THE MICHIGAN DAILY__________ I /1 .IB, irnrsrrr na p d The Shoe of the Hour TE CAVALIER FOR WOMEN The Hit of the Season TAKE YOUR Amatuer (Finishing to a reliable Photographer who has an established reputation and you will be assured of Results that will not be a disappointment. L'y" N D 0'N S 719 N. University Ave SPECIAL SALE 1! ON I I Established 1905, and Growing t;igger and better every day. - i . .. Description--Latest Shade-Cherry Tan imported Russia Calf --high grade English last, one and one-half inch Walking Heel, Oak Tanined, Welted Soles, exactly as pictured. Our Price $7.00, Replacement Value $9.00 11 115 S. Main s#: Hoff stetter's BOOT SHOP S.I SLIGHTLY 115 Main st, FRATERNITIES We haveunsurpassed accomodations for group photographs MAIN STUDIOS 1 546-48 Broadway New York, N.Y Perfect Portraitures "Aatur Work Handled in a Pro- fessional Way. 610 E. Liberty St. PHONIC 948-W .. [.OCKMITHING- --ELECTRIC REPAIRING HIGHEST QUALITY William W. Behringer, 11 NICKELS ARCADE L YvfltSAS M.. .\ t 1, A 257 MEN RECOMMENDED BY CASTLE FOR CAMPS N() ACTIO'NC.N BE vTAKEN RE- GIA1UI1NG SECOND) SERIES, SAYS MAJOR Two hundred and fifty-seven men have passed the examinations being conducted by Major Charles W. Castle in *Waterman gymnasium, and. have been recommended for the reserve of- ficers' training camps. Of this number 178 have applied for Fort Sheridan. In regard to applications for the sec- ond camps, Major Castle says: "No action can be taken at present upon cases of those who desire to en- ter the second series of camps which are expected to start about next Au- gust. All they need to do is to wait about two months before submitting applications. By that time plans con- cerning successive camps will un- doubtedly be formulated, and the pro- cedure may be changed from present arrangements. "I wish to call the attention of stu- ents to the fact that the younger ones do not need to be in a hurry, as the plan is to give precedence in the-first camps to rien of such age and experi- ence as will providie a personnel qual- ified to organize and instruct them- selves to a great extent. This is ne- cessary on account of the regular army and the national guard being completely occupied with their own affairs, so that little assistance can be expected from them. "There is no object in making ap- plications at present for future camps, as all those being acted upon are for the camps commencing May 8, and an application for a. later camp may re- sult in the candidate being enrolled in the first camp by mistake." DECINES__NOMINATION GLENN COUTLTER WILL NOT RUN FOR PRESIDENCY OF 3HICHIGAN UNION Editor, The Michigan Daily: Due to the fact that other matters will probably prevent my attendance at the University next year, I respect- fully decline the nomination for presi- dlent of the Michigan Union. GLENN M. COULTER. Pop. Mat. Wed. lflIff Wk. May 7 Best Seats $1.50o RAfRRlI C K Nights D E R OI T o to $2.00 Direct from New York Winter Gardens 'The Show of wonders' ARCADE Shows at 6:04; 5:30; 3:60; 9:30 ISO Unless Otherwise Specified Phonato-ALM Sat. -5-Peggy Hyland in "Intrigue," and Mrs. Vernon Castle in "Patria." 1Mon.-Tues.-7-8-Robert Warwick in "The Argyle Case," and Christie Comedy, ("Sauce for the Gorse"). Orpheum Theatre *Mtirees, 2:00-3 :30; Evening, 6:43, 9:1S, 9:30. Saturdays-Holidays continuous. Tues.-8-Dorothy Gish in "Stage Struck." Also Triangle Komedy, "A Bachelor's Finish." Evening, 15c. W~ed. --Third McClure Picture. Seven Deadly Sins. Nance O'Neil in "Greed." Also Pathe News, Pathe Cartoon and Educational. Eve., 15c. SHEEHAN I w I GOODS SOILED Engraved Personal ATHLETIC & CO* I Cards - m I I 11 &. A FA ARK TRADE'N v A Real Pipe for These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratfcrd $1.00 AND UP W D C Hand Made $1.50 AND UP Each a fine pipe, with sterling silver ring and vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as- sortment Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & CO. New York Rae Theatre -= TO DLAY= Robert Warwick, Doris Kenyon Gorda Holmes in'THE MAN WHO FORGOT~ "Pearl of the Army" Order 112 S. Main Street The Mayer-Schairer Company 'U them at once from THE SHRUNK Get a Raincoat Free!-v During the next ten days only, we are giving the studelits a chance to get a Raincoat Free with every Suit ordered of us. You have the choice of any piece of goods which we have in stock. BE MEASURED TODAY. $17;00 and Up Ward's KMassy Kut Klothes F. W. ALLEN, Manager 11S E. Huron Street ENG RAVING # Co. Genuine French Briar Has Moved to 700 Marquette Bldg. I a I -w.. : : ". or Study, , oWork or "Pa y lii! FIR_ MN o20c c °R The acme of deliciouisnessa nd refresh- O mentwhether you're "burning the mid- night oil", after stff TG.A treat Demnd the genluine by or a Z full name -- nicknames E Rq at any time. encourge substitution QTHE- COCA-COLA CompANiy. ATLAx:-T. GA. * * *: * *: *; * *: AT THE TH-EA' TODlAY MNajestie- Ednia Mayo R~eturn of Eve:" Arcaide - Robert Waarv "The Argyle Case" an tie comiedy. Orpheum - Dorothy "Stage Struck:" Rae-Robert Warwick Mani Who Forgot." * * ** * * ** * * *4 * * * ick"Th* MAJESTIC!. 3 SHOWS DAILY-3 3-7-and-S :30 P. Xl. TODAY EDNA MAYO in "THE RETURN OF EVE" A delightful Photo-Play WEDNESDAY Booth Tarkington's Story "THE CONQUEST OF CANAAN" With Edith Taliaferro and Jack Sherrill Wednesday and Thursday night the special Majestic orchestra that delighted so many patrons Sunday will appear in new programs. Matinees 10c, ENights 10O&1 So Lunch Sets Pedometers Drinking Cups Wrist W'atches EXPANSION OLIVE TONGS Grasps Firmly, Never Fails Just the thing for that up-river picnic or for your indoor luncheon. Come in and see them. HALLER & FULLER, Compasses Flasks State Street Jewelers U I 1 RS7 T~r -=-- 5"1 E E7111Z1 >> c.nnd Is, Furniture and Women's Fashions 1917 l oil ury uvvu: RIPWOOD For wnarm days and comfo rt!I 4EARL 5r Wit-SON America's finest w atches are Hamii- tons. J. L. Chapman, Jeweler, agent. 113 So. Main St.--Adv. tue-eod *S'TUDENTS LEAVING ASKED * * TO REGISTER AT UNION * All students who have made* *definite arrangements to enter -~any branch of the government service, whether military or* farm work, are requested to reg-* ister at the Michigan Union* th&~eir name and address, for the * .K information of the intelligence * bureau. In case of uncertainty* of address, the student should* Ali makearrangements to further* -it to the Union as soon as pos-* sible. have your shoes full-soled in leath- er or Neolin. We specialize in thip work. 0. G. Andres. 220 So. State. 23-C Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad. AT THlE MAJESTIC Edna Mayo, in "The Return of Eve" at the Majestic today, is seen in a role which suits her personality even more than "The Misleading Lady," one of the most popular photo plays ever put before the public. In "The Return of Eve," Miss Mayo plays the part of a girl brought up aloof from the evil of the world and then thrust suddenly among it. How she returns unscathed to her Eden forms the topic for the development of the situations of the play. WHAT'S GOING ON Today 11 o'clock-Dr. Otto Kress speaks in room 303 Chemistry building on "Pulp and Paper Work." 5 o'clock-Senior-junior lit military assembly in University hall. 7 o'clock-Cosmopolitan club meets in room 301 University hall. 4:15 o'clock-South American union Teet ~s in Lane hall. 7:3~0 o'clock-Mr. E. S. Babcox lec- tures under auspices of Tryads in Natural Science building. Caps and Gowns u1 7:30 o'clock-Adelphi house of rep- resentatives meets in University hall. 8 o'clock-Belgian relief meeting in Hill auditorium. Tomorrow 5 o'clock--Sophomore-freshman lit assembly in University hall. 7 o'clock-Major Wright speaks in Hill auditorium on "Camp Activities." 7:30 o'clock - Engineer military smoker at Union. 7:30 o'clock-Ypsilanti Alumni club meets in Newberry hall U-Notices Mr. E. S. Babcox, advertising man- ager of the Firestone Tire and Rub- ber company, will confer with stu- dents wishing to secure employment with this firm at 4 o'clock this after- noon in the office of Prof. I. L. Sharf- man in the Economics ,building. MVajor Wilson requests that all en- gineers report on the east ,walk of the campus at 4:05 o'clock this afternoon to march to Ferry, field. All members of the first unit of the Orders left at once can be filled in time for Swing-Out. r *1 ,.__ Correct costumes for every department. Fine materials ~ Lu and tailoring. Women's Section-Dressmaking Shop-Second Floor Men's Section-Drapery Store-Third Floor. LI ambulance corps will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at Waterman gymnas- ium. The University band will assemble at 7:30 o'clock tonight at Waterman gymniaium, Merry Wives of Windsor" at 7 o'clock tonight in University Hall. Soph lits meet for dril at 4 o'clock today in Waterman gymnasium. Senior lits pay for commencement announcements from 1 to 5 o'clock to- There will be a rehearsal of "IThe I day at the Library.