1 tlr. IVII.1A,-ajliI'4 /1J1 I r SPORT COATS NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR Sport Coat, $8.50 and $10 White Flannel Pants, a new line just in. Order now, this is the time to get your A LARGE VARIETY Hot Weather Suits. We have all kinds From $6.50 to $10.00 Priced from $8.50 to $12.00 NEXT TO ORPHEUM .F. WVRfO NEXT TO WERH.,____ ANN ARBOR. MICH. Wadhams & Co. State Street Main Street f Your Floral Needs== Are BEST SATISFIED By Us PMONE 115 Cut Flowers Flowering Plants FLOWERS FOR DECORATION -=COUSINS & HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Members of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association .1 They Ought to Serve IE CREAM At Your Favorite Fountain. Ask for it. The Cyc-Corpus Juris System PUBLISHED BY The American Law Book Co. 27 Cedar Street NEW YORK. 1U- m ARROW !form-fit COLLAR TOPS AND BANDS ARE CURVE CUT TO FIT THE SHOULDERS. 2 for 30c CLUETT, PEABODY&.CO. IfCMAKERS Any other persons wishing to pro- cure a copy of the year book and have it sent to their home can do so by leaving their address and the $3.50 at the publication office in the Ann Arbor Press building. Wants College Man to Work on Farm Frank G. Hayes of Saugatuck, Mich., NURSES. TO GRAUAT FROM TRAINING SGHOOL EXERCISES, FOLLOWED BY RE- CEPTION AND DANCE, TO BE HELD FRIDAY Announcements have been issued for the graduation exercises of the Uni- versity Training School for Nurses to be held at 8 o'clock Friday night, May 13, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. A reception for the graduatingclass and a dance will be given at the conclusion of the exercises. The names of the members of this year's class follow: Graduates of Executive Course Lucile Butler, Cleo Ford, Isabelle Flewwelling, Mary Ware. Graduating Class Jessie L. Avery, Eathel M. Baker, Mary Barbour, Helen Beacom, Luella J. Burt, Jeanette Christman, Athalinda M. Cimmer, Ruby M. Collins, Inez E. Cortright, Helen M. Crane, Agnes K. Curran, Ethel Dietz, Rheba Edward, Bertha French, Anne M. Harris, Bess M. Harrison, Dora E. Heppeard, Alpha Johnson, Selinda M. Kerolla, Kather- ine Kennedy, Mera Kmieske, Adah F. Kolb, Adelaide Leffingwell, Celia A. Lewis, H. Ruth MacFarlane, Hazel M. Maggs, Jean McGrego, Hazel Merwin, Hazel Miller, Harriet Milliken, Char- lotte" L. Noal, Margaret J. Patrick, Mathilda R. Reinhardt, Garnet B. Rop- er, Erma A. Rumberger, Emma Seitz, Emma M. Spiegel, Alice B. Tetsworth, Lilian Vaselar, Myrtle M.. Wagoner, Marvelena E. Walkling, Irene G. Wat- rous, Ruth H. Watson, Erma G. Webb, Mary C. Witte, Amber Cruso. Advanced Piano Students Apear Will Give Recital at School of Music at 4:15 O'clock To- day An interesting recital will be given at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon at the School of Music by advanced students of the piano department. Attention is called to the following program, which is well worth hearing: PastoraleVariee ...........Mozart Helen M. Grieve Variations...........Paganin-Brahms Andrew Haigh Two Etudes ................Chopin Ma garet Rogers Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2..... .Beethoven Hussein Feisy Evening in Grenada........Debussey Leprechauns Dance. Stanford-Grainger Carol W. Wadhams UNIVERSITY WOMEN MAY TAKE MEN'S PLACES IN FACTORIES To look after the recruiting and training of women to fill the places of the men who are leaving the fac- tories to enlist, an industrial commis- sion of women has been formed by the executive committee of the Detroit chamber of commerce. Mrs. F. P. Jordan, dean of women, as a member of the commission has in charge the enlistment of University women to fill places temporarily, dur- ing the summer vacation. All those who are interested may make arrange- ments with Mrs. Jordan at any time. My diamonds are fine quality and reasonably priced. J. L. Chapman, Jeweler. 113 Main St.-Adv. wed-eod AIDS FARMERS TO fGET CREDIT FORMORE SEEDS FOOD PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE CONNECTS BANKS AND COUNTY AGENTS Sufficient funds will be made avail- abie to extend the necessary credit to farmers to secure such seeds as they may require for their increased plant- ings, according to a statement given out by the food preparedness commit- tee of the state of Michigan. The committee further stated that it had the co-operation of the state treasu'rer and practically every bank in the rural districts of the state. The committee, is organizing every county in the state for the purpose of urging and encouraging each farmer to plant, every available acre. Farm- ers are to co-operate with the county farm agent, who is the representative of the food preparedness committee, and he will be assisted by the super- visor of the township in getting help and money to the farmers. No funds have been placed in the control of this food committee for the purpose of financing the farmers. All applicants for the extension of credit must be made to the county farm agents and the local banks and local committees. Library Soon To Move Into Wing EXPANSION OLIVE TONGS Grasps Firmly, Never Fails Just the thing for that up-river picnic or for your indoor luncheon. Come in and see them. FOR ELECTRIC REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS CALL Washtenaw Electric Shop The Shop of Quality I- its n-t Right we ake it Right Phone 273 200 East Washington St. Lunch Sets f Pedometers Drinking Cups Wrist Watches Compasses Flasks I HALLER & FULLER, State Street Jewelers CULTIVATING THE CLOTHES SENSE- No way to do it but to see as many clothes as pos- sible that are excellently made-of well-combined colors-and of graceful lines. Coming to the Hutzel Shop often will show you what to wear and how to wear it. Huiel 's _I a -=. . . Many Styles of Type and Many Languag MAIN AND LIBERTY Material. for Front of Building rives, Assuring Completion on Time Ar- SOLD BY Hamilton Business College - 1917 MICHIGANENSIAN NOW BEING BOUND; SELLS MAY 21 The 1917 Michiganensian has passed out of the hands of the printers and is now being bound. It will be put on sale sometime between May 21 and 25. Students who have contracted for cnies~ but who intend to leave the University before the publication of has sent notice to the local branch of the year book can have their copies the National Security league that he forwarded to them, charges collect, is in need of farm hands and would by leaving $2.50 along with their for- liie to employ a college man. Any warding or home address at the Mich- one interested may obtain further in- iganensian office. formation by writing to Mr. Hayes. I Work on the new Library building is progressing rapidly, and prepara- tions for moving to the west wing are being started. Book-shelves are being taken out of the front of the old building and the reference books in 'the main reading room are being transferred to the stacks. Periodical cases are also be- ing removed. Duplicate books from the whispering gallery, near the upper reading room, soon will be stored in the attic of the east book-stacks in the new building. Marble laying for the bookstacks on the east side of the new building has been started, and shelves are being placed in the reading room on the west side. Practically all of the material for the front of the new building has ar- rived, and it is expected that this part when once started, will be completed on schedule time. FIFTEENTH CENTURY BOOKS ARE ON DEPOSIT AT LIBRARY As a result of an appeal in The Daily for titles of fifteenth century books, J. Herbert Russell, grad., has left on de- posit at the Library a copy of "Mariale de Excellentiis Regine Celi," a book printed by Martin Flach in Strassburg in 1496. The book deals with religious affairs. Mr. W. W. Bishop, librarian, also has been able to include several other books in the list of old volumes which he is preparing for the catalogue in- cunabula of the United States, which will be published by the New York public library. This list will include all books printed before 1501, now in the United States. ENGRAVING I 0#J' I THE Co. Has Moved to r r SPRUNK A Typewriter Exceptional For Collegians Change your type in an instant from one style to another-or any language. THE MULTIPLEX H A M MOND Two sets of type in, each machine. "Just Turn the Knob" Presto one or the other Simple---Compact-Portable Beautiful work-beyond compare. If not inclined to a new machine, inquire for our Factory Rebuilts. We Rent Machines of high quality. Patrons: President Woodrow Wilson CadnlMerry del Val Dr. Alexander Graham Bell Chancellor Rev. B. G. Trant Bishop John G. Murray William Dean Howells also all Colleges and Uraersities Our special terms to collegians will interest you. Catalog for the asking. 0 Hammond Typewriter Co. 545 E. 69th St., New York 88 Griswold St., Detroit Leave Copy at Quarry's and 0 The Doty A D VE RT I S IN G Leave Copy at Students' Supply Store 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE - Law library for sale cheap. The up-to-date law library, consisting of six hundred volumes and office furniture, of the late Frank L. Fales, is for sale. For par- ticulars address, Suze S. Duperier, Vassar, Michigan. 8 to 13inc. VOR SALE-The best and least Oxpen- sive way of buying, is to let The Michigan Daily be your medium. LOST_ LOST - Brown leather cigar case trimmed with brass, on Monday, in, wash room of Library. Finder call 16. Reward. 9-10 LOST-Delta Tau Delta fraternity pin with initials E. N. B. on back. Find- er please phone 2383-M. Reward. LOST-Large leather note book with name on outside. Finder please call V. H. Simmons. Phone 319. I WANTED WANTED-Man to take telephone dic- tation at the Daily. Apply between 1 and 2 today. Ask for Jackson. 8-9 WANTED-Lady for educational work in Lansing. $240 for summer. Phone 359-M. 9-10-11 MISCELLANEOUS INTYPEWRITERS stored at less cost than your trans- portation charges. Expert cleaning, repairing and packing a specialty. 0. D. MORRILL, 322 SOUTH STATE STREET Phone 582-J (Over Baltimore Dairy Lunch.) AN INTELLIGENT person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly in spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau, Room 2558, Buffalo, N. Y.- 700 Marquette Bldg. Reports U.S. Has Enough Chemists Men Are Needed to Work in Govern- ment Munitions Plants The government has plenty of chem- ists, judging by a letter received by Prof. A. H. White of the chemical en- gineering department. No more will be received as officers in the ordnance officers reserve corps, but good chem-: ists are urged to tender their assist- ance to the government for services in munitions plants. The following trained men are also needed: Graduate mechanical engi- neers to serve in arsenals, mechanical engineers for instructors in machine gun operation, technical school grad- uates for service with field artillery and as inspectors, and automobile en- gineers for truck design, erection and maintenance. The Dupont Powder -company is al- so petitioning for graduate chemical engineers for research and operative work. Prohibition Favored by Mt. Union Alliance, 0., May 8.-Mt. Union stu- dents and faculty members have adopt- ed resolutions calling on congress to make the nation dry for the duration of the war, Rugs perfectly cleaned, washed, and sized without injury. Koch & Henne. ft; In new Shades and SPRING i; Shapes U_ I Hats & CapsI THE Varsity Toggery SHOP Notary Public. O. D. Morrill, South State.-Adv. 322 tf .... mmmmmmwm _, LET US SEND YOU AN ASSORTMENT OF VICTOR RECORDS on our twenty-four hour approval plan! Select a dozen numhers, you would like to hear in your own home. Phone us, 1707, and we will send same. VICTOR VICTROLAS FROM $15.00 TO $300.00 CONVENIENT PAYMENTS! GRINNELL BROTHERS 116 SOUTH MAIN STREET 1107 So. Univ. 1107 So. Univ Oberlin Will Lose $15,000 by War Oberlin, O., May 8.-Oberlin will face a falling off in tuitions of ap- proximately $15,000 next fall, accord- ing to conservative estimates of the loss in enrollment due to the war. I can duplicate any lens. J. L. Chapman, Optrometrist and Jeweler. Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad. I