Paqe Fourteen T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Saturday Februarv1 1 8:U Poa Fourteen"" 1 (V TH . AAI I VIN I f l V I-U, gC~k U,.y , 1710 For a real Barbeque . Sandwich Go toentin es May HelIp U s Out The Gingam Inn vaI Five Miles East of Ann Arbor on Washtenaw a i for St. Valentine's Day --$ Gift of Gardenia h V tenne s Day sentimcnt for er . . . Mary DueMll's ru ec u du Ga ecia a delSklul perfume in an attractive rec feart-shaped ox p $2 50l See our Cosmetician about ID this Exceptional Value! Y 1 f SWEETS for the sweetest one. Give her one of our attractive paper or satin heart-shaped boxes of assorted creams, fruits, and nuts. We suggest WHITMAN'S and GILBERT'S espe- cially attractive boxes, ranging from- 5Oe ... $'3.00 Calkins-Fletcher DRUG STORES N, 'o <*A o 0 0 o 00 10 MY w f 1 "yam " . l ' 4w ,v 40 " Ord is t) ()6 000OU00©t)O<)Ot)O >.O o c IL Dial 6282 DINNERS, 5:30 TO 7:30 LUNCHEONS, 12:00 TO 2:00 Special Parties Arranged 703 East University Avenue - o==o 0 omo<==omo<==oOQo J-HoP is gone - Exams over - and many pleasant days are on the way. And the new season calls for so many, many new things - So, please come any time, now - New York keeps sending new things every day-they're correct-they're Beautiful - they're strictly campus - and they won't even dent the budget. Te PA- ho e E librty SMichigan Theatre Bldg. 0 Merchants Say Little Missives Might Work By MARY JO HARWOOD Local State Street merchants were today alternately rubbing their hands in anticipation of a huge buying spree on the part of the public for snappy valentines between now and Feb. 14, and then the poor store- keepers were literally taking down their hair (whatever hair the Ann Arbor water had left them) as they had their little cries and bemoaned the fact that the present recession would undoubtedly take away what- ever income they had left from the county relief roll. As one sobbing spokesman said, the proprietors had been pinning their hopes on the J-Hop to bring back prosperity, only to have the tempor- ary boom dissolve into thin air, lit- erally and figuratively. There was hardly any scalping on J-Hop ducats, the lacrminonious one reported, and when you don't have any J-Hop ticket scalping, then things must be pretty bad. But to beat the recession whatever and wherever it will, the merchants are now going to battle it with tooth and nail-and valentines. Truckloads of the lacy missives could be seen pulling into Ann Arbor even in the darkness of last night. While most of the transporting was done in good faith, it was reliably reported that one load of valentines had been hi- jacked on its way to this metropolis somewhere in the eerie environs of Ann Arbor, always a city of the unusual and the unexpected, plans to offer its buyers an almost unpre- ,cedented supply of the significant red cards starting today. There will be several for those people you like and many more to send to those people you don't like. Even Western Union and Postal Tele- graph claim that they will be able to suit your every mood with a suit- 0 able epistle to your loved, hated or indifferent one. Each company is offering a variety of 16 this year, though it is claimed that three cannot be counted as they are simply a kiss on the brow for Mother. Out of the 29 others, how- ever, the W.U. and P. T. claim there is a wide choice of sentiment, grad- ing from a coo to a sizzle, and, as per usual, there is no advance in prices this year. Anything from: "The Sweetest Story ever told is conveyed in this message. "Just drop me a line and say you'll be mine. "It's not the frills and laces that make a valentine, It's the message of affection, straight to your heart from mine. "Though miles apart, we laugh- our hearts entwined by telegraph. "Love sends this line, by valentine." These two-bits' worth of straight love, moreover, come to your one and only in a fancy envelope that will prepare the o.a.o. for what the tele- graph form and you have to say. The companies both offer a nice line, and it would be hard to say which excels in general trickiness, but research shows that the W.U. is prepared to go just a little bit farther than the P.T. system dares venture. The most the Postal delivery boys will do is to ask the girl or boy to be your valentine. The W.U. will give them No. 211 or No. 214. The first one says, "Name the date, the hour, the spot. No. 214 asks the valentine to wire back "Yes." You can assume that this means the sen- der wants the sendee to tell whether he or she will go to the show with she or he, but we think it means marriage. J. Green-Etc. Misses The Hop (Continued from Page 13) Johnny Greenbehindtheears did not get to the J-Hop and we did not write about the J-Hop. But it takes a clever person to write about the J-Hop. We are not a clever person. We went to the J-Hop. Mr. Disraeli. 324 South State 818 South State