Page Twenty TH E MIC HIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 11, 1939 Page Twenty THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, February 11, 1939 Jakie Wanted To Go To That J-Hop, But Law School Faculty Demurred Jakie sat by his window. It was 9:30. Already the crowd was beginning to swirl by on foot, in taxis and on ice skates. The people were on their way to the J-Hop. Jakie has heard about it. Like everyone else, Jakie wanted to go. But Jakie did not have time. He had a lot of work to do. School work. He opened his books. He spent half of his time closing his books, so he thought he might as well spend the other half of his time opening them. As we said, Jakie wanted to go to the J-Hop. He did not care about Count Baise. Nor did he care about Henry Busse. Jakie wanted to find out if he could still dance. For it had been al- most three years since Jakie had had any entertainment at all. You see, Jakie was a Law student, and Law School opens a week before second semester begins in the other schools on campus. Finally, Jakie cursed. He started to study again. But under his breath, he muttered, "Wait till these guys come up before me when I am judge," he said to himself. "Will I sap on the fines." A Splash of PALETTE COLORS Is the Artistic Touch for SPRING MILLINERY 1 Z s95up SCHILLER'S MILLINERY 219 South Main Street Qentlemen: THAT SELF-SATISFIED LOOK on Bill Undergraduate's face isn't conceit - there's plenty of reason for it. The girl came up for the Hop, wondering whether it wouldn't be a good idea to call the whole thing off. But - as soon as she stepped off the train and saw that smart, Van Boven clothed figure she decided to think the thing over. And when he turned up Hop night looking like a University Lucius Beebe (thanks to Van Boven but she didn't know that), why the girl made up her mind then and there that Bill was tops. Now Bill's satisfied and so are we for our part in the romance. And if we can do anything toward giving you that look of Van Boven smartness why let us know. Yours truly, ANJ d &\ t BOVEN JOHNSON-MURPHY SHOES -DOBBs HATS - and most of all - VAN BOVEN S SUPERB TAILORING which adds that additional quality look to their clothes. For Spring: NEW SPRING SUITS. . .. ...$35 -- $50 -- and $65