp. prominent man in that metropolis.
high back and low V-neckline. In John Harwood, general chairman: Caeve:and's Boy Won't divulge the most prominent.1
keeping with the quaintness of her he was president of Phi Eta Sigma, Donald Wirtchafter, publicity: he Margaret Cornelius, patrons: she
dress, Miss Cornelius will wear a gold of Triangle and a member of Kappa is so good at keeping things secret answers to "hey" or "Peggy" cause
cameo locket and bracelet. Kappa Psi and Theta Xi. Two more that the whole campus knew the "no one calls me Margaret except my
Betty Ann Cattel, co-chairman of societies and he'll be able to trans- name of the second orchestra before teachers and stuff." This is her first
patrons has invited Harry Bleeker, late the Iliad on his own. he did. He comes from Cleveland, J-Hop although lots of other funny
of the University of Albion, as her "Ersatz" Brown spends half the time denying it and things have happened to her.
guest. A dramatic, flame-colored net Peter Brown, booths: an embryo the other half going back there. Betty Ann Cattel, patrons: a future
(Continued on Page 3) chemical engineer, he practised the James Tobin, building: is enam- Edith Cavell she may get plenty of
construction of enough booths to seat oured of Joan Bennett and Hedy La- practice at the Hop, taking care of
-Entered at the Post office at Ann Arbor, 2,700 people by ersatz. He likes the marc but has to do without them. all the headaches that are generatedf
Mich.. as second class mail matter. word so well that when asked where Claims that they're getting the worst from the dance.

Midnight Sees
Into AUtopia
J-Hoppers 'Sent,' To New Land
By T. Dorsey And T. Fio Rito;
Murphy, Vandenberg Are Patrons
The greatest mass transformation
in history took place in the Intra-
Imural Building at midnight last
night before the amazed eyes of 3,-
000 people who had assembled for
the 1941 J-Hop.
At the stroke of 12, the:e as a
sudden silence, the music ceased. the
dancers paused as the entire group
was magically transported to a fairy
Utopian world where everything is
perfect: Jayhopmania. There. the
women were beautiful, the men were
handsome, and there were no wor-
ries or cares. It was just like a dream.
Harwood Leads Hop
At the head of the new world. was
John Harwood, chairman of the J-
Hop committee and his guest, Mary
Abendroth of Milwaukee, Wis., On
the council to assist him in running
things as they should be run were:
Janet Sibley, programs chairman,
Betty Ann Cattell and Peggy Cor-
nelius, heads of the patrons commit-
tee; William Kramer, tickets; Paul
Johnson and James Tobin, co-chair-
men of the building committee, Don-
ald Wirtchafter, publicity; Peter
Brown and Russell La Belle, heads
of the booths committee; William
Harrison, decorations; George Ruehle,
favors and Gordon Hardy, band.
The means of transportation by
which the group was whisked from
the beautifully decorated Intramural
Building to Jayhopmania has not
been determined as yet, but it is ru-
mored that they were sent by Tom-
my Dorsey and Ted Fio Rito.
Taking their place as elders in the
new land were more than 200 patrons,
headed by Supreme Court Justice
Frank Murphy, Senator and Mrs.
Vandenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Dewey, and President and Mrs. Alex-
ander Grant Ruthven.
Some Dismay Tilt
Despite the marvelous assets of
Jayhopmania and the general joy to
be away from the world of blue-books
and eight o'clocks and keeping hours,
there was a little dismay noticeable
at having to leave the splendor of
the Intramural decorations. The cen-
tral theme was of a modern formal,
with a sunburst motif in pastel
shades of green and wine. Center
and end panels of varying colors plus
a large centerpiece that threw sil-
houettes on the walls made for an
enchanting effect. Booths were
draped with horizontal shadings of
green, with modernistic columns
separating each booth. The band
stands were placed diagonally from
each other on either side of the floor,
Before the magic transformation.
the Intramural Building was a swirl
of gay colors and gay lads and lassies.
Favors were given to both the men
and the women and the program,
carrying out the green motif carried
the University coat of arms.

See Full Page Of Pictures On Page 16

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