Saturday, February 12, 1938
Page Eleven
Saturday Februay-12,"138 THE-MCHIGAN-AILY Pae Eleve
200 Patrons Watch Market
Governor Murphy, his sister, Mrs. and Mrs. C. T. Olmsted, Dean and Thompson. and Mrs. T. H. Tapping, Mr. and
William B. Teahan, and Mr. Teahan Mrs. W. B. Rea, Dean and Mrs. H. C. Prof. Louis G. Vander Velde, Mrs. R. M. Thrall, Mr. S. L. Travis,
headed the list of more than 200 pa- Sadler, Dean M. E. Cooley, Mrs. B. F. Prof. and Mrs. W. A. Abbot, Prof. and Mr. Jacob Van Tuinen, Mr. and Mrs.
trons and patronesses for this year's Bacher and Miss Jeannette Perry. Mrs. E. J. Ash, Prof. P. M. Cuncannon, Stanley G. Waltz, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
J-Hop. President and Mrs. C. A. Sink, Prof. Prof. and Mrs. E. W. Doty, Prof. and Webster and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wil-
Members of the Board of Regents and Mrs. L. M. Gram, Prof. and Mrs. Mrs. H. J. Heneman, Mr. and Mrs. liams.
are next on the list for the dance. W. I. Bennett, Prof. and Mrs. E. V. H. G. Kipke, Prof. and Mrs. Karl Mr. and Mrs. Reed Bachman, Miss
They are Regent and Mrs. Junius E. Moore, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Bishop, Litzenberg, Prof. and Mrs. Wesley Louise E. Coon, Mrs. Esther C. Grif-
Beal of Ann Arbor, Regent and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Lewis and Dr. F. Maurer, Prof. and Mrs. D. W. Mc- fin and Miss Elizabeth A. Smith.
Franklin M. Cook of Hillsdale, Re- E. Robbins. Registrar and Mrs. Ira M. Cready and Prof. and Mrs. W. D. Parents of the central committee
gent Esther M. Cram and Mr. L. V. Smith, Miss Ethel A. McCormick, Revelli. members acting as patrons and pa-
Cram of Flint, Regent and Mrs. Da- Coach and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost and Prof. and Mrs. L. J. Rouse, Prof. tronesses for the affair are Mr. and
vid H. Crowley of Detroit, Regent Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Watkins. and Mrs. C. F. Wells, Dr. R. S. Ball- Mrs. Sidney Alexander, Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. C. F. Hemans of Lansing, The guest list includes: mer, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bittinger, C. G. Belden, Mr. and Mrs.H.L.
Regent and Mrs. J. D. Lynch of De- Prof. and Mrs. S. W. Allen, Prof. Dr. W. M. Brace, Mr. W. S. Carlson, Bleecher, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burwell,
troit, Regent and Mrs. E. C. Shields and Mrs. R. C. Angell, Dr. and Mrs. Dr. L. C. Carpenter, Jr., Mr. C. T. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Collins, Mrs. F.
of Lansing, Regent and Mrs. Ralph F. A. Coller, Lt. Col. and Mrs. B. D. Devine, Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Durfee, Mr. W. Duois, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ket-dernized Ori
Stone of Detroit and Eugene H. El- Edwards, Prof. and Mrs. J. E. Em- R. H. Gillette, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. tier, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Killian, Mr. Fragrance
liott, State Superintendent of Public swiler, Prof. and Mrs. J. R. Hayden, Gooch, Mr. Leonard Gregory, Dr. and and Mrs. L. B. Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. T
Instruction, and Mrs. Elliott, of Lan- Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Hodges, Prof. and Mrs. George Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McElroy, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Throb of weird
sing. Mrs. Emil Lorch, Prof. and Mrs. Da- E. N. Riskey and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Osburn, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. A. Reid . contorted
President and Mrs. Ruthven follow vid Mattern, Prof. and Mrs. D. M. Secord. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Reider, Mrs. G. H' patterned with f
on the list, which includes faculty Matthews, Prof. and Mrs. F. N. Mene- Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Stevens, Mr. Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Zwick. shadows . . cade
members and parents of the central fee, Prof. and Mrs. C. F. Remer, Dr. ----- soft, padded foc
committee. and Mrs. F. B. Vedder, Prof. and Soul of a strang
The complete list includes: Mrs. C. B. Vibbert, Prof. and Mrs. F. F ebeautiful city capt
Vice-President and Mrs. Jamei D. B. Wahr, Prof. and Mrs. L. L. Wat- When Good shanghai, nouveau
Bruce, Vice-President and M's. Shir- kins, Prof. and Mrs. A. E. White and G T g h " qus b
ley W. Smith and Vice-President and Prof. and Mrs. A. H. White.-g
Mrs. Clarence S. Yoakum. Prof. D. V. Baxter, Prof. and Mrs.L
Dean Henry C. Anderson, DA n and R. A. Dodge, Prof. and Mrs. Earl Our specialty is Excellent Food -
Mrs. Henry M. Bates, Dean and Mrs. Griggs, Prof. and Mrs. R. W. Ham- Served with that certain Southern
R. W. Bunting, Dean and Mrs. J. A. mett, Prof. and Mrs. R. C. Hussey, Cuisine that makes our food melt $1.50 to $
Bursley, Dean and Mrs. S. T. Dana, Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Isaacs, Dr. and Cnyour mouth-
Dean and Mr3. A. C. Furstenberg, Mrs. W. G. Maddock, Prof. and Mrs. n
Dean and M s. C. E. Griffin, Dean and W. V. Marshall, Prof. and Mrs. H. Y.
Mrs. E. H. Kraus and Dean Alice C. McCluskey, Prof. and Mrs. E. D.
Lloyd. Mitchell, Prof. and Mrs. Shorey Pet-
Dean and Mrs. W. R. Humphreys, erson, Prof. W. C. Sadler, Prof. J. P. 123 East Liberty St. Call 9251 727 N. University P
Dean and Mrs. A. H. Lovell, Dean Slusser and Prof. and Mrs. M. J.
H Al
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ured in
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it's a friendly glow .. .
that lighted Chesterfield. It
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men wherever they are.
That refreshing Chester-
field mildness ... that ap-
petizing Chesterfield taste
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'oevrieht 1938. LIGGETT & MYERS ToBAcco Co,