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February 09, 1935 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-02-09

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Page Two


Satuirdan Februar 5 9

999-Hopping Mademoiselles-999

Fools' Names And Fools' Faces
Are Often Seen In Public Places
With an influx of guests from out Eleanor Leddick, Pontiac; Barbara
of town, several fraternities an- Roberts, Flint; Constance Drysdale,
parties scheduled for Highland Park; Barbara Westerman,
nounced house pAdrian, O.; Kay Shannon, Steuben-
the week-end activities, among them ville O.; Ruth Druckenbrod, Ann!
Phi Psi, Psi U, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Arbor; Dorothy Armstrong, '36;1
Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Chi Psi, Theta Emma Schmidt, '36, Sadie Perkola,
Delta Chi, and Kappa Sigma. Others '37SM, Mary Andrew, 37, MargaretI
announced dances, and many have Ferries, '38, Beth Turnbull, '37, Cath-
guests for the J-Hop itself. All of erine Stitt, '36.
the thirty booths available have been Alpha Omega
filled by campus organizations. H.r
Listed below are guests of the fra- Helen Bandroff, Ann Arbor; Shir-
ternities for the J-Hop, and the va- ley Potts, '36, Lillian Ogoroskin,
rious house functions. Omissions are Grad., Anne Greenbaum, '38, Rita
due to incomplete information or in- Singer, '36, Evelyn Greenberg and
ability to contact houses. Gertrude Love, Detroit.
Alpha Rho Chi
Acacia Peggy Russell, Stanton, Va.
Evelyn Robertson, Dowagiac; Mar- Alpha Sigma Phi
ion McPhee, 36, Laura Jane Zimmer- Virginia Strouse and Betty Thorn-
man, '36. ton, Grand Rapids; Ruby Kingwell,
Alpha Delta Phi Detroit, Helen Holden, New York; D.
Lois Rosenberry, '36, Virginia Lucille Johnston, Freeport, Pa.; Betty
Spray, '37. Goutremont, '37, Rochester, N.Y.;
Alpha Kappa Lambda Frances Hill, '35, Marie Prahl, Grad..
Sybil Spencer, Grad., Betty Gatward,
June Bert, Betty Harris, Bettye '38
Sprague, Monroe; Ruth McDonald,
Charlotte Carlisle, Dorothy Holbeck, Alpha Tau Omega
Detroit; Donna Leddick, Helen Nye, Phyllis Price, '36, Barbara Read,
Superior Dairy Company
Phone 2-318;

'35, Mary Jean Sullivan, '37, Jean
Gibbs, '37.
Beta Theta Pi
Dorothy Wollensack, Milwaukee;
!Margaret Rogers, '37, Betty Hill, '35.
Mrs. Sampson Smith, Ann Arbor;
Betty Van Dyne, Owosso; Dorothy
Seens, Detroit; Katherine Johnston,
'38, Harriet Heath, '37, Helen Van
Dyne, '37.
Chi Phi
Matilda Williams, Detroit; Loma
Calhoun and Ardis Price, Lansing;
Irma Crabb, Royal Oak; Margaret
Reid, Fenton; Betty Sheets, Wapa-
koneta, O.
Chi Psi
Dorothy Parry, Gary, Ind.; Jane
Brede and Carol Collins, Birming-
ham; Betty Pyle, Marianne Delar-
marter, Betty Huldin, Catherine Col-
lins and Mary Virginia O'Brien.
Grand Rapids; Martha and Marian
Dailey, Saginaw; Jane and Marian
Geserich, Elizabeth, N.J.; Becky
Tomlinson and Patsy Sullivan, De-
troit; Ruth Hartman. Toledo; Vir-
ginia Van Dyke, '38, Ann Timmons,
'36, Grace Bennett, '37, Anne Harsha,
Grad., Louise French, '36, Josephine
McLean, '36, Barbara Smith, '36,
Katheryn Rietdyk, '36, Betty Little,
'35, Elizabeth Basse, '37.
Delta Alpha Epsilon

J-Iop Time Brings Invading
Army Of Guests To Ann Arbor
By Clinton B. Conger depending on when you read the
Snowbound or otherwise, all roads paper, you have, or had, a consider-
lead to Ann Arbor, with snowplows able field in which to operate.
clearing the tracks for those who As for scooping other colleges, the
came on the iron horse. J-Hop time home town roster shows attendance
brought an invasion of 400 out-of- from Columbus, Chicago, Blooming-
town girls to Ann Arbor, with another ton, and Minneapolis in Big Ten
600 or 700 local girls and co-eds filling competition, with South Bend, East
out the list. Lansing, Hillsdale, and Wellesley con-
From the black snows of Pitts- tributing delegates.
burgh, from the deep snows of Ish- Ghosts of 1907 J-Hop attendants
peming, from Alexandria-not Egypt, must turn in their graves at the
but Louisiana, where there isn't any thought of co-eds at such a dignified
snow, the gals came to the Hop. function, but their spirits (assuming
Battalions from Chicago, New York, they're dead by now) will be ap-
and Detroit, squadrons from Flint, peased at the sight of representatives
Toledo, Grand Rapids, and lone from Ypsilanti, River Rouge, Ply-
scouts from Dowagiac, Steubenville, mouth, and Detroit, and also of local
Wapakoneta, Tonawanda, Cronpond, girls from Ann Arbor itself.
and. Gallipolis were in the advancing While the present extent takes in
army's vanguard. Colorado and Massachusetts, upper
On estimates of the compilers of; Michigan and Louisiana, it cannot
the guest list, the name Virginia pre- hope to rival the 1908 spread from
dominates on the roll. Just call it at Yanktown, South Dakota, to London,
the top of your voice and check up. England. "Buy British" has suc-
On the other hand if you are dancing cumbed to "Buy From Home Indus-
with Mary, Jean, or especially Betty, tries," with an intense patriotic spirit.
or if you danced with them last night, And then, too, the tariff, y'know!

Second Semester
Loads of USED BOOKS which Will Sav
3 16 South State Street

Zora Jean Brooks and Viola Baxtee, '38, Janet Willoughby, '37SM, Eleanor erson, Detroit; Rhodetta Lepisto, '35,
Detroit; Jeanice Byrne, Duquoine, Blodgett, '35, Cynthia Stark, '35Ed., Marjorie Warner, '35, Marion Lotts,
Ill.; Helen Gray, Grad. Virginia Bowlby, '35D, Jane Fauver, '37, Martha Stuckey, '36, Alma Har-
'35. bicon, '36, Betty Miller, '37, Mrs. R. C.
Delta Kappa Epsilon Delta Tau Delta Fuller, Ann Arbor.
Virginia Nimmo, '37. Ruth Judson, Royal Oak; Monta Phi Beta Delta
Delta Phi Washer, Flint, Dorothy Norman, Shirley Krell, Virginia Harmon,
Mary Wood, D e t r o i t; Phyllis Hillsdale; Mary Helen Theiss, Can- Evelyn Bloom, and Adeline Dwor-
Brumm, '37. ton, O.; Mary Lou Brand, Urbana, man Detroit; Hiss Neaman, Pitts-
Delta Sigma Pi O.; Virginia Beroset, Toledo; Mary burgh; Janet Neaman, '36, Ruth
Lydia Foote and Helen Campbell, Burt, Mt. Pleasant; Geraldine Strom, Kraft, '38, Libby Selin, '35.
Jackson; Amber Johnson, '36, Leah Detroit; Blanche Reed, Royal Oak; Phi BtaPi
Zeigler, '36E, Evelyn Walsh, '37SM. Annabelle Spitler, Findlay, O.; Emma eta i
Delta Sigma Delta King, Chicago. Dorothy Bohrer and Mary Jane
Mary Tyrer, South Bend, Ind.; Vir- Delta Upsilon Breitenwisher, Toledo; Dorothy Sol-
ginia Hadaway and Olive Randall, Mary Dee, Chippewa Falls, Wis.; dineer, Fremont, O.; Florence Ab-
Flint; Gladys Beebe, Bay City; Mary Gertrude Downing, '37, Marian Bell, bott, Cuyhoga Falls, O.; Helen Fife,
McLaughlin, Vermontville; Marabel Alexandria, La.; Betty Jack, Shaker Traverse City; Marie Sanders, Lud-
Driver, Arcanum, O.; Elsie Bredow, Heights, O.; Virginia Vrindten, Yonk- ington; Mrs. Harold Miller, Ann Ar-
Bad Axe; Ruth Sturtevant, Grand ers, N. Y.; Pauline Ladyman, Kal- bor.
Rapids; Elizabeth Doran, and Ruth amazoo; Gertrude Simancek, Arlyce Phi Delta Epsilon
Barnes, Ann Arbor; Rosellyn Kelly, Knight, Jane Tobias, and Beverley Ruth Berkowitz, Detroit; Joan
Altona, ii.; ' ,nia Swift, '3C, Bet.- WaZ:e, Detroit; D rolhy Shute, '37, Kant, Pittsburgh; Evelyn Ehrlich-
ty Furbeck, '36, Margaret Sharp, '36, Jean Steere, 38A. man, '37, Eve Shniderman, '37.
Florence Carpenter, '35, Jane Evans, Hermitage Phi Delta Theta
Mrs. Arch Greer, Mae McRae, and Ethel Paulo, Chicago; Edith Her-
aDrick, Mary Windel, Billie Suffrin, and
Kappa Nu Betty Simonds, Detroit; Betty Wood-
Janet Browdy and Myra Rosen- ruff and Catherine Herbert, Hills-
berg, Pittsburg; Elaine Sloman, dale; Mildred Costenbader and Bar-
Anaruth Paul, Eleanor Butzel, Jane bara Reniger, E. Lansing; Mary Lou
Silverstein, and Helen Kirschbaum, Hooker, '36; Elsie Pierce, '37, Eliza-
Detroit; Phyllis Du Vay, Cleveland; beth Nicol, '36, Betty Walsh, '37SM,
Rowena Goldstein, '35, Ruth Stam- Jane Edmonson, '37, Mary Potter, '37,
S lotte Kahn, '37, Beatrice Rubinowitz, Phi Epsilon Pi
e You Money Lambda Chi Alpha Lois Green, Alice Newman, and
Lyda Whitney, Benton Harbor ;Dorothy Schwartz, Cleveland Heights.
Margaret Campou and Dorothy And- 0.; Ruth Kaufman, Chicago.
VE R SITY ---- ---- - - - Phi Kappa Tau
Bertha Feps, Toledo; Hilda Wal-
)KSTOR E lace, Lapeer; Elizabeth Halpin, Cron-
EC IALEPpond, N. Y.; Pauline Osgood, Lake-
wood, O.; Ardith Elliott, Reed City;
Albertine Niland, Tonawanda, N. Y.;
A fter J-H Irene Brown, Chicago; Dorcas Bry-
ant and Ruth Hartzell, Dayton, O.;
--- Jean Crebbin and Bernice Gender-
A E nalikDetroit Jean McDonald, Mid-
(Continued on Page 3)
Saturday, Feb. 9thGE
" Music by GALE HIBBARD and His
hit Owl and his Men 40c Ladies 25c
W ISE, too ^Dt U. D -----



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