& A AL d vL ...A al.Rtl.L'qJ itLJ.dr f ...s. ..... ARMY SHOES For Drilling Zegulation Munson Army Last approved Government Inspection S r' ' . F /1 .. : , ,L >r '- S " ;) : ,f y, > _. 4 . , i.,. t .i,: .; { f .. _ . TAKE YOUR Amatuer Finishing to a Reliable Photographer who has an established reputation and you will be assured of Results that will not be a disappointment. LYND 0 N S1" 719 N. University Ave SPECIAL SALE N" pp. I f I ON ti Established 1905, and Growing bigger and better every day. 7-.. II1 t SLIGHTLY I Our Price $6.50 Save you $1.00 i WHA'S -GOING ON i calk-Over Boot ShopF 115 S. Main St.. L-OCKSMIIIIING --- ELECTRIC REPAIRING HIGHEST QUALITY William W. Behringer 11.NICKELS ARCADE FRATERNITIES . . .. e havelunsurpassed accouuodations for group photographs Today 6 o'clock-Union opera cast, chorus, and committees banquet at Union. 7:15 o'clock -- Zoological Journal club meets in room 231 ?Natural Sci- ence building. 7:30 o'clock-Adelphi house of rep- resentativ-es meets in University Hall. Tomorrow 7 o'clock-Freshman pep meeting in Physics lecture room. U-Notices the All-fresh Glee club will meet at 6:45 o'clock tomorrow night in Mc- Millan hall. All members will attend the fresh pep meeting and hold a meet- ing afterwards. Freshmen wishing' to tryout for the Gargoyle staff are requested to pre- sent themselves at the Gargoyle office, Ann Arbor Press building, at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Two Pennt Ambulanice Units Mobilize Philadelphia, May 14.- Orders for the immediate mobilization of the two Pennsylvania ambulance corps have been received from the intercollegiate intelligence bureau at Washington. The two units, consisting of 36 men each, will sail for France within the next two weeks to train on the west- ern front. lIndiana Students to Plant Potatoes Bloomington, Ind., May 14.-In a letter to all colleges of this country, P. P. Claxton of the bureau of educa- tion at Washington calls attention to the plan of Indiana university to plant 65 acres of potatoes on unused univer- sity land with the aid of :student labor. k Pop. Mat. rues, ~Wk.My5 'thr.and Sat. IA Nu.Migt 2cand 5ocC 25c, 5c 5 DETROIT BONSTELLE COMPANY "ShirleyeKaye l~e Unless Otherwipce Speified Mon.-14-Norma Talmadge in "Panthea" - (Ret.) and Christie Comedy ("Cloth- es and the Man"). Tues.-Wed. -15.16-C. Aubrey Smith and Jack Sherrill in "The Witching hour" and Comedy. SOILED fSHEEHAN & CO.j MAIN STUDIOS 1546-48 Broadway New York, N.Y !"- Perfect Portraitures "AaerWork Handled in a Pro- V l% 1/fessional way. ATHLETIC Orphellm Theatre ''ues.-15-Doiug1las Firbanks in "The Il at rimanirac.'' I'lrialgle-lKey stone Comedy, "Safety 1rirst Am- brose." Reb oked. Exenng Wecd.- -I ;- uthi T\ie(ure 17'i, toreSev- en D eadily Silk. Chau 1 WX1 lk'- in '"Sloth.'' Also 1' A" cNe ,Ind I 'atb e Cartoon. I. cci f1 £, .0 ~ay The ONLY place is Ar. Arbor to get REAL Hat Service. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Next to the Delta Cor. Packard and Staste t! GOODS I Engraved Personal Cards 6 19 E. Liberty St. PHO)NIC949-W Order them at once from We have with us a complete line of At Prices that Suit And we also do Excellent Cleaning Pressing & Repairing reard's KMassy Kut Kiothes, NV. ALLEN, Manager 11S E. Huron Street The Mayer-Schairer Company. I 112 S. Main Street ._. . Vhtneyk Theatre ED. NIGHT, MAY16. -Tharles Frohiman presents m. S"A great Actor iagreat play" -N. Y. Amert- )TIS Ican.$ the comedy ofce Erfl MMOMM69 r I I , . wmmmww _.. .. - ....I IT'S SOME SHOW, BOY! ImI FV TH EATRE ness, ANTONIO" You'll Die Laughing at HALTON POWELL (Himself) -in- "STEP LIVELY" with Hal Johnson and a com- pany that put over one laugh after another. SEE THAT CHORUS 3:00, 7:309 9:00 3 Days Coin. Thur., May 1 7 A Return Engagement of 'Thos. H. Ince's $1 ,OO0,OOO.0O masterpiece 2 DAY =C m'cinV1F riday Afternoon 3 P.MN. Twice C. : ° day, 3:00 & 8:15 P. M. IRS"Cf TMfE AT POPULAR PRICES: MAY 18-1 Prices: Evenings, 25c, 50c, "75c, $1.00; afew at $1.50. Matinee, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 --------------- -.. Do' WGRIFfluj'IIGHTIIWONDER OF THE WORLD i } By Booth Tarkington. les: 50c, 75c, $1.00, $150 and $2,00 ieats on Sale Monday, May 10 A. M.' Mail Ordors WII I i \f . Most Realistic: and "CIVILIZATION" Stupendous View of TO-DAY Cut Price Engagement NMatinees.......15c and 25c Nights ............25c SirrigEv t Everts / 18,000 People 3,000) Bors~s 8 Months to Produce Cost $500,000 ETHEL CLAYTON [HE BONDAGE O EAR'O Also the Last Episode of Pearl of the Army" ADMISSION 10 CENTS TOMORROW ae Wn. Fox Comedy. "Foot Light Fame" With JUNE CAPRICE' isit _The Rea-The Little Thea- e with a BIG. SHOW. 11 in the vkv' .Iopman of our tecv. George X neppeir Will1 at Workers' Baiuintet Y. ). C. A. G~ive Details at city Country I The Rev. George Knepper will out- line the campaign to raise $10,000 for the war camp fund at a banquet to be held for representatives from all of the towns and outlying districts at 6 o'clock tonight in the city Y. M. C. A. Rev. Knepper will tell of the work ac- complished by these camps. The plans for this campaign were for'mulated at a meeting of Ann Arbor People held yesterday afternoon in thie Y. M. C. A. when the nmatter of raising this fund in Washtenaw coun- ty was brought up and considered. The campaign will begin tomorrow morning and will end Saturday night. For live, progressive, up-to-date a~d vertising use The Michigan Daily. io 1 J %/ p % p Taken f r.in homay-Dixon'S ""THE CLANSMAN" ii tain Pens repaired, straighten- d adjusted. Haller & Fuller, 3t. Jewelers.-:Adv. 10-17 11 bOO TIMES. IN, CHICAGO Now playing on five Conti ne ts-. rnpi South Aerica, Europe, J kustralia, Asia. Ashton Stevens, in the Chicago Examiner, says: "The 'Birth of a Nation' is the best, the most nat- ive drama ever written by an American-it is the most dramatic work in all American drama--and that goes for stage as well as screen." t f U