Page Sixteen T HE M IC H IG AN D A ILY Snti drn Far bnr 17 19QIR I SixteenT F1Zuray, rury 14,1730 Past Stock Flurries........ By Pookie 5 wasn't punting, passing, and praying, he turned movie actor. Again a little G eor e T e sHarry was always panting) that man almost stole the show, as Pedro Fletcher Henderson and Ted Weems came through in fine fashion. had been selected to disturb the pic- was kind of a tough job to pick O f o B dture-takng. That was probably one OW an S of the best line-ups that we have ever *, < the bands in '35. There were a lot of had. Henderson was being recognized ' . them gaining much popular favor. as one of the best arrangers and The announcement of Anson Weks strict music-men in the country, and and Art Kassel seemed to satisfy most Weems was probably the best known everyone on campus. Dancin' Anson' orchstr in he iddl-Wet."was already a big name at this time, By MORTON LINDER George paused here to take a breath s while the 'Castles in the Air' music The "Old Timer," George Pookie, and a sip and then started off again. was at the height of its short stay on relieved us yesterday when he told "Jan Garber brought his crew here top. us that ever since the South Sea } in 1931 and again in '36. The bands Pookie trying out for his fresh- "A Michigan boy came back last Bubble became unpopular the Mich- were quite different, his present out- man wrestling team yesterday. year to win the plaudits of the crowd igan campus has prematurely be- fit being recruited from a band that with his new band. That was George wailed every entry in the University ' t was playing a dime dance hall near rising trombone man, who did funny Olsen, who is famed as the first drum musical exchange, only to enter a Buffalo (Little Freddy Large-now tricks with the slide took a few les- major to toss his baton over the goi mad stock and ticket buying race at one of the sax men). post. Olsen's 'Music of Tomorrow' the last moment. "Along with Garber in '31 came came in as a pleasant respite to the We met George, who has been t4 r Herbie Kay, a sharp band in that day. the 'Hop.' That was Russ Morgan." I torrid doings of the outfit across the around plenty long, at the Baltimore ? Jimmy Lunceford and his out-of-this At this point we made a pass to get way, one Earl (Father) Hines by Dairy at 3 a.m. one morning. George world bunch stole the spot away from our coat, but George grabbed me. It name. Hines, a right smart piano was letting it be known that he had Garber in '36. Jimmy's baton and his seems he hadn't finished. He went on. man, was not quite appreciated by the been to nearly all the J-Hops, those strictly solid music had the campus "Ben Bernie and Don Pedro played 'Hop' Crowd." which had been held in Ann Arbor Pookie Today talking for many days. the 'Hop' the following year. Let's George stopped to take another (the '76 one was held in Toledo). -----"In 1932, we pulled the steal on see, that was the year I passed Psych. breath and sip of coffee. Before he "What do you think of the bands was in my room studying for the everybody and signed the ole King of 31. Bernie, of course, was at the height could take off again we had dashed this year, George?" we said, signal- English 1 exam, when Harry Newman Jazz himself, Paul Whiteman. That of his popularity, playing at the Col- toward the door, a little tired, and full ling the waiter, by raising our hand came busting up and panted (if he! was before Paul became "Fatho." A lege Inn in Chicago. That was before of Baltimore Dairy caviar. in the usual way. "Pretty fair. Dorsey is not very well nheastoni Second Semester TEXTBOOK Economy at F O L L ETT'S ered a right keen outfit on the coast,_________________________________ A solid crew. As for Kyser, despite campus talk that he is a cousin to We have advance information concerning your Shep Fields and Sammy Kay, I think the kids'll like him.The band is in- Second Semester TEXTBOOK requirements. Come formal and has a lot of fun. I remem- ber . .." George took a breathin as soon as you've classified and receive your choice "I remember," he continued, "back in '34, when it was announced that of the largest stock of USED and NEW TEXT- Henry Busse was to play, wails were heard all over campus. Everybody BOOKS on the Michigan Campus - at remarkable was wondering what he was going to do after he finshed 'Hot Lips.' As it savings. turned out, Busse went over fine, and the "Hop" was a decided success. The other band leader? Let me see . . oh, yes, I think his name was Kemp. "My freshman year, that was 1928, was the only time the 'Hop' ever has had three bands. John Chapman, then featured at the Bal Tabarin in Chicago, Emerson Gill, who was just UE beginning to attract attention in Cleveland, and one of the old Dixie- landers, McKinney's Cottonpickers, were the rhythm dealers that gala year. "Colleen Moore and Billie Dove were coming cinema attractions at the Majestic, and the Karl Dane-TXOK George K. Arthur team was wowing them at the Michigan with 'Brother- lLove'inhmsecondnfrenaror NEW, if you prefer. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED on when it was announced that Coon- Sanders had been selected to accom- pany the J-Hop commotion. That S A V E TUDENTS PPLIE announcement created the same amount of stir on campus in 1929 as TEXTBOOKS a "combo" of Kemp-Goodman-T. at Dorsey ("T" for trombone) would to- day. JUST A FEW OF OUR For This Semester Only "I can remember the next 'Hop' as Follett'sAS We Off 150 USED clear as if it were eight years ago. I MANY BARGAINS!W eO er BYE Principles of Economics reg. our U at Crse. Auth. Title price price save $1.50 Soc. 51, Cooley AC Intro. Soc. 3.50 2.60 .90 150 USED SL IC H T E R - Zoo. 56, Arey, Devel. Anat. .. 6.50 4.90 1.60M o Societ Chem. 3, Smith. Col. Chem.. 3.75 2.75 1.0 odern Economic y Zoo, 32, Shull, Heredity ..... 3.00 2.25 .75 P.S. 108, Bromage, St. Gov't 3.50 2.60 .90 Psych 31, Woodworth, Psych 2.75 2.00 .75 Bot. I, Holman R., Gen. But. 4.00 2.95 1.05 Geo. I, James, Out. of Geog. 3.25 2.45 .80 E GI N E E RS - Sp. 31, Sanford Y. Efft. Speak 2.50 1.75 .75 Buy Now - Used Stock Limited. Bargain Prices on TEXTBOOKS and or Furn_ SUPPLIES FOR EVERY COURSE. and Fine Food! CASH JOIN THE PARTY at the I Your OLD BOOKS are as good as NOTEBOOK PAPER,10 Dining Room or Tap Room rCASH. . . . Bng them along. Sizes c of the Allenel Hotel. 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