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February 11, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-11

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Vol. XLIX Price:

Here's The Way You Looked If You Went To The Hop

-Copyright 1939 by R. L. Gach
Dresses Prove House Parties Will Enliven Weekend Count And
Po ular Fad A large number of house parties is Theta Delta Chi is also having a H en ry Swing
Paccompanying heJ-Rop thsyear, house-party, with Prof. and Mrs. E. F.
or and many fraternitis not having house- Barker, of Ann Arbor, and Mr. end For 3,000
pate r aigbreakfasts after the Mr.JhC.Gresofrse le
dance. Beta Theta Pi is among those acting as chaperons. For their break-
Here's What Everybody Wore, having houseparties. The Beta boys fast following the dance, they wil have Phtographer'sCll For Picture
arerhavngWaafomaledinerdbefrerthea private room in the .Union. Saturday Potroe'sCiFrPcue
Or At Least Committeemen's dance, followed by a breakfast after- they are holding an informal dance, Brings Headlong Dash-See
with Hal Carter's orchestra, preceded Bock Poge For Finol Score
Dates, At The Annuol 'Drog ward. Chaperons for the party will be bn,nfra. , - BakPo o Fnl cr

Under a sky-blue canopy sprinkled
with silver stars, Don Treadwell, '40,
hesded the 1939 J-Hop last night in the
Intramural Building with Eileen Hay-
ward, his guest from Grosse Pointe.
Miss Hayward wore a gown of light
blue net, with a bouffant skirt and a
heart-shaped bodice trimmed with lace.
A wide lace flounce banded the lower
part of the skirt. A narrow blue velvet
band edged the top of the bodice, and
a small bow of the same material ac-
cented the front of the bodice.
Roberta Leete, '40, chairman of
booths, had as her guest Jerry Martin,
'40, of Ann Arbor. Miss Leete chose
white silk net studded with small gold
stars. The gown had a fitted bodice
and a full skirt. She wore gold acces-
Larry Rinek, '40, co-chairman of
booths, asked Jean Burchinal of Wash-
ington, Penn., to attend the dance wth
him. Miss Burchinal's gown was of
white chiffon. A wide girdle of black

Mrs. Shelby Shurtz, of Grand Rapids,
and Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Bush, of De-
troit. Bill Sawyer's quintet will pay
for the dinner Friday, and the whole
Sawyer orchestra at a formal dance
and gold sequins accented the fullness
of the skirt. A Juliette cap of sequins
matching the girdle completed the out-
Mary Martha Dailey, '40, co-chair-
man of patrons, had as her guest How-
ard Crusey, '39E. Miss Dailey wore peri-
winkle blue chiffon with a bouffant
skirt. A wide panel of shirring around
the waist had rhinestones clips down
its width.
Vievia Hoelscher, '40, co-chairman
of patrons, asked Lee Chrisman, '39SM,
to attend the dance. Miss Hoelscher's
gown was of spring wine Alencon lace
with a fitted bodice and a very full skirt.
Iridescent sequins. trimmed the dress,
which had butter'fly sleeves. She wore
silver accessories.
Dorothy Robinson, '40, chairman of

fa n inormiun
Acacia has asked Mr. and Mrs. C.
Russell Pryce of Ann Arbor to be chap-
erons at a dinner to be given before the
J-Hop and at a breakfast following.
Alpha Kappa Lambda is having a
(Continued on Page 8)
J -Hop Guests!
"Names Make News"
See Page 2 For Your
Name In Print!
All J-Hop Pictures In this
Issue Copyrighted by R. L. Gach
Entered as second-class matter at post-
office. Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Count Basie and Henry Busse agreed
last night. They agreed you should
have been there. For the J-Hop was
definitely the place-giving keen indi-
cation that some day-and some day
soon-the J-Hop is going to take the
place of lawn croquet for Friday night
lulls.. More than 3,000 people crowded
the floor.
The Intramural Building sported the
most nicely decorated gymnasium in the
country last night. However, a rumor.
started by a horrified taxi-driver, that
the swimming pool had been converted
into a punch-bowl, could not be con-
firmed. At least University officials re-
fused to admit it.
Donald Treadwell, '40, of Gosse
Pointe, was present, ready to lead a
grand march along with his guest, Ei-
leen Hayward, of Detroit, but the near-
est the crowd came to a formal grand
march was when the photographer was
announced. Three people were injured
in the rush to get in the front row.
(Continued on Page 2)
AND 24

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