Page Two T HE M IC H IG AN D AI1LY Saturday Februarv 12 19; Py, .ya, Flowers For All Occasions CORSAGES - - CUT FLOWERS - - PLANTS University Flower Shop Opposite Michigan Theatre - Phone 9055 SWING IT* O O IN THE BEAUTIFUL BOOK CASINO FOR A GREAT WEEK-END MEET THE GANG IN DETROIT'S SMARTEST SPOT $1.00 Minimum Weekdays - - - $1.50 Cover Charge Saturday BOOK-CADILLAC HOTEL W. O. SEELBACH, Mgr. W. J. CHITTENDEN, Jr., Res. Mgr. Directed by NATIONAL HOTEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY, Inc. RALPH HITZ, President Dope From The Music Mart Jazz Goin Up Alley, the fact that Thomas Dorsey music industry have been reeling dur- i g will hold its annual meeting in Ann ing the past few weeks because of the Bu oArbor on the 22nd of this month re- multitudinous Hops and Proms tak- But Corn Trade assured investors who have been ing place on university and college frightened by the concern's recent campi throughout the United States. Is Still Strong higgling with such items as Rosalie, Some observers maintain that hops ! Youre A Sweetheart, and Once In are especially in demand. Needless By COLONEL TENANDER A While. The senior members of the to say, the economics department has (Of the Fitchburg Tenanders) board of directors, if forecasts are not commented upon this as yet, Hopes for a renewed interest in the fulfilled, will insist that Thomas Dor- either. In fact, no department has band market soared yesterday when sey revert to investments in such solid commented upon this as yet. it appeared likely that Jan Garber commodities as That's Aplenty, Dar- Chicken Feed Up arrdanella, China Soy and Royal Oar- Chce Fed p would not be available in Ann Arbor a den Blues. President Gil Rodin of Crosby for the remainder of the current buy- Economically Determined Dixieland Dispensers, Inc., announced ing season, although shareholders of Trading was very slight in Samuel that his organization will announce Shep Fields' Niagara Power and Light Kay, Blue Barron and other mem- a dividend that will exceed by three expressed fear at the downward dip bers of the Sway Trust and slight per cent all previous returns to in- of utilities during the forenoon ses- rallies failed to revive the sluggish vestors. Crosby Dixieland Dispensers sion. buying and selling of issues offered have been aided by a subsidy from Jimmy Dorsey's appearance on the by the String Group. Great dispari- the Pennsylvania Hotel and by a re- exchange list was welcomed by brok- ties in the bids offered various mu- vival in demand for its wax products. ers and veteran traders as a sure in- sical aggregations for personal ap- Despite the opposition that has dication that Jazz Preferred is on pearances continued. Observers at- been provided by issues of Crosby, the firmest footing since nearly a de- tributed this to inertia and ignorance Goodman, and Herman, the stock ar- cade ago when Chicago Rhythm was of market conditions. This interpre- rangements of members of the grain foreclosed by Consolidated Ickies, tation has not been commented upon pit have met favorable financial Inc. The out of town buyers, chiefly by members of the economics depart- treatment. Corn has been selling from Vermont and Maine, were re- ment yet but it is expected that most especially high, with Henry Busse ported to be speculating heavily in economists will concur with the above and Clyde McCoy rivalling Guy Lom- Kay Kyser. analysis. bardo and Russ Morgan for greatest According to observers in Tin Pan Supply and demand curves in the attention from the bidders. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED Mrs. Howard. 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. FOR SALE MEN and women are offered the high- -------- -- --- -- 90 ACRE FARM with lake. Good soil. est cash prices for their discarded CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any Five room house. Outbuildings fair. clothing. See Claude Brown, 512 S. old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, For quick sale, $2,700 and many Main. Phone 2-2736. $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- other bargains. Whaley or Clapp. ers, old gold and musical instru- 406 Wolverine Building. Phone TYPING, neatly and accurately done. ments. Ready cash waiting for you. 2-1964. Evenings 2-1170. Phone Sam. 6304. --FOR RENT VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland, phone --- - 6327. Experienced typist. Reason- SINGLE ROOM for a student in ap- able rates. proved private home. Jewish pre- -_ ferred. 806 Sylvan. Phone 8135. LAUNDRY - -- . FINE ROOM and bath for student SILVER LAUNDRY with car. Call 2-2102. Phone 5594 607 E. Hoover ---- Call For and Delver-Free of Charge TWO ROOMS: Very quiet. One single, PRICES ARE FOR WASHING other single or double. Price rea- AND IRONING sonable. 1321 North University. i/2 Shorts .. ............. 4, block from campus. Ph. 8509. Again! Tops.......................... 4c Socks (pr.) ....................2. 3 Pajamas .......................10 Shirts .........................14c Satisfaction Guaranteed Individually Done-No Marking 236 LOST AND FOUND CANDID CAMERA found. Call 8911 and ask for Jim. FOR SALE - THREE DOUBLE student rooms. New clean furnishings. Near the campus. 118 N. Thayer. VACANCY in double room for grad- uate or undergraduate girl. King's League House. 818 Lincoln. Phone 2-2117. SINGLE ROOM for graduate or un- dergraduate girl. Also vacancy in double room. Half block from cam- pus. Wood League House. 725 Ha- ven. 5938. GINGER ALE ANTIQUES: Furniture, Sheffield sil- ver, glass, china, books and jewelry. ONE DOUBLE, one single. Rent rea- Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth sonable. Comfortable rooms on sec- and Ann. ond floor. 9411. 939 Greenwood. FOR SALE: New retina kodak, filters, tripod, etc. Big discount. Need cash. Call 2-1536. Toyoko Nagashima. SMITH CORONA: Silent portable typewriter, nearly new. Sacrifice for cash. 7619 S. University. Phone 2-1536. LARGE DOUBLE with adjoining lav- atory. Also single room. Shower bath, Steam heat. FOR RENT: In private home, two attractive, well furnished rooms for one or two persons. Garage. 1715 S. University. Phone 2-3515. Is Selected for the Official Refreshmemt at the 1938 J-Hop The New Hillside INVITES THE 1938 J-HOPPERS TO ENJOY "HILLSIDE HOSPITALITY" DINE - DRINK - DANCE COCKTAIL BAR Located on Plymouth Rd., East of Plymouth on Old U.S. 12 PLYMOUTH, MICH. C. "Jake" Stremich R. "Gobby" Lorenz for party service call Ann Arbor 8447 1