Saturdav. Februarv 12 98 T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Page Nine ,nirn nrir 1 21T E M HI A D ILPoe in Why People Go To J--Iop tivations behind Hop attendance are 8. "Because I got kicked out of my H ere's Inside these, says Spieg, in order of fre- rooming house yesterday and didn't quency: have any place to spend the week- D o e Straight 1. "Because I may get expelled as end." o e soon as exam marks are in." 9. "It's the only way I could get a Fr S e l 2. "Because there's nothing good on From1 ~pegei on the radio tonight." 3. "So I'd have something interest- Confidence Man ing to put in a letter home." (Note: In a confidential poll conducted Translated from the original Greek, among J-Hop guests by the Daily'a this means a new reason for needing confidential poll department (headed money -J S.) by J. Spiegel, well-known confidence 4" Because I'm a rottei dancer and man), it was discovered that the ma- the floor's so crowded at the J-Hop jority of those attending the brawl that nobody notices it." do so for other reasons than those 5. "Because I was afraid somebody generally given. When asked what else might take my girl. As a matter were the reasons generally given, Mr. of fact, somebody else did. This is a Spiegel dug his toe in the carpet and 'lind date I'm with." coyly refused to divulge them. 6. Because I thought my room Anyway, Investigator Spiegrl's mate's tux would fit me."> fact-finding committee reports the 7. "I was driving through town on following tabulations as a result of my way to Bad Axe and got caught in - its research activities. The real mo- the traffic jam. How do I get out?" 1 ~The Gf4D-fBOUT.. For Information -Call MISS JONES at 2-3241 Another Colossal Triumph For Our Poll Editor . - e - SORT COATS 50 Tiferent Patterns VAL UESALE $15 ' PRICE $30. and up 500 SPRING PATTERN SAMPLES FINE TAILORING ~ We Rent CAPS and GOWNS ALL COURSES - Press Them FREE Come in and leave your order now Charley's Men's Wear 1319 South University - Ann Arbor For a colorful description of the J-HOP read JUDY Jr's COLUMN in SUNDAY'S DETROIT NEWS Order Your Copy Now From STOFFLET NEWS COMPANY 208 South 4th Street Phone 6911 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ... (Guys and gals) ... the night is all yours! Yours to frolic . . . yours to play . . . and have a whole lot of that old F. U. N. fun. Remember, people, J-Hop comes but once a year . . . so it's up to you to make the most of it while it lasts-to the tune of lovely ladies . . . top hat, white tie, and tails ... Kay Kyser . . . and Jimmy Dorsey! BUT INTERMISSION calls for a few suggestions (?) from your gadding correspondent . . . s'cuse plize! But does "Monday" seem to call up anything particular to your partied minds? (Nope, not refer- ring to classes) Well, if you've real- ly forgotten . . . it's Valentine's Day! Sh-h! She'll never know it even slipped your mind! Just trot down to CALKINS-FLETCHERS cosmetic department tomorrow and select one of those red Valen- tine hearts-all velvety and satin . . . cushioning, in all its glory, a bottle of Mary Dunhill Gar- denia perfume! It's prfectly stun- ning ... it's entrancingly odorifer- ous . .. and it's a "sure" for mak- ing her YOUR valentine! Or I might also suggest a new compact watch ... very new, my friend.. . in a variety of colors ... and small enough to slip into HER purse! WHEN J-HOP COMES, I always say, can Spring be far behind ... it may seem a little blustery now- aways ... but t'won't be long be- fore you'll be thinking about Spring . . . new Spring suits . . . and all that goes with it! And then it's DILLON SHOP time! ... time to look over their new stock of the latest mannishly tailored suits ... pin-stripes . . . gabardines and everything! Even the men will have to go some to beat these in smartness and fit. The Duke of Windsor is a super this season .. . cute tucked shoulders . . . very fitted back! Another "in" is the plain skirt and checked jacket combination . . . for sports wear don't you know! And for the truly feminine there's always luscious pastel tweeds. I'd start looking kind'a soon . . . 'cause time's a'wastin'. AND SPEAKING of Spring ... usually means speaking of sporting days . .. cavorting days . .. and general informality! That's what makes it so much fun! And tho' she may be informal, Milady of Michigan must still be at the peak of fashion . . . so it's KESSELS CAMPUS SHOP ... for a beige or blue flannel sports dress . . . shirt- style blouse and a fitted tailored skirt with a good-looking pigskin belt! Quite the proper thing these days . . . fine for the classroom, golf-course and streetswear . . . perfect with either spectator pumps or Jo-college "saddles." HEADLINES are always "tops" in importance . . . so says the news reporter . . . and you too have probably found it so! Well, the same thing goes in the realm of coiures... and you'll find it's the difference between a goon girl and a campus cutie ... a "co-ed" and an M-sweetheart! Catch? Well, then be very wise, leetle gals .. . and make appointments regularly at the DI MATTIA BEAUTY SHOP. It's there you'll find the best in coiffures . . . best in new ideas for cute curls in odd places ...and best for creating smart attractive headlines. MENDELSSOHN had the proper spirit . . . and confetti and orange blossoms do their part . . . now all that is needed is the filmy, flowing wedding veil and the bridesmaids hats. No doubt there is a wedding to take place in the near future ... maybe your own, maybe a very close friend's . . . perhaps you're to be a bridesmaid . . . whatever the situation may be . . .whatever the inspiration . . . it's JUNE GREY'S HAT STUDIO that creates the "top notes." June can create wedding veils and brides- maids' caps with originality and distinctiveness that just can't be beaten. AFTER the strains of "Good Night Ladies" and once more a J-Hop draws to a close-don't for- get to stop in at the PARROT for a snack-get the whole gang to- gether-and on the way home or on the way back to the house- party festivities ... top off the eve- ning with a Parrot repast. All the J-Hoppers will be there and Al says it's going to be very gay . . . with much fun and lollypops! Inciden- tally, you won't be forgetting those coke dates for ten and three this next semester ... I'll be looking for you! Nite ! J. SPIEGEL date with a Delta Gamma girl." (Note: That's what he thinks.-J.S.) 10. "Because my colored shirts are all in the laundry." 11. "I won a ticket in a crap game with the Hop Committee." (Note: The Hop Committee members all indig- nantly deny this. They claim it was poker dice. -J. S.) 12. "So I could dance to Paul White- man. Yes, I know he isn't here, but I brought alongmy portable phono- graph." A separate poll was conducted among women guests by the tireless Mr. Spiegel. His findings among co- eds on "Why I came to the J-Hop" ire likewise of great significance, ac- cording toSpiegel. Needless to say, they follow: 1. "Because it's a swell chance to make some poor fish spend money." No other reasons were given, ac- cording to Mr. Spiegel. Investigator Spiegel reports that he could name 20 more reasons for attending theJ-Hop if he wished (well, two or three anyway). "But," he says, "why should I put all my chestnuts in one fire? We may need some copy for next year's J-Hop x'ra." An01d40$shIled fin aVALENTINE Deliciously Fresh! Gay Valentine packages, containing tempting assortments of the finest, purest candies you ever tasted. Made from the finest creamery butter, whipping cream, choicest fruits and nuts . . . 60c the pound. MAILING VALEINE SPECIAL We handle all details and THREE POUNDS, FINEST CANDIES guarantee delivery. $1.50 HEART BONES ONE TO FIVE POUND 85c to $3.95 STATE and ** LIBERTY STREETS CANDIES You always get a SQUARE DEAL-- at WAHR'S BOOKSTORES South State Street North Main Street