R CESSION HITS J-HOP Saturday, Febr ry 1$8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vol. XLVIII Price: 10 Cents Our Own xclusive Graph Of What Was Wappened And Probably Will 'Wappen t tA~r bsy W944r fUJN Dr OF J-Hoe ASKS CAMPU'5 Lov- / t5 (~$ -r,2Ask 10IV FlINA STAF ILL&,} t46M r ^. qccK ArL O AcX HOME CCt r T :r N6S Fji,5g LA45F FXA S' AILL i&H T CAA f , O/ LEFT Q La '' a n a a u ' Y 4 ?' 1 y -.. C.iRL'5 ROOMh -07 04 A N f 8i p J- 679 C 5T5$ ZONE R 4Y5 C L. (w 41 14Tr 7 AT SIr1E#f 55fF"c 4-' i A IV Y j09 ALWCGL IC /C CF $f5 ' ALL ( 0I4 S ara c .nwre c+ r r aea om 1 1 ... _ .,. .. ... ., .- ... w, .n J., n a .--a 7 i _, ,, .mmL- ..a... JAN, 2 Z.9 30 31Fib, 1 3 4 7 a 9 10 It /P. .,..a. ., 14 16 AffairOpens In Flurry Of TickerTape Promenade Is Headed By Marietta Killian And Robert Reid Marietta Killian and Robert Reid, patrons and general chairmen, re- spectively, had the floor well under control as they led the 1938 J-Hop in a continuous grand tour around the dance floor Friday night. The aforementioned march ended in a triumphant flurry of ticker tape and, gilt-edged securites before the official photographers. Miss Killian's dress, incorporated from her own design, was made of white silk net over taffeta with a full skirt. A distinctive feature of the gown was the narrow satin ribbon which was applied in vertical bands the entire length of the dress, and the braided satin belt. The two net pieces forming the bodice were softly gath- erd at the waist in front, crossed at the back of the neck, and joined the waistline in the back. The exquisite simplicity of her gown was carried out in her accessories also: a white net butterfly worn in her hair, and white satin slippers. Miss Killian wore no jewelry. John Collins, secretary of the J- Hop committee, escorted Virginia Voorhees, '39. Miss Voorhees' evening gown was deep coral chiffon with a dramatic full-length cape. The dress itself was made in the fitted style- the bodice closely tucked over the hips, and a flaring skirt-with rib- bon shoulder straps. Silver accessor- ies touched off her lovely outfit. Jean Bleecker, of the decorations (Continued on Page 5) Leaders Of The 1938 J-Hop Local Stocks Break Record Before Dive With more than 3,000 active par- ticipants thronging the floor, sea- soned Ann Arbor brokers, dealing on the J-Hop Exchange for the past 30 years or more, reported another record had been broken last night in local stock transactions. But the brokers, wandering over the Intra- mural floor, foresaw a recession, with accompanying headaches, today and Exclusive In This Issue READ ABOUT'.... possibly tomorrow. Robert Reid, '39E, of Detroit, acted as chief commissioner for the evening with Marietta Killian, '39, of Allegan, as his first assistant. They expressed themselves as being more than satis- fied with the evening's activities. Forming the background and keep- ing the boards up to date with all the latest quotations were the men in Jimmy Dorsey and Kay Kyser's or- chestra. It was reported that because of the fine way the two leaders kept things and the crowd humming, there were no losses suffered in the trans- actions carried out. Ann Arbor's standing in comparison to other leading stock exchanges is not considered very high, according to well-infored observers, but even they assert that last night's showing would stand out above any other Curb's trading. The local exchange was especially redecorated for last night under the direction of Lawrence Lackey, '39A, and Jean Bleecker, '39A, chair- men of the J-Hop decorations committee. Coral, white and black were used to carry out the formal, modernistic design. The ceiling was composed of nine longitudinal panels. The booths, for the use of those brokers who had secured seats on the market, were draped in coral, white and black. They were rather similar to the '37 booths. The governor's booth, filled with patrons of the market, contained more than 200 dignitaries, University administrators, faculty members and parents of committee members. The new stock record is being cele- brated with a round of house parties, dinners and other entertainment. Some groups have already begun the supplementary business boom, while others will be held through Sunday. J. SPIEGEL ... . JOE ZILCH. GEORGE POOKIE. MAZIE HOOTIE. OXI E O'ROURKE. JOHNNY G. HALE CARN EG I E. Page 9 Page 7 Page 16 Page 12 Page 10 Page 13 Page 1 2 Exclusive ROBERT REID and MARIETTA KILLIAN