Saturday, rebruary 11, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Twenty-Ore .r 00 - Ilf 1 " ti, FMS V' !'k s; d (p+ J, t- :i ", " - 4t f. tt \ti Uc J V " J f 14at Q _ p prs po 009 s - ti's 's Ks A P. b e DArE y OF ct q t " PAYS , r ..yy yytt J , - " R LuNK4 ov-cap _--" 'e° Bows y ,i~ ' _.. _ , O f f," y . * J } p 4e 0 C l-ry '° Li dr H 1 r. F{E .PA4 ti w t. Q """rrr X s1. PAVVN EG ,. ., / , ,, -' - , " J ,, , ... _ ... _ - of , r - . 1" a . Q Toasts Slowed '90's Drinkers The toast, now a thing of the past, was an important social gesture in the Mauve Decade. Most of them were sentimental, many incoherent. There were patriotic toasts, amatory toasts, comic toasts and just plain toasts. A typical of the popular drinking senti- ment of the '90's was this little verse: Come, fill the glass and drain the bawl, May Love and Bacchus still agree, And every American warm his soul With Cupid, Wine and Liberty. There's really No Place like The Haunted Tavern to take your girl. for dinner the week-end of J=Hop Saturday night 5:30 to ? Sunday 12:30 - 3:00 417 E. Huron Phone 7781 h' For Your Convenience... * If your subscription has expired ... " If you are entering the University for the first time. CLIP THE COUPON BELOW Enclosed find $2.25 for my subscription to the Michigan Daily for the coming - ;. " semester. NAME...... ADDRESS (Bring or send this to the Michigan Daily Student Publications Building) Np -------------------- - a If you prefer Dial 23-24-1 for a Charge Subscription ... $2.50 For your Parents - a Mailed Subscription . . . $2.75. The Michigan Daily i