THE MICHIGAN DAILY 47114,1 iA i y I THE PAPERSSA WING TO THE SCARCITY 9F DYIES AND THE ERM- .RGO ON WOOL, THERE IS GOING TO BE A SHORT- AGE OF GOOD WOOLENS FOR MEN'S CLOTHES. This is true, BUT our showing for iFall anid Winter does not evidence it. We have the best assortment of all wool fabrics for men's Suits and Overcoats that we have ever displayed-and at prices within reach of all. Our $25.00 line will be a pleasaut surprise to you. What is even more vit it to you is, that in this entire line of over five hundred weaves there is nothing but all-wool fabrics. These, when hand tailored to your individual measure, will give you zoo cents value for every dollar expended. ® .J LYTN DO0N 719 N. Urniversity THDE ONE PHOTOGRAPHER Who delivers the Goods and has been delivering them for 12 years right here among Michigan Students Sheehan's 11 ii NEW MANAGEMENT w - M Kodaks an~d Sizpples t3sa rarsteedI AmateizrI Frimish ij J. K. MALCOLM R. Liberty St. Malcolm Block Phone 17'13-M NNW ER VICE It is our consisant endeavor to keep a. full and entensive ck of all last-word models throughout the season, but TH IS he time when the. stock is freshest and most fascinating. is is the time to select-your GARM{ENT. SUNDAY SERVICES IN AN ARBORCHURCHES1 First Congregational Church Rev. Lloyd C. Douglas preaches at 10:30 o'clock on the subject, "Red, White and Blue." Methodist Episcopal Church The subject of Rev. A. W. Stalker's sermon at 10:30 o'clock is "The High- est Court." Unitarian Church Rev. R. S. Loring will preach at 10:30 o'clock on "The Conflict of Or- ganized Religion and Manliness." Church of Christ (Disciples). The theme of Rev. G. W. Knepper's sermon at 10:30 o'clock is "The Re- ligion for Today." Presbyterian Church Rev. Leonard A. Barrett speaks at 10:30 o'clock on "The Divine Fire." First Baptist Church 'ARCADE Shows at 3:00; 6:30; 8:00; 9:30 zoc Unless Otherwise Specified. Phone 296-M. IF ri.-13-Mabel Taliaferro in "The Dawn of Love"; Drew Comedy. Sat.-14-Dorothy Bernard and Stuart Holmes in "Sins of Men"; Charlie Calnin"The Count." 15c. Children's Matinee, 4:3o, Vivian Mar- tin in "Old Dutch." Mon-16Richard J. Jose in "Silver Threads Among the Gold"; Goldberg Cartoon. Orpheum Theatre Matinees, 2:~00-3 :30: Evening, 6:45, 8:15, 9:30. Saturdays-Holidays continuous. EVERY STUDENT NECESSITY TEXT HOOKS and SUPPLIES, FOR ALL COURSES Real Values in Second-Hand Books In P. NOTE BOOKS FOUNTAIN PENS DRAWING INSTRUMENTS Women's and Children's Apparel - '0 Sun.-Mon.-15_16-Vivian Martin in "The Stroniger Lore." Also Holmes Travels. Tues.-17- Mae Marsh in "The Marriage of MollyO " Also' Triangle Comedy, Chas Murray- in "TheFetrdNs" Eve. 15c.- FetedNe" Wed-i8-Victor Moore in "Chimmie Fadden." Rebooked. i i SHEEHANS 'C. W. GRAHAM, M ngr. WHITNEY THEATRE Friday, O tct. 20 The Biggest Farce Success of the Century. Main St. Corner Liberty m IIIIIIIIIIIIIjIaIIIIIaIIIIIIIIll1U1111iIllllllill111I11I111111IIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIInIHIIl;l'At the 10:30 o'clock service Rev. - John M. Wells will preach on "The Soul's Sense of Eternal 'Life." St. Andrew's Church (Episcopal) C4. A It - Rev. Henry Tatlock will preach at Y ormU~d I the 10:30 o'clock service. - First Church of Christ Scientist Subject of the morning service at will be made, "lighter" 10:45 o'clock will be "Doctrine of Atonement.". BY U IN_ Trinity English Lutheran Church Rev. Courtland Miller will preach at -~10:30 o'clock on the subject of "Con- -secration." Edison --MAZDA LAMP WAP GIN Today haveEletricty nd H ve omfot I12:00 o'clock-R. E. Bassett speaks 'Hav ElctriityandHaveCom orton city planning, Congregational =church. E-Notice . The first meeting of the Cercle o _ ;Francais will be held Monday evening at 8:30 o'clock, in the Cercle Francais Th CDetrit diso Coroom in south wing. .=iMass meeting and wienie roast for "F he I) etro -women's athletic department, Ferry Cor. Main and Wiilliam Sts. Tel. 2300 field, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Prof. Hollister of the oratory de- partment will meet all those students interested in. the Lyceum club' at 3 111111111111I1t1I11111I111I111I111t1111III1illIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIII1tIIII1lIIIIII1iIIIIII1hI1hIi- o'clock Monday, in room 302 Mason All members of the Keystone club LrIB XTY A 606and all men from Pennsylvania are urged to attend a short business meet- D * 1 G RIIL' EN NxqA NIW ing of the club to be held at 5 o'clock Monday at the Union to arrange a pro- W gram for this year's activities of the Read club. i' - .: . .. ii _I IHONE 1321 or 170-M FOR FLOWERS A full line of plant and cu flower baskcets Goodhew Floral Co. 225 E. Liberty Darling Bldg. The Laughing Triumph of New York, Boston and Chicago. "A PAIR ,... . .. a OF QUEENS", By Otto Hauerbach, Seymour Brown and Harry Lewis (Mr.Hauerbach is the author of "Madame Sherry," "Three Twins," "High Jinks," "Katinka" etc. The Funniest Play Ever Produced, with a Cast aud Scenic Equipment Identical 'in Quality with the Broadway Production. Velox prints at Sugden's. oct3-29 PRICES 50c to $1.50 Seat Sale Wednesday, 10 A. M. Sunday dinner today at Michigan Union. Three different menus. oct15 'Phone 600 for signs and show cards. oct3 to 29 PACKARD ACADEMY Dancing classes every Monday and Thursday evening at 7:00 o'clock. Private lesons by appointment. Chil- dren's class every Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. l3tf "THE KEMPF MUSIC STUDIOS" Piano, voice, pipe organ. 312 South Division street. 'Phone 212-3. Leave orders for fine piano tuning. Woodward repairs typewriters. 8-9 A. A. Sav. ]3nk. Bldg. Tel. 866-Fl. Roast duckling dinner, at Michigan Union today. $1.00. oct15 Whitney Theatre Monday,, Oct. 23 Mall Orders Now - - Seat Sale Friday, 10:00 a. m. 'Vu istom xTailoring Riching rs LIBERTY AT 606 Breeches 3dl icker Marathon Winner Coaches at Columbia Johnny Hayes, the only American ever to win a Marathon race at the Olympic games, will coach Columbia's cross country squad this season. ao iii Y.4I1 i i DIY i s v v V ii NIGHTS 7:30 and 9 MA ESMATS. 3 P. M, 3DAYS STARTING MONDAY NIGHT SPECIAL ATTRACTION 8 INTERNATJONAL GIRL In Famous Paintings and Costumes worn by The Eternal Feminine The World over. MAGLIN, EDDY and RO ITSITEKNO(TKARUT PPANTO- Roy IMISTS. IT0IS LAOLAUGH THE BLUE RIB3BON EVENT OF TIHE SEASC N RALPH DUNBAR tt SALON'1 SINGERS"9 PRESENTS HIS 1 In "tMoments Musical"-Singing and High Class Piano Recitals LWIS, BELMONT and LE vbrIS " TER"THE MAIE9 In a Song Sketch 1 JUST' FOR LAUGHING PURPOSES THE C®.ivtFIDIAN AND Warren &Dieterich THE SINGER TO DAYV .3-7 AND 8:30 U f fl A. BIG COMEDY SHOW OF MOVIES K0OLB and The Same Greal Cast and Production Recently Presented at the Garrick Theatre, Detroit PRICES - - 5oc, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Chat's New Lunch Room across the street from former location Rapid service in morning before classes Phone for a night order delivered to your room DILLt IN A FIVE ACT COMEDY "'A MILLION FOR MARY" 1116 S. UNIVERSITY PHONE 699-R AND ANOTHER PHUN PHILM U -I SPEC!IAL FOR STUDENTS Mr. Harrison Brock bank, the emnsent actor who aippears at the M1a- jestIc Oct.19, 20 aad 21 in "lbe BrunDme ci te 61h." sJIGi.s a 1 12e of $10.01 to tae student who writes the tRest essay can Napoleon end "The Drummer of The 7th." The essay is limited io g(O cards. 71c prize will be awarded on Saturday night and published in full in the Daily. ALL SEATS 10c Pianos for rent; terms right. Schae- berle & Son, 110 South Main St. oct3tf Sunday evening luncheon at Michi- gan Union. Seven different menus. GIRLSATTENTION! For rainwater shampoos call at Mrs. S. University. 'Phone 696-W. oct3-15 J.' R. Tro Janowski, side entrance, 1110 Leave your film at the Delta. oct3 to 29 1 Nothing over $1.00.oc1 octl5 i