THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDA, U. S. ARMY SHOES 'I TAKE YOUR Amatuer Finishing to a Reliable Photographer who has an established reputation and you will be assured of Results that will not be a disappointment. L Y N D 0 N ' S 719 N. University Ave r. SPECIAL SALE For. Drilling Regulation Munson Armay Last Approved Government Inspection ON / ', l* Established 1905, and Growing bigger and better every day. jr SLIGHTLY Our Price $6.50 Save you $1.00 Walk-Over Boot Shop 115 S. Main St. We have unsurpassed ,accomo'ifltiofls for group photographs MAIN STUDIOS 15 46-48 Broadway New York, N.Y Peafect Portraitures .,Amateur Work Handled in a Po km-fesoalWy I 619 H. Liberty St. PHO~tr 948-W ... . . IO0KSMA HNG--ELECTRIC REPAIRING HIGHEST QUALITY William W. Behringer 11 NICKE LS ARCADE ....,. ... .. I - NOTICE FACTOY HAT STORE (Formerly on Huron St.) Now at 6171 rac ardl Sells Hats at Factory Prices all the year around $3.00 ~)f values upai0 $400$ values - -values $3,50 Every Hat G~uaranteed Men and" S 'Women's . . o16I iIq We do all kindls of high-class flat Work Factory Hat Store 617 Packard--next to the Delta Corner Mate and Pacekard Whitney Theatre VIED, NIGHT, MAY 16 Charles Frohman presents TIS"A great Actor in ai great play" 0ln cYn Ameri- SKI N. N1ER in the cdnedy of cheerful- ness, ANTONIO" By Booth Tark ington. Prices:. 50c, The, $1.00, $1,50'and $2.00 NEEDSIPS AT ONCE ARRNG FOR FINANCES PLAN TO USE PART OF BILLION DOLLAR APPROPRIATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Washington, May 9.-The billion dol- lars Uncle Sam will spend immedi- ately for ships to combat the subma- rine menace will go for purchase of second-hand vessels and construction of new ones. This was decided on today at a two-hour conference be- tween the president and 30 members of both houses of congress and of the government ship board. Both Parties Represented The congressional delegation repre- sented all factions of both parties. All were agreed after hearing from the president that the United States should have ships quickly and an, enormous tonnage. The plan tentatively decid- edl upon was to attach at least $500,- 000,000 of the appropriation onto the urgency defficiency bill making the money available at once. The remain- der will be provided when wanted later. V Plan to Buy Shipping Vessels The shipping board is understood to have made a complete survey of all ships for sale in the United States. If owners of ships show any hesitancy in selling, should the government want the vessels, means will be found to bring such owners to terms. The means may be through the bill now pending which would give the presi- dent power to commandeer all ship- ping. Choose Director of Traffic To insure efficient handling of all supplies in carrying out the govern- ment's ship building program the ship- ping board today created the office of director of traffic. MajotGeneral Goethals, general manager of the board, and William Denman, chair- man, announced the appointment of David L. Ewing of St. Louis to the new office. Strong opposition developed in the conference to some of the more dras- tic features of the bill proposed by Denman. It was stated the president would 'not need to take over hurriedly steel plants and other industries en- tering into production in order to ac- complish his purpose. P A\1 I LL ENTERTAIN CLUB1 FROM FERRIS INSTITUTE Members of the Ferris Institute club of Ypsilanti, will entertain the Ferris Institute club of the University, Saturday evening. The latter will take the 74:10 o'clock car from Ann Arbor and get off at Brower street in Ypsilanti, where some member of the Normal club will meet and accompany them to the reception parlors. IMPORTANT MIEETING~ OF SOPHL LITS WILL TAKE PLACE TODAY Resignations of the president and treasurer of the soph lit class will be read at a meeting of that class at 3 o'clock this afternoon in room 101 Economics building. The nomination of Student council representative makes this meeting doubly important. South American Union Hear Speakers At a meeting of the South American union held Tuesday night in Lane hall, the members were addressed by L. J. Guerrero, '19E, and . Apeseche. The former' s remarks dealt with the literature of Argentina from the in- dependence up to the present time. The latter gave a lecture dealing with an important commercial problem of the South American countries. I Pop. Mat. Wed. G AflRl R I wK.' May 7 DETROIT Direct from New York Winter Gardens The Show ofpWonders' ARCADE Shows at a:®a; 6:38, :.; 9:30 15a Unless Other wise Specified Phone eg*-A. Thurs.-10-George Walsh in "High Fin- ance ;" Charlie Chaplin in "Easy Street." (Ret. ) Fri.-11-Mmne. Petrova in "The Waiting Soul ;" Drew Comedy ("Putting It Over on Henry"). I 11 ATHLETIC SHEEHAN & CO* SOILED Orpheum Theatre Matinees, 2:0O0-3 :30; Evening, 6:45, &-IS, 9:30. Saturdays-Holidays continuous. Thurs. -Fri. -1O-11-Kathlyn Williams in "Out of the Wreck." Also Para- mount Pictograph, Cartoons, and Ford Travels. Sat.-12-Mm. Desmnond in "The Last of the Ingramns." Also Triangle Kom- edy, "Done in Oil. Evening, 15c. -"" I A Rae Theatre =TO DAY .= VIOLA DANA In the Metro-Wonder Play, "Threads of Fate" "THE PURPLE MASK" Order them at once from GOODS I PAN The Mayer-Schairer Company 112 S. Main Street L re i"' Engraved Personal THE SPRUNK Cards Cet a Raincoat Free! During the next ten days only, we are giving the students a chance to get a Raincoat Free with every Suit ordered of us. You have the choice of any piece of goods which-we have in stock. BE MEASURED TODAY. $17:00 and Up Ward's KMassy Kut Klothes F. W. ALLEN, Manager 118 E. Huron Street : ENG RAVING Co. Has Moved to I700 Marquette Bldg. 1 W W. MANN, Prop. Phione 17921 MAEST IC1. 3. SHOWS---3, 7 and 8:30 P.M. TODAY and TONIGHT Geo. Fawcett, Tom Al ix, F~rank Campau and Bessie Eyton In a Great Comedy Drama "The "Heart of Texas Ryan"t This is a wond erlul show, fililed with Thrilling E~pisodes, and i,ooo Comedy Situations Delightful Musical Concert by the Full Mjestic Orchestra Matinee 14c, Night 10 & 15c Seats on 14, 10 A. NOW'. Sale Monday, May M. Mail Orders Rugs perfectly cleaned, washed, and sized without injury. Koch & Henne. ft Dancing classes and private lesson s st the Paoekard Academy. tt Nothing like this has ever been seen in Ann Arbor before. The life size Grafonola Twins in the different mod- ern dance attitudes at the Allmen- dinger Music Shop, 122 E. Liberty St. -Adv. 10-12 Patronize Daily Advertisers. Huron 'Palley Bldg. & Sav. Assoebition H. H. Herbst, Seo. and Atty., Room 14, A. A. Sav. Bank Bldg. Safest place to invest your earnings. Dividends never less than 6 per cent. Money loaned at lowest rates.-Adv. Try The Daily for service. tiro cast of "The :Merry Wives of Windso.-," at 7 o'clock tonight in Un- iversity IHall. rthe 1Mh>>aes of the )Iiligan Union Will mneet at 4 o'clock today in the Union to elect officers and new mnem- mmmmot .... Whit xey Theatre 2DAYS Com'cing Friday Afternoon 3P. M AY181 Twice Saturday, 3:00 & 81 .M AY14 hers. 'rickets for theiw nion night dance mill go one o'clock today at the Union. Fresh Ills ill weigh ini ::sri:ng conrtests on. Thursday day afltrnoon s at Waterman Win1. Saturday sale at 5 for the and Fri- gymnas- Prices: Evenings, 50c, 75c, $1.00; a few at $1.50. Matinee, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 D. W. GRIFFITH'S EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD H.'44! y 3 o'clo'ck-Soph lit njeetiog in rooai 101 Economics bluildiu;'. All engineer' band -wil rehearse at 7:15 o'cloc'k tonight in room 348 or the Engineering building. V resh lit baseball players report on south Ferry field at 3:30 o'clock to- (ay fol game with fresh engineers. Most Realistic and Stupendous 18,000 People 3,000 Horses 8 Mionths to Produce 7 o'clock-Cercle Fraimcais banoilot jI1'ir-,ie0s to Inspect Detroit Planit at Delta cafe. Pi -ar.::.ce atical students who travel 7 o'clock:- Csn'{ ii''U) to fe :ri Friday to inspect the plant in ll Oil3iLLXCin roomof Parkes, Davis & Co., will leave at 7 o'clock- Canadian clugbat 9:10 oi 'clock over the D. U. R. instead Willets' cafe. of. the Michigan Central. 7:30 oclock--MissIE.\A. Grantiid------- Miss IJ. 1.Murray (ot tho \ itlil 1( Ca'** *** nalty company speak iu room 4t, .INfas- jU'lIG iSr]NIORS TO 'ORDER on hall on various phasv', t , Mes. CAPS AND G~OWNS AT ONCE 8 o'clock- _Spanish (,u I _,; ii in Lane hall. I * Seniors in all colleges are* 8 o'clock-De utseher Verein meting strongly urged to make arrange- in Verein rccmA. * ients with the local merchants* t~ra for their caps and gowns immedi-* 7 o'clock-Alphar, 'u meeting in Un ately. With the date for Swing- * iversity hal. out advanced to Monday, May 14,* 8 o'cloc~k--Plymnouth r miud table so- xlcal merchants are confronted* cial at Congregationalchr.* with a difficult problem in at-* 8 o'clock-Jnilverslt Shol f ur-* tempting to meet the delayed or-* ses' graduation exercise: ._inSarah * ders for caps and gowns which* Caswell h gl all.* they must furnish at an earlier * 9 o'clock-Soph prom at Armory. date than they had planned upon. * LI-Notices *v Committee in Charge.* The~e ill be a relivea r(; of the en. * * * * * * * * * View of Stirring Events in the Development i STUDENTS LEAT1NG ASKED TO REGISTER AT UNION All students who have made definite arrangements to enter any branch of the government service, whether military or farm work, are requested to reg- ister at the Michigan Union their name and address, for the information of the intelligence bureau. In case of uncertainty of address, the student should' make arangements to further it to the Union as soon as pos- sible. LL Cost of our Country $5009,00O Taken from Thomas Dixon's "eTHE CLANSMAN" SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF 20 SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF 20 600 TIMES IN CHICAGO Now playing on five Con- tinents -- America, South America, Europe, Aus- tralia, Asia. Ashton Stevens, in the Chicago Examiner, says: "The 'Birth of a Nation' is the best, the most nat- ive drama ever written by an American-it is the most dramatic work in all American drama-and that goes for stage as well as screen."' -'