THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG 0""Wl J Coat Trousers =.A Suit Vest Simple enough. And yet how rare a thing to get a suit that really "suits." Coat that fits and drapes- Trousers that hang clean and straight- Vest free from unsightly wrinkles. Only a few manufacturers can be relied upon to turn the trick every time. Stein Block and ?Iichaels-Stern do Only a few dealers carry a large enough variety of styles and models to furnish the right suit for every man. We Do SUITS FROM $15.00 UP TO $35.00 Lindenschmidt, Apfel Co. Now is the time for Calkins Drug Co. For 30 Years the Best Cordovans. KODAKS and KODAKING We have a complete line of Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. Let us do your finishing. Dev. 15c, Prints 3c to 5c. We have just received another shipment of this popular shoe in BLACK and TAN. Special Agency Nettleton shoes 324 So. State or 1123 So. Univ. Ave. i F SPRING OXFORDS FARM COURSES MAY BE GIEN IN CITY SCHOOLS ANN ARBOR CIVIC ASSOCIATION SENDS OUT LETTERS TO CITIZENS Letters are being sent out this week to all the citizens of Ann Arbor by the Ann Arbor Civic association ask- ing them to sign a petition to the school board of the city to establish a course in agriculture in the regular school curriculum, beginning with the summer school, in all grade schools and in the high school. The petition with the signatures will be present- ed to the school board as soon as the letters are returned. Along with the work, if it is adopt- ed, will be practical work on vacant land in the city. Allotments of lots will be made to the school children and pupils will probably be excused from school for a few days in order to plant seeds. The Civic association has received a letter from Fred L. Keeler, state sup- erintendent of schools, indorsing the petition and giving suggestions as to' the method of working out the plan. Copies of his letter are being sent out with the letter containing petitions to the school board. County School Com- missioner Essery has also endorsed the movement. SEE OUR BOSTONIANS In CORDO CALF and BLACK CALF At $5.00, $5.50 $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00 CAMPUS BOOTERY ALIMAND & OSYH 308 S. State Street 1 0and 215 S. Main St MICHIGAN WILL ASSIST DOLL.R--MONTH CLUB ORGANIZATION TO RELIEVE CON- DITIONS AMONG STARVING BELGIAN CHILDREN Through the organization of a Dol- lar-a-Month club Michigan's share of $131,000 per month will be raised as a part of the nation wide movement to save Belgian children. Terrible conditionsthave existed in Belgium since August, 1914. At the time of the war's outbrake the pro- portion of skilled laborers to the pop- ulation was greater than in any other country in the world. The development of industry had been so great and population so dense that the soil of Belgium produced only a small percentage of the food re- quired by the inhabitants. With the outbreak of the war all commerce instantly stopped and Belgium was soon denuded of the products which could be exported in return for food. People on Half Rations To meet this desperate situation a commission was formed in England with Herbert C.sHoover, an American mining engineer, as chairman. Through a system of organization which reached every part of Belgium the Hoover commission undertook, under a working arrangement with the German and British governments, to feed the Belgian people during the period of the war. With the utmost efforts the commis- sion has been able to supply to the in- habitants a ration just under 50 per cent of the food required by the norm- al human being. Adults have suffer- ed, but survive. The growing child- ren, who since August, 1914, have had less than one-half of what a child re- quires,sare becoming stunted in both body and mind from gradual starva- tion. DRUGS Our Developing and Printing Service is Prompt and Satisfactory WAHR'S Shoe Stores Main St. State St. THE EBERBACH & SON 200-204 E. LIBERTY STREET CO. -_._.__ I Fitform Cameras -- Photo Supplies Suits and I Top Coats For Spring City News -IVORY GOODS- Young Inn ;n* Men, when Toilet Sets Picture Frames Perfume Bottles Military Brushes Manicure Sets Jewel Boxes Trays Vases Engraved with your own style monogram HALLER & FULLER, State Street Jewelers MADE TO MEASURE SUITS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN From $17 to $35 Prompt service on altera- tions and repairing. ALBERT GANSLE 205 E. Washington St. Phone 919 Store your typewriter at less than transportation charges or have it pro- perly packed and avoid breakage. 0. D. Morrill, 322 South State State Troops Farm Land at M. A. C. Lansing, Mich., May 9.-Just to show the people of the state that soldiers can farm as well as fight-and inci- dentally to provide themselves with rations for the long hard winter to come, the picked company of Michi- gan state troops which is quartered on a 90-acre tract at the Michigan Agricultural college, will farm 40 acres of the land. Potatoes and other food crops will be put in and it is ex- pected their efforts will go a long way toward feeding them this winter. The remaining 60 acres will be util- ized for barracks, stables, and drill ground. America's finest watches are Hamil- tons. J. L. Chapman, Jeweler, agent. 113 So. Main St.--Adv. tue-eod Fountain Pens repaired, straighten- ed, and adjusted. Haller & Fuller, State St. Jewelers.-Adv. 10-17 Contrary to the former custom of observing a Saturday half holiday dur- ing the summer months only, all coun- ty offices will close at noon on Satur- days until further notice. Edmond Gartin, enroute to Detroit, was delayed-by the county police for speeding on the Whitmore lake road and fined $10 and costs in Judge Doty's court yesterday. Steps in the formation of a home guard corps for Ann Arbor will be taken tonight at a meeting of Spanish- American war veterans at the G. A. R. post room. All citizens of the city who have seen service in the army or navy of this country are invited to attend. The meeting will be called at 7:30 o'clock. After arraignment in circuit court yesterday morning, Claude Gibson, former local taxicab driver, who is allegedto have appropriated a ma- chine from one of the local concerns, was released on suspended sentence. It is understood that Gibson made a settlement with the taxicab company. After appearing in circuit court yes- terday morning, Ray Gleason and Charles Hall, alleged lead thieves, changed their pleas from not guilty to guilty and were immediately sentenced to the Detroit house of correction for 65 days. Thse men were accused, with three others, now at large after breaking jail here, of robbing a Michi-: gan Central freight car about two weeks ago of 1,900 pounds of lead. An attempt was made to sell it to a local junk dealer. Wisconsin Women Study Domestic Art Madison, Wis., May 9. - Although; seldom found in these days, the ability to make a bed as a bed should be1 made-downy pillows, billows of feath-; ers, and all that-is not quite a lost; art. Thirty women students at the, University of Wisconsin are beingi taught how to make a bed scientifical-I ly in connection with a course in homeE nursing. The course is offered withr a view to teaching the girls the things they can do to make a patient com- fortable at home.1 your new I Plan Supplementary Meal The only possible remedy is to add to the daily ration of less than one- half the normal food of a child a supplementary meal, scientifically planned and proportioned. This sup- plementary meal consists of a bis- cuit with a little lard in it' and a small sup of cocoa with some phos- phatine and milk when possible. Scan- ty as this added ration iq, it will be enough to tide the child over for the present. The cost of the supplementary meal is three cents per day for each child. The number of children declining through starvation is 1,250,000. The state of Michigan is asked to provide $131,000 per month to furnish the sup- plementary meal for-131,000 children in and about Brussels. START CAMPAIGN TO RAISE FUNDS FOR AMBULANCE UNIT University Alumni Support Movement to Put Corps on French Bat- tlefields The campaign for the raising of funds for the first University of Mich- igan ambulance unit will begin in all the alumni centers in Michigan and the adjoining states, Monday, May 13. On ,that day, meetings will be held and the alumni will be canvassed in Detroit, Chicago, Toledo, Grand Rap- ids, Cleveland, and Ann Arbor. Already there have been received by the treasurer contributions amounting to $325 from Ann Arbor alumni. A check for $25 was receiv- ed yesterday from Prof. W. H. Hobbs in addition to the amount already ac- knowledged. All checks can be mail- ed to T. F. McAllister, '18, treasurer, at 607 South State street. For fine Watch Repairing, J. L. Chapman, Jeweler, 118 Main St.-Adv. Tues. e.o.d. Try The Daily for service. TOP COATS come direct to COR BETT'S 116 E. Liberty. SPRING SUIT' I I wu&ing around for or Here you will find the Young Men's Clothing you have been looking for. r37 " Leave Copy Leave Copy LAS IIEat Quarry's and Students' The Delta S ISupply Store A DV E RT I S I NG LOST LOST- Friday, lady's openface gold watch, Illinois movement, mono- gram D. T. H. on back. Finder please phone T798-R. Reward. 10 LOST - Brown leather cigar , case trimmed with brass, on Monday, in wash room of Library. Finder call 16. Reward. 9-10 .I LOST-Diamond ring, tiffany setting, on Packard St., local car, or cam- pus. Finder call 1857. Reward. LOST-An I-P note book, size 5-12, in Library. Will person who took by mistake please call E. Dunn, 1119-J. LOST-Delta Tau Delta fraternity pin with initials E. N. B. on back. Find- er please phone 2383-M. Reward. FOR SALE FOR SALE - Law library for sale cheap. The up-to-date law library, consisting of six hundred volumes and office furniture, of the late Frank L. Fales, is for sale. For par- ticulars address, Suze S. Duperier, Vassar, Michigan. 8 to 13inc. WANTED WANTED-Lady for educational work in Lansing. $240 for summer. Phone 359-M. 9-10-11 WANTED-Soph Prom ticket. Box D. S., Daily. 10 WANTED-The opportunity of getting what you want is knocking at your door. Answer it by a want-ad in The Daily. MISCELLANEOUS AN INTELLIGENT person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly in spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Room 2558, Buffalo, N. Y.- TYPEWRITERS stored at less cost than your trans- portation charges. Expert cleaning, repairing and packing a specialty. 0. D. MORRILL, 322 SOUTH STATE STREET Phone 582-J (Over Baltimore Dairy The following girls worked Michigan Union intelligence yesterday afternoon: Marion Klinger, '18. Jessie Metcalf, '20. Olive Hagen, '18. Margaret Reynolds, '17. Clara James, '20. Henryetta Brandebury, '18. Ellen Stevenson, '19. Freda Garrett, '17. Ruth Jennings, '20. Rhea Barbarin, '19. Eva Bowen, '18. Lois Donaldson, '18. Margaret Christie, '19. Josephine Randall, '17. Lucile Duff, '19. Margaret Cooley, '18. Ardath Paul, '19. Marguerite Novy, '19. Alice Worcester, '19. Marjorie Van Zandt, '19. Helen Hughes, '19. Ruth Ely, '19. Hazel Beckwith, '19. Anna Lloyd, '18. Grace Raynsford, '18. Sue Verlenden, '20. Cornelia Clark, '20. Ruth Dailey, '19. Hazel Selby, '18. Alice Leonard, '20. Lucile Quarry, '18. Myona Dopp, '20. Ruth Flanigan, '20. Rose Sturmer, '20. Florence Field, '20. Helen Coldren, '17. Dorothea Warren, '17. at the bureau TOM CORBETT 116 E. Liberty St. "9 he Young Men's Shop" Notary Public. 0. D. Morrill, South State.-Adv. TH E STORE OF QUALITY 322 tf Women Knit for Naval eserves 83 Mufflers and 52 Jackets Promised; Newberry Residence Leads in Preparation Of the 150 knitted mufflers which $he women of the University are plan- ning to make for the naval reserves, 83 are promised and under way. Knitted jackets for 52 men are also promised, but more workers are need- ed and more contributors to the fund for materials. Newberry residence alone has pur- chased 90 skeins of yarn and many other house groups have gone into the work with proportional vigor. A new shipment of yarn has just been received and will sell for 60 cents a skein as heretofore, although future consignments will undoubtedly ad- vance in price. Patronize Daily Advertisers. LET US SEND YOU AN ASSORTIVIENT OF VICTOR RECORDS on our twenty-four hour approval plan! Select a dozen numbers, you would like to hear in your own home. Phone us, 1707, and we will send same. VICTOR VICTROLAS FROM $15.00 TO $300.00 CONVENIENT PAYMENTS?1 GRINNELL BROTHERS 116 SOUTH MAIN STREET 11 Show Foreign Views at Verein Tonight Deutscher Verein will hold their regular meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in the society's rooms. Stereopticon views of Germany and France will be .. exhibited by Lawrence Goldsmith, '19.